only 10 lbs to lose

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only 10 lbs to lose

Post by cheryl » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:24 pm

does the no s diet work for the last 10 pounds?

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Post by Kathleen » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:32 pm

Ask blueskighs!

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Post by winnie96 » Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:36 am

My feeling is that No-S is the absolute best approach to losing the last 10 pounds. I lost about 50 lbs on Weight Watchers, but that's a diet and as such, I suspect that I would regain some portion of the weight if I kept that as my approach for the rest of my life. Finding a long-term approach to maintaining the weight loss is the key -- the diet mentality will get you so far in terms of weight loss, but what you have to come to grips with is how you can (happily) live life going forward, and to me, no diet plan addresses that ongoing the way No-S does.

For my last 10 pounds (and I've lost 3 of those so far), for me, using No-S is way more likely to (a) get the pounds off (albeit very slowly), and (b) give me a approach to food and eating that I can use, and more importantly, enjoy, going forward.

Let me be clear -- I am not in any way denigrating WW. It is a wonderful program that totally worked for me. I am a Lifetime Member, and go to a meeting each week. But it is a diet mentality, which I'm not sure I could sustain. What I mean to say is that although I've used other systems to get to where I wanted to be, I always regained the weight, in part because the "diet" never really addressed my relationship with food.

I believe that combining the nutrition and habits that I have learned from WW with the No-S approach will, over time, enable me not only to lose the last 10 pounds, but give me a framework for continuing a rational relationship with food for the rest of my life.

So in response to your question "Does the No-S diet work for the last 10 pounds", so far it has worked for me for 3 of the "Last 10", but I have every confidence that when the remaining 7 lbs are gone, I'll be able to keep the weight off and continue on with my life with a new, improved relationship with food.

I've been up and down for most of my life (4th time at WW) -- the difference with using No-S is HUGE! And it's fun! And you get such great support from this forum! (And if you need to get a fun exercise routine going, Shovelglove is just The Best!)

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Post by howfunisthat » Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:31 pm

I'm no expert....I am not down to my last 10 pounds, but confident that I'm going to be, and I'm also confident that the only way I'll get those last 10 off is by continuing on this plan. I've tried dozens of diets and none of them, IMO, is sustainable for life. I'm able to continue this way of eating because I am not merely dieting, I'm eating like a healthy person...I'm eating like a thin person...and I don't feel as if I'm deprived doing so. I'll use this to get those last 10 pounds off...and I'll use this to maintain my weight for the rest of my life. Yup, I know I'm not there yet, but to me, this plan is the answer and I'm going to be an "after" picture...

Nothing worthwhile is ever easy...

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