Sugar is Making me Sick

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Sugar is Making me Sick

Post by cvmom » Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:02 pm

Well Folks, I never thought it could happen!

But, Sugar and my body aren't really getting along anymore. Its so weird, because Sugar has been one of my best buddies for years.

Yesterday was a borderline Idiot S day. We went to a picnic and there were all kinds of cookies. Fresh. Homemade. Chocolate Toffee, Oatmeal raisen, etc. And so I enjoyed them without guilt.

But, later, that night I felt cranky and sleepy.

And, this morning, I really didn't feel awake until about 11am. (After exercising.)

I feel that my body is not really liking this stuff much anymore. Knowing my perfectionist mind, I can't say that I'll never eat sugar again. But, honestly, on a Monday like this, I don't want to look at anything sweet ever again.

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Post by vmelo » Tue Jul 22, 2008 12:58 am

Well, I'm not anywhere close to feeling as you do about sugar (wish I was!), but I have experienced some of the effects that you wrote about. I haven't eaten sweets for about two weeks (I'm doing another type of diet to lose weight more quickly, and I'll be using No-S for maintenance). Prior to that, I was really going overboard: I even ate a peanut butter ice-cream sundae for dinner one night, to give you an example. I teach, so I have the summer off, and every afternoon I would get really tired and have to take a two-hour nap. Since I've been off the sweets these past two weeks, though, I really haven't felt tired. My naps have been few. I'm thinking there must be some connection there.

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Post by cvmom » Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:28 am

Thanks for the response. Yes, there is so much that sugar probably does to our bodies. I do believe that when I eat sugar then I want more. But, then I get those highs and lows.

I feel like a different person tonight after having three healthy meals today. :D

Oh, and I have eaten sundaes for dinner many times! I don't think its odd in the slightest. :wink:

And, hey, today is Monday. I'm sure by Thursday or Friday will have amnesia about my sickly experience.

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Post by blueskighs » Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:37 am

I have struggled with sugar almost my entire life, if I eat too much it does make me feel really AWFUL!

No S has been the ONLY way I have been able to reach any level of manageability with sugar.

I tried to QUIT sugar many times for over 20 years. I was never successful for more than 14 months.

No S is helping me tame the sugar beast.

Right now I believe I will have more long term success with modest amounts than none at all, but that is for me, as I have simply been unsuccessful staying off sugar for the long haul.

Also I have refused to use any chemical artificial sweetners for many years as they give me headaches, etc. and make me feel worse "strung out" than sugar does

The past three or so weekends got wacky on my S days and I finally realized the one before last I was eating MORE sugar because I wasn't really enjoying it,

this weekend i cut back to just my chai tea lattes and had donuts one morning and no other sweets, it was a really nice weekend!

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:32 pm

I still love sugar :-)

More than before, I think.

But it doesn't tempt me when it isn't allowed.

And I'm thrilled to hear no-s is helping people navigate more complex and problematic relationships to sugar!


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Post by Mavilu » Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:16 am

I dug up this thread, because today I decided that my treat would be something that I haven't had in a loooong time: Nature Valley Sweet and Crunchy Cashew Bars; whenever I would buy a box of these, I would just eat them all in one day, so, long before NoS I decided they were a no-no.
Well, I just had one... "boy, I don't remember them being this sweet...", I had another one and after I finished it, I Had Quite Enough.
I'm reeling from the excessive sweetness; it would give me a headache to have another today, in fact, I think I'm done with the sweet stuff for the day.

From an entire box (eight bars I think) in one day to two bars being much more than enough.
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Post by Betty » Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:37 pm

I had an idiotic day yesterday, close to binge conditions :oops: -- nevertheless, over the whole day I could only eat 5 cookies when before Id eat the whole bag. My tolerance for sweets is sooo much lower.
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Re: Sugar is Making me Sick

Post by vcanfield » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:06 pm

cvmom wrote:Well Folks, I never thought it could happen!

But, Sugar and my body aren't really getting along anymore. Its so weird, because Sugar has been one of my best buddies for years.

Yesterday was a borderline Idiot S day. We went to a picnic and there were all kinds of cookies. Fresh. Homemade. Chocolate Toffee, Oatmeal raisen, etc. And so I enjoyed them without guilt.

But, later, that night I felt cranky and sleepy.

And, this morning, I really didn't feel awake until about 11am. (After exercising.)

I feel that my body is not really liking this stuff much anymore. Knowing my perfectionist mind, I can't say that I'll never eat sugar again. But, honestly, on a Monday like this, I don't want to look at anything sweet ever again.
I live it ! I love sugar, but it does not love me back. As I have gotten older sugar does ugly things to how I feel. Even on S days I will have to be very careful about not using too much real sugar. I suggest you learn to make some treats with erythritol. I love the stuff. All natural, no aftertaste, no bathroom problems like sugar alcohols, no calories, no tooth decay and best of all no insulin spikes. I wish more people knew about it. Here is where I buy mine ... bag-1.aspx

If you buy it at the store it is astronomically expensive. It is only 70% as sweet as sugar so you have to use more or add a drop or two of bottled stevia. Also, it does not have all the same qualities of sugar (stickiness, turning into a syrup and others), so it takes some use to baking with. But, it works fine for shakes, cakes, cookies, etc. Good Luck.

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