Trying to get back on track.

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Trying to get back on track.

Post by angelka71 » Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:19 am

About a month ago I lost my grandfather very suddenly. We had a family cook out, all was well but "Papa" left a little early b/c it was about to storm and he wanted to beat the weather. Literally 10 minutes after he left, I decided to leave too...2 blocks away at a gas station I noticed an ambulance and fire trucks parked around his car. To make a long story short, he pulled into the gas station and was found slumped over his steering wheel unresponsive. The hospital felt it was a heart arrhythmia.

We were extremely close; he and my grandmother raised me (she passed away 13 years ago) so needless to say his passing has been very difficult for me.

For days I could barely eat anything but once my appetite came back I started binging again...a huge setback for me.

Anyways, my husband decided it may be a good idea to take the kids and get away for a few days. He was was so nice to take the focus off my grief for a little while and focus on my kids having a good time.

The only negative aspect was looking at some of the pictures of myself and realizing again how overweight I am. I look horrible! LOL! But, in some wierd way I took this as a good sign that I'm slowly starting to pull myself out of the funk I've been least I cared how I look which is in itself an improvement.

Now we're back home and I'm ready to get back on track and back to no s-ing. If it was any other diet in the world there's no way I could do it. But No S is so easy that I don't have to put alot of effort into it...I'm so NOT in the frame of mind to count calories or carbs or points.

Just wanted to check back in and give myself a new start date. Looking forward to it.

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Post by JillyBean » Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:12 pm

Welcome back, Angelka!

The food I eat today is my choice! What price am I willing to pay?

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Post by OrganicGal » Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:49 pm

Good to see you back, so sorry about your dear Grandfather. Keep taking good care of yourself as you grieve...and No S is one easy way to do that. :)
Creating and sustaining the No S habits are the only thing that will take me in the direction I want to go!

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Post by kccc » Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:02 pm

I am so sorry for your loss.

Do be very gentle with yourself as you resume "regular life." I feel that grief often comes in waves... and like waves, it's important to ride them out. Each one will be less intense, until you're left with a gentle memory. (Resist them and they'll drag you under.) Just give yourself some slack because you're dealing with a lot.

On No-S, start over at the beginning. Remember to make N-day meals good ones, that are satisfying and that you look forward to, and work on reestablishing habit. Don't expect quick fixes - just focus on process.

Best wishes and hugs.

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:06 pm


glad you are back and terribly sorry to hear about your loss and its suddeness. :(

be gentle with yourself and you're right, NO S is the best way to go, if you can stick with it it will probably help you get through your greif process, which I imagine will at moments be horrifically painful.

Your husband had a great idea to go away and have fun with your kids. Balance all that out as much as you can and you will be ok. There is no way to replace the ones we have lost, but greiving is healing and in the end, what a wonderful person to have had in your life and sounds like you two had a special connection,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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