
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by janinedog » Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:12 am

Hi! I'm new here. I figured I'd post a little intro.

I found out about the No S Diet accidentally. I was actually browsing in a Borders in an airport while waiting for my connecting flight on Sunday. I happened to see the No S Diet book on the shelf, and the stuff on the cover made me interested. After looking through the book a bit, I decided it sounded interesting enough to buy, so I did.

I just finished reading it today, and I actually started on the diet as of this past Monday (since I was able to start on it pretty much right away...after all, the cover of the book tells you everything you need to know!).

A little about me...my name is Janine, and I'll be 24 in a little over a month. I'm about 5'5" or 5'6", around 145 lb, give or take, and I'm hoping to get down to between 130 and 135 by this time next year, which is most likely when I am getting married. So really only 10-15 pounds, not much. Pretty much all of my excess weight is in my belly/hips, which is what makes it noticeable (at least to me). I have looked at the exercise-related topics on everydaysystems.com, and I plan to partake in those too once I'm more established with the diet (one thing at a time, right?). The Shovelglove in particular looks fun! And besides the actual losing weight part, I'm hoping that things will stick and that I'll have a much healthier lifestyle for the rest of my life.

So anyway, so far things are going well. No snacking and no seconds are the hardest ones for me, but so far I've been successful. No sweets isn't really an issue for me since I don't eat much in the way of sweets anyway (and I stopped drinking soda over a year ago, except in rare cases).

I guess that's it for now. My HabitCal is here, for those who care to follow along. :)

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Post by rose » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:58 am

Personally I think that NoS is a great improvement over "eat whatever whenever" when it comes to having a successful life, and especially a successful marriage and family life. Congratulations and best wishes.
Started NoS Jan 07 at 74.5kg (164 lbs, BMI 26.7)
Stable since Jan 08 at 64kg (141 lbs, BMI 23)
My progress chart

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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:48 pm

Welcome, Janine! Congratulations on your engagement.

I'm always especially happy to hear from people who discovered the book from browsing in a bookstore -- it always seems so tiny and inconspicuous when I check that I get scared no will will ever see it.

No snacking can be tough up front, but once you get rid of the habit you won't miss it a bit. Snacking is more of a nervous tick than a positive pleasure, more of a compulsion than a temptation.

Nice habitcal so far!


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Post by BrightAngel » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:23 pm

reinhard wrote: No snacking can be tough up front,
but once you get rid of the habit you won't miss it a bit.
Snacking is more of a nervous tick than a positive pleasure,
more of a compulsion than a temptation.

I pray that this proves to be true for me. Image
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by CrazyCatLady » Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:25 am

Welcome, JanineDog! I am close to your height, and would LOVE to be down to that weight! :D

I think it is wonderful that you found No S to help you learn healthy eating, and a way to maintain longterm. I came into it decades and pounds later, but will enjoy sharing the journey with you as we learn together!

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Post by Laff » Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:34 am

Wishing you success on this new journey. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage.
Gotta smile. Laff

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:55 am



www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by gingercake » Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:43 am

Welcome! I'm pretty new, too, at the end of my first week. The hardest part for me is around 4pm - 6pm, because I'm truly hungry (whereas other snack times were more about boredom). But, I know I'm not going to starve to death and there's nothing wrong with being hungry. And, the seconds thing can be a challenge at dinner because, well, I'm a damn good cook! :D I was thinking last night that I'm going to see a difference in the grocery bill pretty soon, here, as I'm literally eating about 1/3 to 1/2 the food I used to at dinner. More leftovers means more stuff to take for lunch the next day, etc. Anyway, I think you have a great and reasonable goal.

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:39 am

I was thinking last night that I'm going to see a difference in the grocery bill pretty soon, here, as I'm literally eating about 1/3 to 1/2 the food I used to at dinner. More leftovers means more stuff to take for lunch the next day, etc.
gingercake, you are right on the money! :D

i have saved so much $$$$$$$$ on no S I bought paint to redo an entire room, and have hired a personal trainer.... this instead of spending it on eating too many snacks, sweets, and seconds that I OBVIOUSLY don't need :D

www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by janinedog » Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:27 am

Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! And thanks for the congratulations, too...it's only been 2 weeks since my now-fiance proposed to me, so it's still pretty crazy feeling!

I've made it through the first week. Granted, my Monday was an S day (since it was the day we celebrated our 7 year dating anniversary), but the rest of this week I've been good! All green, yay. Then some nice S days before it's time to start again next week. :)

It's actually not been as bad as I thought it might be. I definitely do get hungry in that 4-6 PM range than gingercake mentioned, but I'm able to resist the temptation of the office fridge. I also used to eat string cheese on my train ride home from work every day, and I've managed to keep away from that, too.

I do know that I'm eating large (single) portions still, and I do need to work on that. It's difficult because I eat leftovers (generally pasta of some sort) straight out of the tupperware bowl that it's stored in, which is larger than a normal sized bowl. So I need to just suck it up and use more dishes so I can resist the urge to eat too much.

Anyway, things are looking up! I'm glad to have this support group to talk with about this. :D

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Post by Jessies Daughter » Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:07 pm

janinedog wrote: I do know that I'm eating large (single) portions still, and I do need to work on that. It's difficult because I eat leftovers (generally pasta of some sort) straight out of the tupperware bowl that it's stored in, which is larger than a normal sized bowl. So I need to just suck it up and use more dishes so I can resist the urge to eat too much. :D
I make dinner special, even if it is leftovers. I arrange all of my food on ONE 9" paper plate and I use a china plate as a charger.

I set the table. Sometimes a table cloth, all of the time the "good" silverware, candlelignt, music. I take my time to eat and I am finding that the big production I make of the meal makes the meal more satisfying and that I am rarely hungry after dinner any more.
I call this a No S “Thingyâ€. I have never been on a successful “Dietâ€. My brain thinks a "Thingy" is a new way of eating food, a LIFESTYLE CHANGE.

HabitCal: http://everydaysystems.com/habitcal/vie ... &t=NoSDiet

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Post by Shirls » Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:47 pm

Hello and welcome Janine :D I hope you visit these forums frequently because the friendliness and motivation are amazing. As are the generosity and involvement of Reinhard - do have a listen to his podcasts.
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Post by CatholicCajun » Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:50 pm

Welcome! There are a lot of wonderful people on this board. God Bless!
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Post by kccc » Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:17 pm

Welcome, Janine!

Don't worry about portion size too much yet - get the basics down first. Or, if you do put stuff on a plate to "see" it, don't worry if it looks like a lot.

I found that one big plate ends up being less than the dainty portion I used to take ... twice. (Not to mention all the snacking.) So, just focus on other stuff first. And you may find that the portion issue gradually takes care of itself, as you become confident that "I really won't starve before the next meal."

Congrats on your upcoming wedding. If you start to get stressed out, remember that if you're married at the end of the day, it's a success - whatever else happens. (Advice from my husband when we were in wedding-mode 17+ years ago. He's a smart man.)

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Post by blueskighs » Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:20 pm

I found that one big plate ends up being less than the dainty portion I used to take ... twice. (Not to mention all the snacking.)

Excellent point!

www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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