First Lesson Learned!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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First Lesson Learned!

Post by mommycat » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:09 pm

I have tried every diet imaginable with little success, as they are so hard to stick to in the real world, so I was delighted to discover No S. I bought the book a week ago, and it just makes so much sense. I'm over 50 and grew up (thin to underweight as a child) eating just like this, three meals a day, no snacks - well, my family was of the school that a meal wasn't a meal without dessert, but when I was young my metabolism was faster.

Anyway, I did great the first two days, then on the third day I had breakfast at home as usual ("adult" cereal with milk and a black coffee), but when I arrived at work I found it was someone's birthday and they had brought in McDonald's breakfast burritos and hashbrowns. Breakfasts, snacks and treats are frequent events in my office and there is a lot of pressure to go along with the group.

So I decided it was still manageable, after all it did fit on a plate, and I could call it lunch. However, it would have been cold and nasty by lunch time so I ate it when everyone else did, around 9:30.

Unfortunately I had a doctor's appointment after work so it was 6:30 before I got supper. Reinhard says one or two drinks a day are fine on this diet, and I usually have a glass of wine or two with supper so I have continued this - usually it's at home, WITH dinner, not before. This meal was at a restaurant though, so the wine came before the food and on an empty stomach it made me crave sweets. I ended up with half a pint of Ben & Jerry's for dessert at home (bad, but less than I normally would have had in the circumstances).

Lesson learned - the three meals have to be spaced out reasonably!

Anyone else have a good "first failure" story?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:35 pm

Welcome and good luck to you!
I don't really remember a first failure story, so much as an overall pattern for my first year, which was about one unplanned failure a week..
So I wasn't the ideal Nosser, with this many failures, but combined with about three days a week exercise, I ended up losing about 17 lbs in a year.
I reckon that without NoS, I'd probably have gained an extra 20 or 30 lbs going the way I had prior to finding it, so that in itself was a huge blessing.

Your first failure doesn't seem too extreme :)
Good luck figuring out what works for you as far as spacing out and timing your meals.
Peace and Love

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Post by resting52 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:43 pm


You will be surprised and amazed at all the things you discover as you eat within the mindfulness of NoS. It is life changing.


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