What to make of this?

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What to make of this?

Post by Nichole » Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:19 pm

This is my weight over a month timespan. I don't know what to make of it! I'm so confused. I know we don't encourage weighing frequently, but I wanted to get an idea of what my weight does. And here it is:

Thursday 2/5/2009 151
Monday 2/9/2009 149
Saturday 2/14/2009 148.8
Thursday 2/19/2009 148.4
Saturday 2/21/2009 148.4
Monday 2/23/2009 150.8
Tuesday 2/24/2009 148
Wednesday2/25/2009 147.2
Thursday 2/26/2009 146.4 (about here I started to feel sucessful)
Monday 3/2/2009 149
Tuesday 3/3/2009 148
Thursday 3/5/2009 148
Friday 3/6/2009 147.5
Tuesday 3/10/2009 150

Really not sure what to make of it and what I should do from here. Every time I get down to 147 or close to 145 my weight fluctuates back up, then back down. It seems. Should I give up weight loss and just maintain this 150ish weight like I have been for years? Am I fighting a losing battle?
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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:52 pm


I've been tracking my weight daily since starting No S on January 13th. I have pretty much the exact same thing. A lot of up and down fluctuation over time, but not much in the way of a big loss.

I'm short and fairly close to normal weight (just over the normal BMI range and dipping into it now and again).

I've come to a few conclusions about this on my own.

The first conclusion is that No S is not for rapid weight loss, and one of the reasons is because the upfront learning curve is long. My S days are just starting to get under control. I think that if your S days are filled with all day snacking or sweets, you probably won't lose much weight initially. BUT THAT'S OK. Because eventually, you try all the foods you've been depriving yourself of for so long. And eventually you realize that you feel better with three meals. And eventually you stop thinking about each eating opportunity as your last. And then the S days settle down. I had my first reasonable weekend this weekend after 50+ days of No S. And my Monday weigh in was the lowest I've ever had on a Monday.

Also,Despite the fact that I haven't lost much (2-3 lbs), I have found that my body has changed for the positive. Now, I'm working out daily along with No S - - but honestly, I've been working out all along - - before No S and after No S. So, somehow, my body is changing, and I am not sure why that is, but it is.

Ultimately, to lose weight, a calorie deficit must be created. The nice thing about No S is that you have such a good grip on your eating, that it becomes easier to do that. But the S days are just tricky in the beginning (especially if you've been dieting). There are no rules on S days, and that freedom is easy to abuse. If you really want to lose weight, you can't abuse it. But you may have to abuse it for a few months before the habit is strong enough to carry over.

Bottom line, you can and will lose weight with No S. I'm feeling pretty confident about it. In the meantime, revel in the fact that you are eating great food and not GAINING weight. For me, that in and of itself is quite a plus. And as your S days become more like your N days, I really believe the weight loss will come . . .

I will definitely keep you posted on how it goes for me. I started at 130.3. I'm on my 53rd day. This morning I weighed 127. My lowest weight for the whole time period was 126.4. My average weight for the whole time period is 128.5. That suggests to me that I have lost some weight - - albeit very slowly. But if I continue on losing roughly 1 lb per month, that will be 12 lbs for the year and put me very close to my long term goal. It will be the least of weighed in 10 years.

Hang in there, Nichole!!

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Post by Nichole » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:13 pm


Thanks for the reply. I've been on and off no-s for about a year now. I never get below 147, which sucks. My weekends aren't all that crazy at all.. I usually only have small portions of sweets and my snacks are usually only yogurt or a cheese snack. Plus I exercise 5 days a week, doing between 6-10 miles on our stationary bike. This is why I'm feeling discouraged constantly about my weight. :/ I'm 5'4".
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Post by kccc » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:55 pm


If you've been doing this for a year, I can see why you're depressed. Some thoughts... take what you can use and let the rest go by.

1) How good is your compliance? Your phrasing in your original post makes me think that perhaps it's a bit spotty? That may be the first place to look.

2) Could it be that your body is really at its right weight? I remember a pic from a while back, and you didn't look overly large. (See my own struggles with "just five pounds more" - it's in my testamonial thread.)

3) Are you weighing the same because you have more muscle, and you're actually smaller? l like to triangulate the scale readings with my measuring tape.

4) Is the variance tied to other factors (montly cycle, salt consumption) and is there actually a downward trend over a longer time period? See Rose's wonderful charts of her weight - a month might look just like yours, but the overall trend over time IS down.

AFTER you consider these first few items, then consider...

5) Are there "liveable mods" you might add? Nothing drastic, and not too many at once. Look at the mod thread, think about your own patterns, and look for things that are easy to implement that are likely to make a difference.

Hope you find a solution that makes you happy.

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Post by Thalia » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:01 pm

Honestly, I suspect that if you want to get extremely thin, No S may not be the way to do it, especially if you're a smaller woman. It's going to get you to a weight that your body is comfortable with, that is not obese, and keep you there for life, but I think to really look very low bodyfat and modelesque for most people is going to require a more severe calorie restriction that is going to be pretty uncomfortable to maintain.

Even on very restrictive diets, weightloss slows way down or stalls when you get closer to goal -- as I can attest from several go-rounds with Weight Watchers!

If you're getting that much exercise and eating well, I bet you're in fantastic shape -- which ultimately makes you look and feel a lot better than a number on the scale.

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Post by Nichole » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:03 pm

Yeah, this is what I look like now:

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3 ... d=72001457

I do look different than when I weighed this same weight a number of years ago. I don't have a ref pic for that though.
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Post by Thalia » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:34 pm

You look great! And I love the apron. :wink:

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Post by Nichole » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:42 pm

Thanks on both counts. That pic was from my bridal shower in October. I keep forgetting to use my apron while cooking dinner! :)
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Post by Too solid flesh » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:28 pm

You look lovely, and you look a healthy weight. Wonderful smile!

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Post by Nichole » Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:30 pm

Thank you, tooo! Maybe my real issue is low self esteem.
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Post by blue » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:39 pm

Healthy beautiful weight. And I bet your insides(heart/ lungs) are amazing!!!!

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Post by Spudd » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:49 pm

I agree with everyone else - you look to be at a good weight already, that's probably why you're not seeing much movement.

But if it makes you feel better, I loaded your list of weights/dates into Excel and applied a trend line to it. The trend line starts at 149.5 and ends at 148, so there is a slow downward trend happening.

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Post by wosnes » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:14 pm

And I agree with the others. You may be at your best weight.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:48 pm

Yeah, you're *HOT*, Nichole and you have a cute face, always a plus ! :-) You don't even look that big and you have to consider everyone looks slightly bigger in pictures anyway ... You shouldn't think too much about your weight, more about your fitness. Exercising and getting stronger while your weight remains basically the same, maybe 5 pounds less, if you must, that's it ... Personally I don't like the 'stick thin' look in any case, I like the 'strong and healthy' look.

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Post by wosnes » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:30 pm

I think a lot of us, mostly women, but men, too, have unrealistic ideas of what we should weigh and how we should look. I also think that many of the people that are held up as standards are slim to the point of looking sickly. I've noticed this in women for quite a while, but just recently I'm noticing it in men, too.

But I think you should concentrate on eating well and exercising and let the results be what they will. In a normal, healthy person, I think the body will find it's own normal and we should let that be rather than try to diet down to some weight or size we feel is ideal.
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Post by apomerantz » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:08 pm


Ok, you look gorgeous and fit to me!! I wish you could see a picture of me. We have a very similar body type. I'd call it both athletic and curvy.

And I suspect we have a similar issue. Our weight is on the high side for our heights, but truthfully you look very fit (I do triathlon and running), and I think we probably have more muscle than most and lower body fat.

The challenge is I want to look very lean - - and have my weight be toward the lower side for my height. It may not be in the cards for me either. But I do think No S is an eating plan that keeps me from gaining weight (which I'm able to do EASILY) while letting me eat stuff I enjoy. I think that I can lose some weight over time.

I bet you can too.

But you are clearly normal weight and look great, so I think it is going to be a really slow process. If you want to be super skinny, this probably isn't the plan. I'm not sure how old you are, but you look a lot younger than I do - - and I can tell you that the strict dieting is not worth it. You end up in the same place in the end because it isn't sustainable AND it is so hard to do the workouts that have you looking so beautiful and healthy.

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Oh, to weigh 145 again!

Post by la_loser » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:56 pm

Nichole--believe all these things people have said to you. . . and I don't think you have low self-esteem issues as much as you have probably been sucked in by the media and marketing that overwhelmingly suggests that being a size zero is the objective. When I was in my early twenties, I was the skinny mini of the world/my nickname was Twiggy after the British model in the 60's. . . yet they hadn't even invented a size zero yet! Look at those Dove commercials are focusing on "real women" not runway model types.

I'm 5'4" too--but way over the hill; it took me till I was 30 to weigh 110 pounds so I could give blood. . . then I began to gain and finally looked like an adult! Then had a baby and then gained a little, then some more. . .And now it's been 10 years since I saw 145 pounds and how I would love to see 145 again! ( I could wear size 10 jeans then-yet, I still have them, wishful thinking!)

I've been doing No S since the summer and stayed at a real standstill for a long time, but I just stayed with it because I couldn't face another S.A.D. diet. . . and in the last few weeks, the pounds began to drop-slowly, yes, but about 13 since the middle of January. But the good news is that it was painless and I know I'll keep doing it.

So hang in there--I'm just hoping to someday get to where you are now again! Some of us are just going to be jealous of you!

I will say that staying with No S will help avoid those gains that come with life because it is so sustainable so you're building such great life habits.
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Post by TexArk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:35 am

I just want to add my 2 cents as another "mature" lady on this board. I, too, was a teen during the "Twiggy" era; however, I would never have been called Twiggy. I was, however, not overweight. I thought I was because I had curves. I constantly dieted and exercised trying to get the body that I thought I was supposed to have if I just worked hard enough and ate right. What I managed to do to myself is what others have been warning you about. You can diet yourself into truly becoming overweight. I think I could have maintained a normal weight and had a much healthier body image if I had just eaten like we are learning and never counted a calorie, fat gram, or Weight Watcher point.

I think I have read some of your posts where you said that you were continuing to count calories. I would strongly urge you not to do that, especially at your present weight. I understand why Bright Angel would do this and she does it well and it works for her; however, she had a great deal of weight to lose and also had bariatric surgery. She has done a wonderful job of managing her weight and maintaining a loss; but she has a different set of health issues than you. I really think if you can be patient with this plan and get the habits down that you will lose weight if it is meant to be and if not, you will be happy where you are and enjoy a full life of "normal" living around food.

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Post by Nichole » Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:07 pm

Thanks everybody; I should have kept up with this post because now I am behind and it would take me a while to thoughtfully respond to everybody.. But yes, I tried calorie counting for about a month this past month. It seemed to start to work and then, bam, my weight went right back up again. When my weight goes down, I think it's probably water weight and not actual fat. And yes, I do kind of get very persuaded by the media & wish I could have waistlines like Carrie Underwood or Anne Hathaway. Counting calories did make me realize, however, that I typically eat in the healthy range of calories, so that's good. I am also influenced by my mother who is only 125 - 127 lbs and is so thin. But she also doesn't seem to have as big as an appetite as me (really, she'll eat a very small bit of food and say "I'm so full now"). I also get afraid when I read about how people gain a few lbs a year and I don't want to do that either. But I think with No-S (& an afternoon snack when I REALLY need it) I can work on maintaining my weight and hopefully I'll get over this near-obsession I'm facing. Someone obsessed with ANYTHING is never any fun. I won't be throwing away my scale, though my scale IS a piece of crap. (I'll turn it on, get on it, and it turns off, repeat a couple times until it actually weighs me. ugh!!)
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Post by BrightAngel » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:02 pm

TexArk wrote: I understand why Bright Angel would do this (count calories)
and she does it well and it works for her;
however, she had a great deal of weight to lose and also had bariatric surgery.
She has done a wonderful job of managing her weight and maintaining a loss;
but she has a different set of health issues than you.
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Post by reinhard » Wed Mar 11, 2009 2:29 pm

Dear Nichole,

Given the two data sets you've given us (scale readings, photo) I don't see any reason to be alarmed.

1. The Scale Readings. Spudd's analysis shows a trend line going from 149.5 to 148, or -1.5 pounds. That's not far from the -2 pounds one would expect (according to Brian Wansink) for "sustainable weight loss" in a month. Household scales are not precision instruments. And what they are imprecisely attempting to measure has meaningless short term fluctuations. So if you're going to weigh, I'd break out excel or whatever and look at the trend instead of obsessing over individual measurements.

2. The photo. You look lovely and clearly don't have a lot of weight to lose, if any. No-s can still be a great way to eat (moderation is a good in itself, even apart from results, and a great insurance policy against gaining), but don't expect it to get you twiggy thin. In fact, the best thing No-s may do for you is to help you get over this "near-obsession" as you call it. Eat moderately, move moderately, see what happens.


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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:52 pm

Nichole, hope you don't mind me saying, but I would *kill* to be your weight and size!!!
I know you have your own feelings about that, and not at all to dismiss your personal goal, but I think you look about as close to perfect as one could get. I'd tend to agree from the info here that it seems as if you are at your "natural" optimal weight and I wouldn't at all fret that you may just be at "maintenance"... That's what most people here hope and dream of here, and you are there now.
Again, maybe not so great to compare, but the last time I had a pic of me looking as fit as you are there, I was about 15 years old!!!
Keep your chin up and hope you find happiness and find that "self esteem" within. You should feel very proud of yourself for giving this your all and maintaining your health.

8) Debs
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