Challenged: fruit and veggie v No-S: who's skinnier by Jun21

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Challenged: fruit and veggie v No-S: who's skinnier by Jun21

Post by mama-g » Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:04 pm

I think we've all been there- a friend, or family member who doubts the legitimacy/ success of No-S.

Well, I have a friend who actually challenged me to see who would be the biggest loser by the first day of summer. This is what he said : "I'll believe it when I see it- before and after shots, no photoshopping!"

Them's fighting words, I said. :evil: You're on!! (Imagine! Suggesting I would photoshop! hmfff)

So, he's in the UK, doing a raw fruit and veggie diet, and I'm here in the US, doing no-S.

This I know for sure.... I'll be a way happier dieter than he'll be. :wink:

This weekend rounds off my first round on habit. Again, as in my check-in, no significant weight loss, but things feel better.

My goals for the next round: increase exercise and reduce portions a bit.
~Starting Weight: knees hurt, clothes don't fit, kids think I'm still pregnant.
Ideal Weight: I feel good! Clothes fit.... about 20 lbs lighter than I am now~

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Post by Thalia » Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:20 pm

Well, I'm sure he'll lose faster -- because who wouldn't? -- provided he can stick to it for that long. But man, does that sound miserable and nutritionally unbalanced.

I'm pretty sure that in a year, though, a No S-er is going to have maintained more of a loss than someone who did an extreme diet and then went back to eating as usual.

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Post by apomerantz » Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:26 pm

Well I'm voting for you because who could possibly stick to raw fruit and veggies from now until JUNE! That sounds like a prescription for disaster . . .lol . . .

He'll probably get off to a great start, but you can do this for the long haul.

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Post by belser » Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:54 pm

I'm voting for you TOO!! The loss of beer alone will drive him over the edge, won't it? I mean... I think that's a staple to most men's diets. :lol:

Personally, I couldn't give up bread...or a S day sweet.

I don't know if this is motivating or helpful...but I added a tiny little mod to my No s routine and it seems to have jumped my weight loss for this week. I found that while I was not having a problem sticking to the one plate rule...I WAS having a problem with what I was choosing to eat (again, this is just me personally). I was having a plate, but it was a burger and some fries...or a big you get the picture. I really wasn't choosing any fruits and all.

So, my tiny little mod (for now) is that one plate a day has to be a fruit and veggie least 3 days a week. I usually choose my lunch plate for this. This is mainly because I simply wasn't getting any during my day but it had the added benefit of kick jumping my weight loss.

I have been on the diet since Jan. 19th (I believe) and I have now lost 9 pounds. Not to shabby. I walk 3 days a week and I work with weights at least twice.

I definately feel different but it's not the feeling of my body as much as it's the differance in my attitude...I don't think I've ever, EVER been so relaxed about food before.

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Post by brotherjohn » Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:12 pm


I think you are going to win the challenge. (At very least, I am pulling for you to win it!) :D

I feel sad for the fellow who is trying to eat only fruits and veggies. It reminds me of a man who used to substitute teach at the middle school where I worked about 15 years ago. One day I said, "What are you having for lunch today, Mr. Whitehead?" He said, "Cold oatmeal with amino acid powder mixed in it." Then he said, "What are you having for lunch, Mr. Cash?" I said, "Fritos!"

The next day, my 6th grade students informed me that Mr. Whitehead had said something about me. They said, "Mr. Cash, Mr. Whitehead said that you are not going to live as long, because you think you have to drink coffee."

I said, "Children, Mr. Whitehead is not going to live longer than me. It is just going to SEEM a lot longer for Mr. Whitehead!"

Please keep me posted on this challenge, and best wishes. I love a good contest!
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Post by Kathleen » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:33 pm

I tried fruit and veggies only as a diet -- for one day. Guess what? You have severe problems that have to do with elimination of waste. I doubt your friend will last three days.

At Christmas, my sister in law dismissed this diet as common sense and said she'd lose weight faster than I would. I told her that I don't care how fast I lose it. I just want it to be a permanent loss!

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Post by LoriLifts » Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:00 pm

I tried a raw diet for about 4 months. I lost weight and my sanity!
Good Luck, I'm rooting for you.
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Post by magicman » Sun Feb 15, 2009 7:12 pm

I don't like this competition.

I think psychologically we trip ourselves when we value the goodness of a diet as which one can lose more weight in a certain amount of time.

I know I can lose weight really fast (twice lost 75 pounds in 4 month periods) on Adkin's, but I know that it isn't a sustainable solution to my relationship towards food. I hated every minute of it, too. Oh, an the first time I did, it was a bet I made with a friend that I could lose 75 pounds by summer. I won the bet. I didn't change my life.

When we instead compare diets on how sustainable they are not just long term, but for the rest of our lives, and when we compare quality of life as a dieter, that's when our diet is going to shine. And that's when the No S Diet will defeat all comers.

And for us to be successful NoSers, these are the values I think we need to embrace.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:38 pm

magicman wrote:I know I can lose weight really fast
Me too. And regain it even faster.

Slower works better for me.

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Post by mama-g » Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:34 am

Thanks for all the encouragement! :)

More than anything, I want to lose weight because I need to feel good and healthy, and its simply better for me. I also want to set a good example for my girls... I have 3. :)

I too have tried other diets...Atkins, South Beach... lost it, and gained it all back as soon as regular food was reintroduced. It is my realtionship with food that has to change.... Enter No-S tum-tada- da!

Frankly, I would love to be in a bathing suit by summer, and not feel badly about myself in it. And oh I might as well admit, that a little incentive never hurts. Actually, I think the challenge gives me the push to have the stick-to-it-iveness I often lack.

I will keep you all updated.

Happy new week.
~Starting Weight: knees hurt, clothes don't fit, kids think I'm still pregnant.
Ideal Weight: I feel good! Clothes fit.... about 20 lbs lighter than I am now~

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Post by Kathleen » Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:27 pm

My 14 year old is a bright and witty girl. When I started on the fruit and vegetable diet and wasn't feeling well, she quipped, "Have you figured out yet that you aren't a rabbit?"

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:49 pm

mama-g wrote: Frankly, I would love to be in a bathing suit by summer, and not feel badly about myself in it. And oh I might as well admit, that a little incentive never hurts. Actually, I think the challenge gives me the push to have the stick-to-it-iveness I often lack.
Hi Mama-G!
May I suggest that you change your outlook a bit and make that first goal to be in a bathing suit by Summer, not feel badly about it, *AND* still be able to feel good about it next Summer, and the one after that.
Once this challenge is over, you want to still stick with it obviously, and luckily for all of us, NoS is so enjoyable that "stick-to-it-ness" is really built in!
Good luck!!

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Post by Kathleen » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:47 pm

I've spent a few years in a bathing suit that I can only describe as ghastly. Last week, I went on the Internet and found a black bathing suit and matching bathing skirt for $138, and I bought it! I won't look terrific in it because I'll still weigh above 190, but I'll look a lot better in it than in the ghastly bathing suit that I hope never goes near a pool again.

It can be hard to be patient on this diet. Try rewarding yourself for your patience by finding a bathing suit that fits the body you'll have this summer.


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Post by Thalia » Tue May 26, 2009 5:56 pm

mama-g, is the challenge still on?

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