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Can you really help a programmer out?

Post by MattWamboldt » Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:59 am


I somehow found the site while looking for workouts i could do in my apartment. I actually came upon shovelglove, but then took much more interest in this diet. I always believe in statistics because numbers don't usually lie to me, so seeing the numbers and the way everything correlates made me realize how on the ball this plan is. Heck it doesn't even seem like a plan but instead more of a wake up call for how much we've veered from normal healthy eating habits.

I'm definitely gonna start this though I'm not sure it'll work for me. I sit in front of a computer all day, come home late from my commutes, and by the time the weekend comes I'm too lazy to do stuff. I'm gonna try to get my fiance on board to support me, then once all the sweet stuff is gone I'll be starting this up(will only take a few days trust me). Plus I'll start walking part of the way to work again. That really felt good and I miss it now(not to mention its all the exercise I have time/energy for).

Does cooking your own meals help a lot, cause I was thinking about learning to cook. For the record I'm at 210lbs right now and 5'11" so border line obese.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Nov 16, 2008 4:53 am

Good luck!
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Post by Blithe Morning » Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:59 pm


This plan will work for even a sedentary computer programmer. A lot of people find that the initial success breeds more success so that after a while, instead of looking for ways to cheat, you look for ways to challenge yourself more (add workouts, tweak what goes on your plate to make it healthier).

And I highly recommend learning how to cook. This might help with your eating, but it will definitely help with your food budget.

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Post by blueskighs » Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:55 am

Does cooking your own meals help a lot, cause I was thinking about learning to cook.

I would give that an emphatic "thumbs up" ... for me cooking, preparing my own meals helps a lot.

Also WELCOME ... and I suspect yes, this could work very well for you,

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Post by reinhard » Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:36 pm

This plan will work for even a sedentary computer programmer.
Absolutely. This plan was DEVELOPED by a sedentary computer programmer!
Does cooking your own meals help a lot, cause I was thinking about learning to cook.
No question. Invest in figuring this out. It pays huge dividends, and not just in terms of "weight management." You don't have to get fancy. In fact, it's better if you don't. Just identify some routine foods that you really like, do a little homework, and start with the least complicated ones. Realize that it's going to take some trial and error before you develop a feel for it. Cooking for just yourself might feel like overkill, but it has this huge advantage: you can take risks without worrying about being embarrassed in front of anyone else. Lastly, cooking is the ideal counterpoint to programming. It's so refreshingly physical.

Best of luck,


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