Low sugar shakes!

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Hungry Girl
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Low sugar shakes!

Post by Hungry Girl » Sun Jul 27, 2008 3:22 am

I have been drinking the H2orange for a couple of days and then forgot to take my water/juice bottle out shopping with me. i got an attack of low blood sugar shakes in the middle of Kohls department store which caused me to rush to Starbucks for a chocolate banana shake (at least 350 calories worth!) Has anyone eslse experienced the low blood sugar shaking?

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:29 pm

Only occasionally. I would suggest that even the H2Orange is not meant to replace meals that are too small...maybe look at what you had for breakfast, and try to make it something with more staying power. I'm glad you got something to combat the shakes. Too bad you can't get the same healthy choices we have at home when you are out and about! But I hope you enjoyed the Starbucks just the same!

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H2Orange--not a miracle solution to replace real food

Post by la_loser » Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:53 pm

I would definitely agree with CrazyCatLady. . . unless you know you really had your appropriate number of SQUARE MEALS prior to your shake-a-thon, I'd be willing to bet you probably need to bump up your intake. For those of us have that ingrained "this can't possibly work if I don't punish myself" mindset, I find I have to be careful not to skimp too much on my one plate per meal. Fill that albeit smaller plate with real food and enjoy.

The H2Orange won't substitute for real nutrition. And remember Reinhard believes that 100% juice or other drinks with calories (that wouldn't be considered a sweet as such) are totally ok.

Now, if you did indeed have a full plate of food for your previous meal (don't know what time of day this occurred-morning or afternoon?). . .hmmm, I dunno. Some help I am! Sorry!

Hopefully it won't happen again but if it does, maybe try a beverage for your solution.

And gosh, I see a painful negative here--you had to interrupt a shopping expedition at Kohl's! I love that store! Hope you got to go back to search for some more bargains! :lol:

L A Loser
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You Guys are too funny!

Post by Hungry Girl » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:16 pm

I think I had an acceptable breakfast but I had it very early after a sleepless night. My normal breakfast is 1 cup of home made instant latte with 100% fat free milk. Also I had 2 whole wheat waffes with 2 teaspoons peach reserve. But I ate it all very early. By 10:30am I needed a snack! There I was in Kohls having a sugar meltdown!

Today is an S day as it is Sunday , but tomorrow I am going to try very hard to get back on the program. You guys are a great help! Thanks :)
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:35 am

Hi Hungry girl :)
That breakfast sounds pretty good and similar to what I would have.
Maybe as an extra suggestion (if not already suggested here) add an egg or a little cheese or nuts for some protein.
Even though it may seem filling your breakfast is almost all carbs besides the milk, so some protein will help level out your energy longer.
Good luck and have a good week!
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Post by Betty » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:08 am

Hungry Girl,

As a hypoglycemic I am very well aquainted with the sugar shakes, as you so appropriately name them. I can eat tons of calories at a meal, but if they aren't the right calories, watch out! And breakfast calories are, for me, the most important. If they aren't right, the whole day is a mess.

Here's my take on your breakfast (from my perspective, of course, everyone seems to react differently to foods :wink: ):

A latte is fine, but caffine can interfere with blood sugar, so you might want to switch to decaf. For more holding power, use 2% milk.

When I was in America this summer (Ive been living abroad for the past 8 years) I noticed how sweet everything was, especially the bread products. If your waffle wasn't homemade, I would check the nutrition information. Eggos with preserves are kind of like eating cake, and I could see them messing with your blood sugar in the morning.

Don't forget your H2Orange!


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H2Orange versus H2Water!

Post by Hungry Girl » Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:50 pm

HI Everyone!

Am I imagining this, or is is my H2Orange actually making me want more sugar? I have noticed my appetite stirring after a couple of sips of H2Orange, althoug it is very refreshing and a good way to stay hydrated. Maybe I should stick to H2Water? :?

Also, I am not sure how to start a blog, so bought a Jane Austen journal and have started journaling the old fashioned way!

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sugar cravings?

Post by la_loser » Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:03 pm

Gosh, I don't know. It doesn't have that effect on me but everyone is different so I don't know. It's just a tool I learned on another plan. Certainly you will have to experiment for yourself. I know it's not SUPPOSED to do that . . . part of that plan actually emphasized the H2Orange as a way to squelch sugar cravings.

However, remember that Reinhard says real juice is ok so maybe you should try full strength juice instead to see if that would satify you--then you could keep hydrated with the H2Orange--or maybe make your H2Orange a little more orange juice than water (like 2 to 6 ratio or 3 to 5 ratio? instead of the 1 to 7 parts radio.)

I'm in the midst of making a couple of gallons of various flavors for my week right now!
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H2Orange versus H2Water!

Post by Hungry Girl » Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:55 pm


I am sticking with the H2Orange and everythime I feel hungry keep having another gulp! I think I am working through the hungry phase!

Thanks for you help


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Post by CrazyCatLady » Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:43 am

I have heard that artificial sweeteners can cause blood sugar problems. I also heard that they can cause more cravings. The theory seems to be that they make your body think that it is getting that amount of sugar....

I'm sure everyone is different. And I bet time will tell you if the H2Orange is a good idea for you or not! :)

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Post by kccc » Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:32 pm

I am firmly against artificial sweeteners. (Disclaimer and explanation: this is for myself only - if you swear by them, by all means have at it! But I really feel that I do better when "sweet counts as sweet" no matter HOW it's sweetened, and if I'm doing that, why not have the real thing? Plus, after being off them a long time, I can now discern a chemically taste to artificial sweeteners that is pretty icky to me.)

Long digression to explain why I wouldn't do the Crystal Light version of H2Orange... I did try it with just OJ, and it was okay but not particularly exciting. Mildly flavored water. Okay, but I like putting slices of real fruit in better.

I do think that everyone IS different in how they react, and expect that some people will LOVE this and some will not find it helpful. One of the most wonderful things about No-S (and this board) is that it allows for such individual variation.

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Post by reinhard » Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:29 pm

No-s gives you plenty of wiggle room to counter real, physical hunger without breaking the rules. 100% fruit juice has PLENTY of sugar. Whole milk has plenty of fat (and protein). You can legitimately reach for either. You can even institute a fourth (mini-) meal if you feel you need to and can handle the extra guard-duty against excess.

Best of luck,


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Sticking to the plan-with OR without fake sugar!

Post by la_loser » Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:28 pm

KCCC, you are right--everyone is different. I've used artificial sweeteners so long I truly do not like the taste of any beverage sweetened with real sugar! I have a friend who simply can't take any thing with Nutrasweet because she gets terrible headaches with it. I, on the other hand, can use even saccharine with no problems--have done so ever since I was a Twiggy look-a-like in high school 40 years ago! I do prefer Splenda in my coffee though.

I have considered Reinhard and others' preference for no fake sugars but as they do not lead me to overindulge other foods/falsely lead me to eat more of something else instead, I continue to use them since he seemed to think that could be a problem. I do have milk or fruit juice as well when I need it.

The original version of the H2Orange is made of course without the Crystal Light--I just don't drink as much if it doesn't have that flavoring.

It's important to remember that Reinhard stresses that fruit juices are not a problem anyway so for those who need that little bump during the day and who don't handle the Crystal Light well, just do that.

I just know that for me, it works well and that more than a couple of health care folks have endorsed it. . .for me--you just have to find what works for you.

I think it's more important to get the habits down and not always rely on the H2Orange as a substitute for snacks. I think I may have implied that in earlier posts. We still have to get our bodies used to having three meals a day with no S's. . . I just use it as small tool to help me drink my liquids in a more palatable way and if it gets me past a mid-morning or afternoon slump, that's great. But it's not like my N days go crazy if I don't have it.

Along that line, I have another "secret weapon" that really keeps me going. My disclaimer--yes it has fake sugar plus a little real sugar--and caffeine--but it's always been my "get me through the day" solution-and it doesn't lead me down a bad path either as far as wanting other foods. It is a Sonic Route 44 Diet Coke with Cherry. Ah, I can nurse one of those all day long. If you don't have a Sonic Drive-in, you may not understand. . . it's a 44 oz. diet coke with a small shot of cherry flavoring, lots of crushed ice--a la the old days when we ordered cherry cokes and vanilla cokes. When my son was little, he dubbed it my Sonic Tonic. I don't have them on a regular basis, but yum. I'm not much of a coffee drinker so I guess this is my substitute.

Once upon a time, I took a new job that was much more attractive because I could see a Sonic Drive-in from my new office! How silly is that!? (That was when, by the way, at a very stable weight-much lower than I am currently!)

Anyway-to each his/her own to find the right beverage for you and your body. As I've written this, I started second-guessing myself. "maybe I shouldn't drink the H2Orange" "maybe I should cut out all fake sugar" --then I woke up and realized--I have to keep doing what is working FOR ME!

Finally, I want to be clear that my mentions of H2Orange have not been intended to make them an end-all, be-all part of No S. Obviously No S and Reinhard's plan are the only real substance of this wonderfully simple lifestyle. I just use as a tool in my toolbox of tips to help me to succeed!
(Like others suggest various brands of oatmeal or whatever!)

Have a great Tuesday--fake sugar or not! I see that while I was writing this long post that Reinhard has added to this topic. Thanks, Reinhard for the positive comments and for your cutting to the heart of the matter!
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Post by kccc » Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:06 pm

LALoser... hope I didn't sound too critical. I thought it was nice of you to offer something you found helpful to others on the list, although it's not to my personal taste. :)

There's a LOT of room for individual variation within the general guidelines of No-S. The more options are available, the more people can try different things and see how each option works for them. I really like that, because I DO think that people are genuinely different.

And learning to listen to your own body is one of the very positive "side-effects" of No-S.

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No offense taken, I assure you!

Post by la_loser » Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:56 pm


No, I wasn't feeling criticized! I just wanted to push the NO S philosophy back to the forefront of the discussion!

Guess we're like the song--"You say to-mae-to, I say to-mah-to" . . . but we just won't call the whole thing off! :lol:
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Post by Reineres » Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:49 pm

Hi everyone, I'm finding these post very interesting and helpful. Has anyone ever tried a cantaloupe and watermelon drink? As a person with Spanish/filipino heritage its a drink I grew up with. Easy to make. Cut up the melon and put it in the blender, some H20 and sugar to taste or no sugar and let it spin. You can leave the pulp in if you want which I do. Real refreshing.
An update on my progress since starting on this journey June 10th if memory serves. I'm loosing a half pound to 1 pound a week. Walking 10,000 or more steps is helping a lot. I'm about to start shovelgloving and purchased a sledge hammer. When I brought the hammer to the sales counter and the staff asked what I was going to do with such a menacing implement? I said that it was for protection. The staff laughed. I thought about my response while I was walking home and realize. Yes, I was protecting myself from bad habits. :D

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Post by smills » Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:06 am

what is h2orange

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Post by la_loser » Wed Aug 06, 2008 1:50 am

H2Orange is a drink that I use and have shared the concept with others that is explained in the post below. Since then others have commented on it on that thread and in a number of other topics as well. I really like it and have had nothing but positive results from it.

H2Orange-- A STRATEGY TO AVOID URGE FOR SNACKS first posted on June 20.


I did a quick search through the Everyday systems site for H2Orange and here is the result. Each of these posts refers to it at some point:

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Good luck.
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I get the shakes too

Post by vcanfield » Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:12 pm

I have hypoglycemia and I get the shakes when I have been eating badly. Sugar/processed carbs/ not enough fat or protein can send me into a crash. Oh, caffeine does that also. Make sure you are getting enough fat and proteins as well as some carbs, better if they are not so processed. I have also read fake sugars can trick your body into releasing insulin and causing a crash. Good Luck

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