being sick

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being sick

Post by gingercake » Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:51 pm

So I've been sick for nearly a week with various things (long story). I've found myself sticking to No S habits anyway, without really thinking about it, which really means it's a habit I guess. I did drink a lot more fruit juice (mostly diluted with water - I don't love juice) all day to stay hydrated and manage my symptoms, but that's been the only difference. And my meals haven't been as balanced...I'm just eating for whatever's easy and allows me to get back in bed quickly.

The only thing that was kind of a weird negative on the habit front was that I was annoyed at all the non-green squares on my exercise, and I went to the gym one day and did a hard workout when I really wasn't recovered enough to work out, and that set me back in my recovery. Perfectionism strikes again!

I had no interest in snacks or sweets today. I had a few chocolate covered espresso beans after lunch but they weren't all that exciting, so my weekend so far has felt very N-day-ish. I wanted to bake cookies this weekend but I'm not up to it yet and shouldn't do it just because I can. Maybe next weekend.

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Post by 3aday » Sun Jun 29, 2008 2:15 am

I hope you feel better soon!
You know, overtime as No S habits build, sometimes S days can seem very Nish. That is OK too.
For me, giving myself permission to eat foods that I had deprived myself of for a long time, also gives me permission to not eat them if I don't feel like it.
Just knowing I can sometimes is enough for me!
But it all balances out.
Some S days are without fanfare and some are very decadent!
I hope you enjoy the cookies next weekend!

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Post by blueskighs » Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:14 pm


get well soon, and I understood that urge to "exercise" even though it is too soon, oh well, progress ..........

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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