
No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by Reineres » Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:57 pm

Hello everyone, today is my 21st day on my journey of discovery. I have trouble saying diet because the NOSDIET is not like any other fad diets I've read about. No, I have never been on any of the diets you hear about. I've always thought they were to cumbersome to maintain for any length of time. Plus I've worked with people and know friends that have tried them all and failed.
As of June the 10th I've lost 3lbs now at 192 lbs from 195 lbs. I do not weight myself everyday, because I don't trust scales as there is a rise and dip everyday in our weight. The last time I was on a scale was on 06/24 at 192 lbs, and the very last time was on 05/28 and my weight was 202 lbs. If this is correct I've lost 10 lbs since 05/28, but this date is two weeks before I started on my journey and my eating habits didn't change till 06/10.
I have three meals a day, have had no snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Even this past Saturday was a green day. What I've discovered about myself is that I'm not a snacker and if I do snack its because of stress, anxious, boredom, or sad/depressed. Call it comfort food, or self-hate food. Either or it leads to one thing, you get fat then your health starts to go. You eat to fill an empy heart or fill up a big hole in your life. I realize that hole isn't getting smaller, but the rest of you is getting bigger.
Have I had the urge for snacking or having sweets. No. I've had the opportunity during working hours and off hours from work. I say to myself YOU'LL SPOIL YOUR APPETTITE. When starting on this journey I realize the last time I heard these words was from my mother 45 years ago. You don't hear these words of wisdom anymore. Many I've talked to about the Nosdiet have also not heard these words anymore nor use it themselves.
I do have a sweet tooth, not much for candy, or ice-cream, but a weakness for cakes especially the creamy types. Did I go crazy on the S days, or during the week I couldn't wait for the week-end? No. What is so wonderful about this plan is that you know you can have it or any kind of food. DEPRIVATION DOES NOT EXIST.

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:56 pm

It IS just wonderful, isn't it?!? And GREAT JOB on sticking to the habits! :D

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Post by CatholicCajun » Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:06 pm

Congratulations on your successes!!! God BLess.
Je'sus, j'Ai Confiance dans Vous

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Post by Reineres » Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:38 pm

thank you so much Crazycat lady :D

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:17 pm

Congratulations, Reineres! This is wonderful news -- both in terms of results and your attitude.

Some teaser content from the book on those lost bits of maternal wisdom:

From page 148:
Old- Fashioned Excuses for Virtue

We’re all too familiar with excuses for failure (genes,
cravings, stress, depression, social pressure), but there
are plenty of excuses for success in the repertoire too.
They’re a little dusty but very compelling. Keep them in
mind for social situations in which people are consum-
ing S foods all around you (seconds, snacks, sweets).

If someone offers you seconds, say, “No thanks, I’ve
had plenty. I’m full.†If someone offers you snacks or
sweets between meals, say, “No thanks. I don’t want
to spoil my appetite.â€

Remember how worried our mothers used to be about
us “spoiling our appetites� We used to hear phrases like
that all the time. They’re almost quaint and nostalgic
now. Let’s bring them back and make excuses something

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Post by Reineres » Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:14 pm

:D Thank you so very much CatholicCajun and Reinhard. Its so wonderful we can support and encourage one another on this process/journey. Reinhard I think you'll enjoy a situation that happened yesterday in the subject of spoiling our appetite.
One of my co-workers was walking around the office offering Bing Cherries. She came in my office handed me a beautiful bowel of cherries that she had just purchased at a local farmers market.
I started to reach out for some and caught myself and stopped. I told her no thank you. She asked me if I was allergic to cherries? I said no, I don't want to spoil my appetite. She asked me if I hadn't had lunch yet? I said yes about an hour ago and was full. She asked me when I was planning to have dinner? I told her about 6 or 4 pm. She screamed and said THATS ABOUT FIVE HOURS FROM NOW!!!!
I said I was aware of that but I don't want to spoil my appetite and thank you for offering such beautiful cherries. Poor thing just walked away shaking her head.
One thing I learned from this is that we have been condition that fruit and veges are good for us and its ok to eat between meals. Thats why I reached out for some but I caught myself. Yes, fruits and veges are good for us. But why have it between meals, they end up as token snacks. Reinhard I think you mentioned about token eating in your book?
So for dinner that evening I had two chicken apple sausages, lots of papaya and yes some cherries.

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Post by MoTappin » Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:06 pm

Great post. Thank you!

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Post by Mavilu » Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:49 pm

Congrats, Reineres, it sounds like you've gained knowledge about yourself, as well, which is always good to hear.

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Post by Reineres » Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:28 pm

:D Thank you MoTappin and Mavilu. I wish you both success in the NOSDIET journey.

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:43 pm


Congratulations on your 21 days!

Also, I am learning to take some and save it for later, a lot of time this works good, i.e. thank you so much, can i take some and eat it later, I am not hungry right now. A lot of the times this works well.

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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Post by Reineres » Thu Jul 03, 2008 2:30 pm

:D Thank you Blueskighs. I had the opportunity to put into practice what you said. A co-worker came by with a peach which I kindly accepted and said to her that I was going to have it on my salad for dinner.
I actually enjoy holding and looking at the beauty of peaches. Their color, texture and fragrance. I guess because I'm an artist at heart?
I was wondering if you or anyone that can be reading this post have told family, friends and co-workers of being on the NoSDiet and have received looks and comments of skepticism? Or polite disbelief? There is one co-work that have seen my weight loss and is thinking of following the plan or as she said a modified version. I think having seconds is her weakness, but she is also on Weight Watchers.

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Post by kccc » Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:04 pm

Congrats on your success - both your success at sticking to habit and at kindly negotiating well-meaning "food pushers."

(Aside on that... I tend to "gush" a bit at them, because I don't want to refuse the good intent along with the food. "Oh, how nice of you! That looks lovely... I just had lunch and am stuffed, so I'll save it for later...Thank you so much." If you tell people that their home-baked goods "look delicious" or "smell wonderful," they often feel appreciated even if you don't taste a bite!)

In answer to your question... I have told some people, not others. Some I tell in a roundabout way, as in "I only eat sweets on weekends... that just works better for me" or "I'm not much for snacking these days."

Mostly, I plan my meals, and use generic excuses when I need to. ("Maybe later..." - later need not ever come.) One of the things I LOVE about No-S is that it's easy to eat out with folks without making a big fuss. It's actually not that hard most of the time. (Well, not socially hard, anyway - it can be hard for me to resist!)

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Post by blueskighs » Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:23 am

I don't tell too many, actually my husband is probably the only one I told specifically. I have mentioned to one friend I hang out with that I keep my chai teas for weekend, and she just kind of accepted it with no questions asked, which of course I thought was very interesting. :D

as time goes by, IF PEOPLE ASK ME, I will tell them, but at this point in my life I tend to not say much off the cuff,

Blueskighs Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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