3 hour diet?

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3 hour diet?

Post by reinhard » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:16 am

Anyone know anything about this? I'm getting a lot of hits from that search string.

From what I can gather from the amazon review, it has a bunch of things in common with the no s diet (including the line "it's all about timing" -- rats, should have trademarked that!), while other aspects are drastically different. Its eat what you want approach is vastly more appealing than mainstream taboo substance or accounting diets, but its central gimmick, overclocking your metabolism with frequent and precisely timed mini-meals, seems dubious to me and exactly the opposite of the no s diet. Better to work with your natural clock than against it, don't you think? From some of the reviews, it sounds like living in dietary code orange all the time, "oh, crap. Is it time to eat? Better set the alarm clock!"

Despite the fact that the 3 hour diet "will make the pounds come off, no exercise required!" (why do all diet gurus have to utter such lies?) this guy also seems to have written a workout book called 8 minutes in the morning. Very schedualistically insignificant! Of that, I approve (I think).

Looking forward to reading a review by someone who has actually read either of these books here...

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8 minute abs

Post by Prodigalsun » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:46 am

8 minute workout? Reminds me of the following scene from Something About Mary:

Hitchhiker: You heard of this thing, the 8-Minute Abs?
Ted : Yeah, sure, 8-Minute Abs. Yeah, the excercise video.
Hitchhiker: Yeah, this is going to blow that right out of the water. Listen to this: 7... Minute... Abs.
Ted: Right. Yes. OK, alright. I see where you're going.
Hitchhiker: Think about it. You walk into a video store, you see 8-Minute Abs sittin' there, there's 7-Minute Abs right beside it. Which one are you gonna pick, man?
Ted: I would go for the 7.
Hitchhiker: Bingo, man, bingo. 7-Minute Abs. And we guarantee just as good a workout as the 8-minute folk.
Ted: You guarantee it? That's -- how do you do that?
Hitchhiker: If you're not happy with the first 7 minutes, we're gonna send you the extra minute free. You see? That's it. That's our motto. That's where we're comin' from. That's from "A" to "B".
Ted: That's right. That's -- that's good. That's good. Unless, of course, somebody comes up with 6-Minute Abs. Then you're in trouble, huh? [Hitchhiker convulses]
Hitchhiker: No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 minutes? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel.
Ted: That -- good point.
Hitchhiker: 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 doors. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office.
Ted: Why?
Hitchhiker: 'Cause you're ****in' fired!
Last edited by Prodigalsun on Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:48 am

Hi Reinhard!
I'm sticking with YOU! Sorry Jorge! LOL...
You have three things going for you over that book Rein...
One, *clearly*, you are a much funnier/intelligent writer...
(Sorry, but Jorge's book seems so boring, just from the few sample pages.. Of course I don't wish him ill, and hope it's helping someone, but let me put it this way.....
Bor-riiiing!!!!!!! :shock: LOL.....
Two, as "simple" as his diet claims to be, just from looking at the table of contents, it seems to be a bit more "micromanagy"...
Three, you are way cuter!!! :lol:
Put your pic on a book and watch them fly off the shelves!!!! :lol:
Jorge can't hold a candle to you! :wink:
(cue Reinhard blushing! :P )

But what *is* cool is that it looks like the time is right to revolt against "fad" diets, my friend... Your time may come sooner than you expect... You deserve major recognition and will get it!

Today, I delved into my "Foundations of Chinese Medicine" text book again about healthy patterns for the Stomach and Spleen...
Most importantly was regularity of meals, and not having little amounts of food in the stomach "whenever"... ie: grazing, snacking, etc... So it seems like even the three hour diet wouldn't be good for us in that respect...
It also stressed the importance of having breakfast...
And it also stressed not eating in a rushed environment...
PS... As I recall, don't you say
"It's all about delay..."????
Trademark it now! LOL.....
Peace and Love,
Your faithful NoS devotee!
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:59 am

Prodigal!!!! I am sooooo loving that fantastic post you just wrote!!!!!!!
That was awesome! LOL!!!!!! :lol:
Reinhard, you have to make Prodigal your cowriter!!!!!

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Post by Prodigalsun » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:14 am

Can't take credit for that, it's all Farrelly Brothers. :)

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:26 am

They are crazy eh???
Hope you are having fun out in Bumble Turd today! :wink:
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Post by Ariel King » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:32 pm

Right on, Prod. That's a hilarious scene and SO appropriate to this discussion! :lol:

I've heard of Jorge Cruise and his 8 minutes in the morning. Sounds fine to me, except for the "morning" part. :wink: As for eating exactly every 3 hours, um, not on your life! That's just as high-maintenance and un-sustainable as a low-carb or low-fat diet. I refuse to devote that much of my life to dealing with food!!

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jul 27, 2005 4:40 pm

I've done the 8 Minutes in the Morning exercises for about three years. It's a good program, mostly. My main objection to it is that it works each body part only once a week, which doesn't seem sufficient to me. But it only requires dumbbells and a chair, a mat if you have one or a towel, and there is lots of variety. Like I say, it's a pretty good program, although I am coming to prefer Shovelglove to 8 Min. -- just as much variety, and the entire body is worked. There is a greater range of motion available with the sledgehammer movements than I find with the linear movements with dumbbells, which, for me, is an added bonus.

As to the 3 Hour Diet, in my opinion (for whatever that's worth), it is just another gimmick by Jorge Cruise. I think he would be doing much better if he would just stick with his Cruise Down plates, forget the junk food and psyllium. The Cruise Down Plates are an ordinary dinner plate, with the meal divided into 1/2 plate of fruit/veggies/salad; 1/4 plate protein (meat, dairy, egg, fish, beans), and 1/4 plate starches (bread, rice, noodles, potato, corn, peas, squash). Very healthy way to eat. But you also get 2 snacks (100 calories each) and one 'treat' (50 cal.) which is just junk food, seven days a week. The 3 Hour diet is just a variation on this theme.

If one were to do the Cruise Down plate, 3 times a day, that would be a good thing. I usually structure my No-S meals this way, and it is very satisfying. Reinhard has gone a step further, and eliminated the snacks and junk food, and also the psyllium and flax, so I think No-S is a better deal.

Well, that's my 2 cents!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 27, 2005 5:18 pm

Hey! I like Flax Jammin Jan!!! LOL...
But as for psillium? That's just plain silly!
(okay massive groaning in audience now.... :P )
But I'm guessing that he sells this "miracle flax" for a measely 100 dollars a bottle or something else "charlatanish"! LOL....
Am I right?
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Post by planner lady » Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:21 pm

I've read that book, too. The emphasis is on the clock. I couldn't figure out how I could get all the meals in with three hours between each and no eating within three hours of bedtime. You're supposed to diligently stick to three hours within a maximum of 20 minutes. They suggested having a watch that beeps every three hours to remind you. I couldn't possibly be that strict.

I did like the idea of the plate with the 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch and 1/2 vegetables and fruits -- definitely a good way to eat. But as far as the timing -- too much work. Your whole life would revolve around food! That's what I'm trying not to do.

I don't really believe that eating every three hours will help me lose weight faster. I still think it boils down to eating less than you need. I'm sorry to say that there's no magic formula.

I found several aspects of the program confusing. I tried to contact Jorge Cruise through e-mail but you can only ask a question if you subscribe and pay a monthly fee. I wasn't willing to do that. So no 3-hour diet for me.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:39 pm

Jorge seems to be very $$$$$-oriented.

The 3-hour schedule really makes things complicated. I was trying to figure out one day (I was bored!) how to make that work in my life in the Real World.

Up at 5 a.m., breakfast at 8 a.m. So far, so good.

Three hours later, would make lunch at 11. Nope, because husband comes in to eat at noon.

Then another meal of some sort at 2 p.m. But I just ate at noon! :(

Then dinner at 5, but not hungry because of that snack I wasn't hungry for at 2!

Then a snack at 8...but I'm not hungry at 8 because for me that's too late to eat, because I'm up so early.

His schedule just doesn't work for me. I much prefer the simplicity of No-S: three meals when it's meal-time. That's it!

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Post by doulachic » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:42 pm

Seems like eating every three hours is setting yourself up for a lifetime of overeating. (with the exception of those who have blood sugar issues, of course :) )

I don't recall the western pioneers of old stopping the wagon train every three hours 'cause "by golly we gotta eat!!". :lol: And they did more exercise than all of us put together! :shock: It was called "daily living".

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:48 pm

Tricia! You are cute!
Your post makes me want to go and rent Mel Brooks "Blazing Saddles"!
:wink: Deb

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Post by reinhard » Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:01 am

Thanks all for giving me the lay of the land here. Judging by search volume, "3 hour diet" has sucked up all the oxygen in dietspace, so I've got to at least be prepared to respond to it. Much as I'd rather not, I'll probably head to a bookstore and flip through a copy some time this weekend. I'll probably just wind up reiterating what's already been said, but I've got to give Jorge his fair shot. He does have a great name, I'll grant him that. So fun to say... that name alone must have sold a hundred thousand copies.

Prodigal: I'd forgotten that scene. Very funny... wow. I'm amazed he would have titled the book "8 minutes..." after that. I guess I'm not the only one who forgot.

14 minutes, on the other hand, can't be incremented or decremented without losing its special charm. As a kind of joke itself, it's immune to this one.

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Post by Nancy in PA » Fri Jul 29, 2005 12:48 pm

The biggest problem I have with the concept of eating every 3 hours is the idea that all I'm really able to have all day long is a series of snacks. Even your so-called "meal" would have to be pretty sparing in terms of calories because of all the other times during the day that you're taking in calories. I would think that your food options would be pretty limited and eating would get boring after awhile. One of the reasons I eat is for the pure pleasure of it. I enjoy the variety, the mix of different flavors within a meal, the different ways of preparing the same foods. Eating only three times a day simply gives me more options for how my food will taste.

I also wholeheartedly agree with everybody else that trying to eat every three hours would consume too much mental energy. I love to eat, but I don't want it to be my whole life!

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:28 pm

Good point Nancy! I too think it would be a trap unless you only ate really low calorie stuff, and yes, it would get boring.....

And it's okay for the Stomach to be empty some of the time!!!!!!
It shouldn't be operating on "partial power" all day long......
Who wants to have food in your stomach all day long??????

Besides, I don't care how Jorge Cruise sounds rolling off your tongue!
I like the disciplinary sound of

Much more of a tough love sound to that!!!
(ha ha... :wink: )
And Etymologically speaking, we all need someone named Reinhard anyway!
Did you all know that Reinhard means
"Strong (or Hardy) Advisor" (Rein is from "Ragin" which means advise...)

Sorry Reinhard! We need your council and advise!!!!
You are stuck with us! :lol:
(or at least me... :P )

I wonder what Jorge means????
Probably it means "Eat every three hours!"
Wait... doesn't that sound suspiciously like
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Post by ClickBeetle » Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:02 pm

Ha ha! ROFL, Deb!
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Post by Ariel King » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:42 pm

What Betsy said. Deb, you crack me up. :lol: I didn't know Reinhard's name had that meaning! Is that the German-English translation? Where did you look it up?

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:02 pm

I'll look for the link later... It said my name, Deborah, which is from the Bible, is the name of a Prophet.... And it means, from Hebrew
Like buzzing bee.....
That seems pretty accurate!
(and the Prophet stuff is too..I'm pretty psychic in my day to day life...)

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3-hour diet

Post by Samurai » Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:00 pm

Hey everyone
I took the time to speed read The 3-Hour Diet at the local bookstore. From what I could see, there is nothing different in this book from the standard dietary dogma to eat several small meals a day. Its a common theme, its found in Bill Philips Eat for Life, the Abs Diet, typical bodybuilding books. The idea is eating frequently is supposed to 'rev up' your metabolism so you burn more fat.

Me, I don't understand how the same diet is supposed to work to slim you down for weight loss AND build big bodybuilder muscles, too, but thats just me. I could be wrong. :roll:

The only real difference is this guy came up with a gimmick to market eating several meals a day, and wrote a book about it.

p.s. In one of my many dietary advventures, I did eat 5-6 meals a day. I had to carry around protein bars, fruit, jerky, sandwich bags of veggies, just to eat on schedule. Its like your whole day is consumed with when your next meal is going to be. I knew guys who followed the regimen who brought several tupperware dishes with them to work everyday, so they could be sure they had plenty of food on hand when they were supposed to eat.

Whatever happened to eating when you're hungry? :wink:
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Post by planner lady » Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:41 pm

Jorge actually maps out a plan where you have three meals that are approximately 400 calories each and two snacks consisting of 100 calories and one evening sweet of 50 calories. I was a little confused because the book stresses that you can eat anything you want but you are given a formula where you divide your plate so that 1/4 is protein, 1/4 is starch and 1/2 is fruits and vegetables adding up to approximately 400 calories. If you are a petite woman, 5'3" or under, the book says you probably need to cut breakfast to 200 calories. So if you can eat anything you want . . . how do you fit in a piece of pie or a glass of soda or something like that? I couldn't quite figure it out.

I think this is just another tricky way to count calories. Isn't that what most diets are? The bottom line is that you have to take in less than you need and these diets all just find some way to do that without you realizing that's what you're doing.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:51 pm

Hey Planner Lady! Good points there.. It does, indeed seem almost tantamount to just counting calories or "points" etc...
How sneaky of Gorge, uh I mean, Jorge!
How much better it is to just worry about one plate! Imagine how many ADD challenged people Reinhard is helping!!!! (Me being one of them... I know I can count to one!) And who likes having to do math when you are eating????? Not I!
I say,

Embrace the Plate!
Be the Plate!
Let us be a nation of Undivided Plate users!
One Love
One Plate!

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Post by ClickBeetle » Sat Jul 30, 2005 2:49 am

Planner lady - I'm with ya! Sounds like just a complicated way to count calories.

My guess is here's what probably really happens: Someone with real dedication and willpower starts the 3-hour diet. With all those tiny-meal restrictions and complicated fractional-plate limitations, their intake of food is truly constrained. They start to lose weight because there's just no place in the scheme for "a piece of pie" or "a glass of soda" and initial weight loss is fairly easy on any constrained diet.

After losing a few pounds rather quickly, the individual is encouraged; thinks the diet is really working, and recommends it to all his/her friends.

Then the weight loss of a few initial pounds begins to slow (as it does with any diet, good or bad) -- right about the time that the individual is getting really, really tired of spending all day, every day monitoring their eating and preparing little bitty portions of food that aren't nearly as fun as a real snack because the little portions have to consist of this, and that, and the other thing.

The diet goes out the window, the book ends up in the recycling bin, and the weight comes back on within a couple of weeks. -- Oh, but the friends never hear about how the diet ultimately was a tanker, because that would be a bit embarassing on the part of our dieter... and another diet craze is BORN!
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:18 pm

The only thing I can say in Jorge's favor is that I do like structuring my No-S and S-Day plates around his general pattern: 1/2 veggies/fruits/salad, 1/4 starch, and 1/4 protein. It's not hard and fast with me, but it's a good general guideline for a balanced meal. If you do this with your three meals a day, then you are getting 6 servings of vegetables and fruits, which is very healthy, and also not over-doing on the meat. Other than that, though, I have no use for his diet. It's not do-able, encourages food obsession, and isn't particularly healthy with the snacks and treats he permits on a thrice daily basis.

Be the Plate! Oh, Deb, you're so funny!

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8 Minutes in the Morning

Post by MerryKat » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:04 pm

Hi all

I have read Jorge Cruise's book from cover to cover and his eating plan in this book is HORRID!!! And the plans from his other books sound equally odd or difficult - except for the balanced plate which is good sense.

His flax oil recommendations are good however and it can really help your body stabalise all it's functions - I speak from experience. It is a fantastic suppliment and I use it faithfully.

His exercise plan is excellent and while it seems odd to only exercise each muscle group once a week it works! I lost loads of cm and was wonderfully toned doing this without ending up exhausted from my workouts.

Unfortunately I could not keep it up while pregnant and since having baby there is no ways I have enough time in the morning to do exercise, but I look forward to getting back to it once life is less hectic.

Hope this helps
Hugs from Sunny South Africa
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 2:46 pm

Hi Merry Kat!!!
Your post made me laugh!
Glad I decided to save my $19.95 to go buy some Haagen Daaz for S days instead!
Do you realize that Jorge looks a bit like "Gorge" LOL...

Compared to Reinhard, *no one* stacks up!!!!!!!!!

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Post by peetie » Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:25 pm

Just to show you what a dreamer I am, when I first saw the title in the book store, "The 3 Hour Diet", I thought you only had to stay on the diet for 3 hours and then you were done. Guess all these years of yo yo dieting have killed off too many brain cells!


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:45 pm

Ha ha Peetie!!!
That would be a big "quick fix" Hit!!!

I think when Reinhard publishes his book, it should have some mention of the 3 theme, since three is a lucky number!

How about ,

The NoS Diet

A Food Plan/Journey which begins with
3 Willpower boosting weeks on Habit

by, the genius librarian, turned computer geek,,,

Dr. Reinhard Engels
(phd??? LOL....)

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Post by peetie » Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:50 pm

Perfect, Deb. Consider this my pre order!


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Post by tomahawkk » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:19 am

I picked up "8 Minutes in the Morning" a few months ago in the bargain bin at our bookstore and was surprised to find how easy it was to stick to- the exercise part, that is. To be honest, I never paid to much attn to the diet part. It was such a small part of the book and looked pretty much like every other diet I ever failed on. But I find 2 exercises in the morning doable no matter how busy I am, and believe it or not, it's even enough to get me sore! And I'm no rookie when it comes to exercise. I've even graduated to the cards- so easy to take out a couple a day and then move them to the back so the 2 new are in front and ready the next day.
I really like the No S diet because I can finally cook again. I love to cook! I still try to keep more healthy than not, like Reinhard says, don't be stupid. I have found the No S diet goes well with the Leptin diet. Leptin is a hormone our body needs to burn fat correctly and doesn't get made by our bodies unless we allow a certain amount of time between meals. It calls for 5 to 6 hours between meals with 11 or 12 between dinner and breakfast. There really is good science behind it!

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