To Weigh or Not to Weigh......?

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To Weigh or Not to Weigh......?

Post by drswife » Mon May 26, 2008 2:58 pm

Okay so I've been doing NoS for 7 weeks w/ only 1 red and only one extra S day. In some ways it's been amazing. I don't obsess over food anymore, I don't feel lethargic and blah from grazing all day, I enjoy my meals more, I don't feel like a hopeless wreck. Basically, my intense feelings of being out of control around food for the last um...25 years or so has melted away.

Now the downside, I don't think I've lost much weight. I do think my face looks thinner and my upper waist looks thinner, it does seem like my stomach has gone down a bit too, but it's not enough to significantly change the way my clothes fit me so I'm feeling discouraged ever so slightly. I went shopping the other day and still had to shop in the plus sized area. At a size 14, I'm right on the borderline.

Still, 7 weeks isn't all that much right? at 1/2 lb a week that'd only be 3.5 lbs so maybe I am right on target. The question is should I weigh myself? I have been avoiding the scale completely because it has the power to completely devastate me. If I haven't lost anything, I know I'll be completely crushed. I'm afraid I'll throw out all my hard work which is benefiting me way beyond weight lost. On the other hand, if I haven't lost any weight, should I be aware of it so I can try to make some changes?

I haven't started exercising yet but plan to get into a routine this summer. I think I eat pretty well. Sometimes there's a lot on my plate, sometimes not so much. I feel like it's pretty balanced w/ light and heavy foods. I usually don't go completely nuts on the weekends--just a lil. Oh yeah, and I want to lose 50 lbs--my goal is 2 years for this.

so what to do????

Thanks for letting me ramble and would love any advice/ideas.

Linda :)

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Post by xJocelynx87 » Mon May 26, 2008 3:50 pm

Hi, Linda!

First off, nice to meet you. Secondly, I had been doing No-S for only a little longer than you when I gave it up (I have no idea why, I think it was stress). But by doing No-S for two months and exercising 3x/week and walking whenever I can, I had dropped about 12lbs! As far as weighing yourself --- keep it to once per month. Personally, I've been obsessed with the scale for a long time, and it really is terrible for your self-esteem and your progress. Plus, the good thing about weighing only once per month is that you get to see a 'big drop.' I anticipate that by this time next month, I will have lost about 5lbs. (I exercise every day) and I can't wait to see a month of hard work pay off! Doing it this way doesn't allow you to obsess over minor fluctuations. Pick one day per month that you weigh yourself, do it, write it down, and that's it until next month. It sounds like you're doing everything right, so just trust that thet weight will take care of itself.


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Post by resting52 » Tue May 27, 2008 1:29 am

Hey Linda,

You might just want to check out the discussion NoS=NoScale. Both sides of the scale issue have been discussed and Reinhard has weighed in (pun intended) a couple of times.

Best to you on this wonderful journey!


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What to do indeed

Post by MollyMouse » Tue May 27, 2008 1:47 am

Thank you for your encourgment. Its nice to meet you and get your slant on things. Sounds as if you are doing the right things and if you are following the advice you gave me then you are on the right track. I am, as most of us are, geared to losing quickly, and the scale results are how we judge that. I think thats what happened to me. I was able to stay off them for two weeks, and when I did step on them they did not show any weight loss at all, so once again I considered this a huge failure and of course went on an eating frenzy, said this also was not working for me. But how do we stay off the scales? I have no idea, I suppose if we threw them in the garbage and had nothing to base our success and failure on we would be better off. I did not have a great day today, but tomorrow is another day and another try. I am a procrastinator of the biggest kind and that also is not helpfull when it comes to planning meals, and what to take to work for lunches.
We will hang in there together and try and encourge each other. Just think 3.5 lbs off is soooooo much better than on. Yaaaaaah...
aka MollyMouse

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Post by Betty » Tue May 27, 2008 9:04 am


I say, don't weigh yourself! You sound like you've got such a healthy attitude towards food now, and that that is giving you peace. If you know that the scale will influence your mood negatively then just don't do it. Start an exercise program instead.

Just my two cents...Im actually addicted to my scale, so...


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Post by Savita » Tue May 27, 2008 12:57 pm

I also desperately wanted to track changes after having started NoS. When the weighing scale offered no encouragement, I happened to read somewhere that a better thing would be to track waist, hips, upper arms and thighs measurements with a tape. Sometimes, the scales don't change much, maybe because of muscle build-up, but these measurements will show a reduction. Also, of course, over time (in my case, after a couple of months), clothes are looser.

So I suggest keeping a track (I do it once a fortnight) of measurements. It's the boost I wait for...

Hope this helps.


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Post by Amyliz » Tue May 27, 2008 3:24 pm

I agree with Savita about measurements - they can be helpful in several ways. this past weekend i was feeling like i gained weight, and instead of weighing myself i checked my measurements. They were all the same as they have been for weeks, and that was good news. i have a feeling the scale would have told me i gained a few pounds, and even if it was just water weight, it would have been very discouraging.

the other good think about measurements, is that their all yours and based on your body type. somehow i don't feel there's as much pressure on those numbers as the numbers on the scale.

give it a try!

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Post by reinhard » Tue May 27, 2008 3:51 pm

It's a tough call.

I guess, if you're afraid not seeing the right number would unhinge you, put it off. You've gained too much in terms of peace of mind and (at least) weight maintenance to want to risk that. Instead, add some moderate, regular exercise -- this is a good idea no matter what the scale says. Wait 7 more weeks. Go shopping and see what dress size you now need.

If you don't think you'll be able to resist taking a potentially devastating peek at the scale, then brace yourself with some kind of structure. Like: wait till the first of the month. Then allow yourself only a single measurement a day for 3 days. Then wait till next month. This way you limit unpleasant news to three measurements a month, get some kind of objective feedback, and average out erratic swings at least to some degree (3 measurements vs. just 1).

What should you *do* if you find (one way or the other) that you aren't losing weight? Well, if you're eating moderately already (as it sounds like you are), there's nothing more do be done on that end. Start exercising moderately. If you don't think you're eating moderately, there are additional eating behaviors you can layer on to no-s, without sacrificing what you have already and starting over from scratch -- but I'd be very hesitant do do this before trying moderate exercise. It's so much easier and healthier to come at this problem from both directions than just one.

If you don't know where to start in terms of moderate exercise, my suggestion is to base it one some small but precise amount of time every N-day (I do 14 minutes). What you do doesn't matter as long as you do *something.* Focusing on time rather than kind of exercise nips most excuses in the bud, and builds a strong but flexible habit that you can refine as you experiment with different forms of exercise.


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Post by fkwan » Tue May 27, 2008 4:00 pm

I was one of those everyday weighers until I decided to be a Little Braver and limit my scale browsing to once a week. I love it.

I don't have to beat myself up and act like a total b**** to all and sundry every Monday anymore. :)

I don't think I could abandon the scale completely, because I might segway back into terrible habits. I wouldn't want it to get bad enough that my clothes wouldn't fit, or other such cues. :(

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Post by Nichole » Tue May 27, 2008 5:04 pm

I personally weigh in about every other day -- at least once a week. It helps me keep things in check and helps me observe what works (ex. drinking lots of water) and what does not work for me. In college I didn't weigh myself and wore lots of pajama bottoms/sweats and the weight crept up on me. Never again!
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Post by drswife » Wed May 28, 2008 6:59 pm

Thanks for all the great responses.

I've decided not to weigh myself just because I know myself well enough and no it will possibly do more harm than good. My DH always says he never orders a test on a patient w/out aksing "will the results change what were already doing" and "will the results possibly do more harm than good" IE cause stress when there's nothing really to do differently.

I realize that no matter what the results are my plan wouldn't be any different so I'll just stick w/ what I'm doing and keep my happy attitude about myself intact. Right now I'm just trying to keep the habit and in a few weeks I will slowly tweak things w/ the addition of exercise and possibly substitute some lighter foods w/ heavier ones when it doesn't lead to deprivation.

Plus I'm pmsing which means my weight will be on the higher side of the spectrum anyways so definitely not a good time.

thanks for the support and I think I'll just keep on trekking. Boy I *LOVE* this diet!


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Post by Dawn » Wed May 28, 2008 10:26 pm

When you look at someone and are asked how they look. Do you say, "Gee I don't know, what does her scale say"? Or "well that depends, what size are her pants"? Of course not, we just look with our eyes and determine if they look nice or if maybe they could stand to slim down a bit. So why can't we do that to ourselves?

I have leaned so much about myself these past 4 months and getting to the bottom of why I can't just use my reflection as my guide is my next goal. I just think it would be great to truly be happy with how I look and only roughly know what my weight is.

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Re: To Weigh or Not to Weigh......?

Post by Jessies Daughter » Thu May 29, 2008 1:49 am

drswife wrote:Okay so I've been doing NoS for 7 weeks w/ only 1 red and only one extra S day. In some ways it's been amazing. I don't obsess over food anymore, I don't feel lethargic and blah from grazing all day, I enjoy my meals more, I don't feel like a hopeless wreck. Basically, my intense feelings of being out of control around food for the last um...25 years or so has melted away.

Now the downside, I don't think I've lost much weight. I do think my face looks thinner and my upper waist looks thinner, it does seem like my stomach has gone down a bit too, but it's not enough to significantly change the way my clothes fit me so I'm feeling discouraged ever so slightly. I went shopping the other day and still had to shop in the plus sized area. At a size 14, I'm right on the borderline.

Congratulations on 7 weeksI I just passed my 21 day mark on Tuesday so I am striving to go where you have been!

While I do feel like my pants fit a little looser, what works for me is to concentrate on factors other than "weight by the scale" to judge my success.

I figure if I concentrate on all of the other pluses this "No S Thingy" (I refuse to call it a diet. I figure if I can get my brain to accept "Thingy" as a good word with none of the bad conotations of DIET) then 90% of my battle is won and I will be too busy to weigh!!

I concentrate on the fact that I feel better, I sleep better, I have more energy, I have developed a better relationship with food, I enjoy my food more, I have decreased my portion sizes, I have learned to listen to my body and I have begun to control my hunger. I have learned how to keep it real and honest just for me, have broken my habit of "permagrazing, I enjoy walking my dog, I like getting up early and having breakfast in the courtyard, I take the stairs.

I have so many positives to dwell on that I don't particularly think of the scale and I don't particularly look at it as a way to measure how well I am doing.

I BELIVE that if I follow this program and if I do what I am supposed to do, that I will eventually break the bad habits that got me FAT in the first place. As long I as follow the rules, I will eventually be able to lose the weight and keep the weight off.

IF I lose a 3-4 pounds a month fine. If I lose 1-2 pounds a month, fine. If I don't lose any pounds a month, fine. Regardless to whether I lose weight or not I am still a successful No S'er. I am still embracing the lifestyle changes that will eventually get me to my ideal body weight.

I guess I figure, it took years to get where I am now so it may take a while to get to where I want to be. I also figure I may as well enjoy my new found healthe lifestyle while I get there.
I call this a No S “Thingyâ€. I have never been on a successful “Dietâ€. My brain thinks a "Thingy" is a new way of eating food, a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

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Post by wirerat123 » Thu May 29, 2008 2:05 am

Jessies Daughter, I love what you have accomplished, and your overall attitude to this. You are an inspiration! Keep up the excellent work.

I weigh, But I expect fluctuation, some days I'm down 3 pounds, the next I'm up 2, etc etc etc. I don't let it dissapoint, or discourage me.

Do what works for you. If seeing your weight will be more of a motivator, then go for it. If seeing it and little to no change is going to demotivate you, avoid them like the Plague!
SW = 205
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NoS is working for me!

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