Typical menu?

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Typical menu?

Post by MB » Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:32 am

OK I have a few questions to help me get on track again. I posted earlier today.

This would be a typical day for me on NoS.

B - Burger King Ham/Egg/Cheese croissant or some sort of fast food biscuit and OJ/coffee

L - Lean cuisine or other frozen dinner, apple slices

S- Anything not sweet that fits on one normal sized plate even if I eat out.

No regular sodas,milk is fine in between meals. I will try to cut down on fried foods just for health reasons.

Is this an OK daily menu?

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Post by NoelFigart » Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:41 am

It's legal. Get your habits down first and don't start tweaking until you do that.

I've been off the wagon for awhile and now that I'm back doing No S, I'm not sweating perfect nutritional balance (not that I think we even know what that IS) until I get back in the habit of No Sing.

That said, I'm not fast food or preprocessed food's biggest fan. If for some reason fast food is what is available for a meal, I'll eat it and I won't feel in the least guilty, but I really don't think that making a practice of eating anything but "real" food is a great idea. I think weighting your plates in favor of stuff that grows and you made yourself is better.

But really, really don't sweat it until you get the habit down. Seriously. You might find that's plenty for you, so give it a chance. You cannot change everything at once and it might not even be a good idea to try. No... I KNOW it's not a good idea to try.

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Post by MB » Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:32 pm

Thanks for the tips. I am going to just try this for a few weeks and see if I have luck with weight loss like I did last time. Last time I ate like this I lost weight even when I didn't count fat, carbs, or calories. Once I get the habit down I will try to eat beter choices. Thanks!

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:38 pm


my "menus" and styles for my three daily meals have gone through quite a bit of transition on NO S. What i find is that I find a way of cooking and eating that works well then I get bored and I have to/want to try new things.

For me, the criteria is will I eat it? enjoy it? is it fairly easy or realistic for me to prepare under the duress of daily life? and is there any nutritional value in it at all?

These guidelines help me a lot. If you find things that work for you, stick with them until they don't and then just come up with new stuff that will. It keeps things from getting stale.

www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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