Thin and still Nos?

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Thin and still Nos?

Post by yaki » Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:23 pm

I don't remember previous posts on this forum, so I'll just pretend like they don't exist :D .
I am 18 and 154 pounds at 5'11. That's actually a bit to light. However, I think that, by eating enough 3 times a day, I am still better off and building better habits for later in life, when my metabolism slows dramatically (as it has in my father and his father), than if I consciously try to bulk right now. Shovelglove should help me pack on some more muscle and urban ranger should keep the fat in check and keep me healthy. Does this sound like a good plan or do you think that maybe at my age I should be eating more?

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Post by wosnes » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:28 pm

I think that sounds like a wonderful plan. It should keep you (and your eventual children) from even having problems with eating and weight. Good luck to you. And congratulations for doing something about it well before it becomes a problem.

By the way, I think that a lot of the weight issues, particularly in men, as we age (I'm older, but not a man) have nothing to do with metabolism, but with the fact that we become less and less active while eating the same amount -- or more -- as we did before. We just can't blame everything on metabolism.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:44 pm

Hi! Well, you are definitely very slim for your height, but that's not necessarily bad.. I'd say that you will avoid most of the major health threats that people face just by staying slim, so congratulations that you are already in a good situation for health.
The fact that you are exercising and thinking about your future is a wonderful plan!!!
Good for you!!
Yes, the metabolism slows down after you hit thirty.. you are smart to think of this now.
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Post by blue » Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:09 am

I'm in a healthy bmi and no s is helping me with structure and being proactive instead of getting heavier as my sis and mum did. Welcome

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