midweek slump

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midweek slump

Post by woods38 » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:29 am

Anyone else have trouble mid-week? Every week around Wed or Thursday I have extra trouble staying on plan. The weekend seems far away and I feel less motivated than I do on Monday or Tuesday. How do you get through it without falling back into old habits? Right now I'm trying not to wish my life away until the weekend.


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Post by Thalia » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:40 am

Ha! I know what you mean about a weekly cycle.

My weekly pattern is, Monday is fine because I just indulged myself on the weekend. Tuesday, the treats of the weekend are distant enough that I feel deprived and want some more and the rest of the week seems too long to wait, but I tough it out. Then from Wednesday on I'm in the No S habit and it's easy and I don't have to think about it again until late Friday afternoon, when I feel sort of entitled to a treat because it's the start of the weekend. But by then Satuday is so close that I could never bear to blow another green week so late in the game, when I can enjoy ANYTHING I WANT the next day anyway.

Basically, I don't have any good advice, except to tough it out and get used to not snacking. If you feel really deprived and miserable, make sure yuo have something delicious and satisfying for your next meal, not a frozen entree or anything that feels "diet-y," but one of your favorites. If you menu-plan in advance, make Wednesday dinner something really special every week, because you know that it's going to be a hard day so build in a nice reward. It could make a nice weekly ritual that adds to the No S structure.

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Post by marygrace » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:26 pm

Usually at the end of the week I start really craving sweets. I think its a great opportunity to just throw myself into something else to keep busy! Or I'll go for a run or eat a really healthy meal--after doing either of those things, I'm just not as interested in chocolate or cookies.

I don't know if you keep anything in the house during the week, but not having sweets around also helps. I almost always make my S-Day treats from scratch, so there's no reason to ever have any ready-to-eat junky snacks sitting around to tempt me. (Even if there's leftover sweets from the weekend, I'll usually bring them to someone to share or hide them in the back of the freezer for the next weekend.)

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Post by VintageGeek » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:49 pm

I'll just say that Wednesdays are always a bad day for me. Yesterday, for instance, I had to actually sit on my hands to keep from grabbing a chocolate thing. I guess I mean that it's more a time for emotional eating. They say Wednesday is hump day - but for me it's more like "emotional slaughterhouse day."

But hey, every Wednesday I'm only three days away from my S-Day.
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Post by vmsurbat » Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:37 pm

I hear you about the craving for sweets. It hits me hardest on Thursdays which has a crazy schedule here meal-wise because of evening meetings that delay dinner to a *very* late hour.

Anyway, after NoS-ing for 8 months, I realized the other day that we now eat *much* more fruit than previously. I try to serve fruit at every meal, and am successful most of the time. I think this increase has naturally resulted from regularly NOT eating sweets through out the week. I've wanted to increase our fruit consumption for years, but it never seemed to happen because dessert was always the "meal finisher" of choice and everyone was too full to want fruit too.

I now find that a piece of fruit (or part of fruit, ie., I cut up 3 apples or pears, to serve 5 of us) is *very* satisfying at the end of the meal--sweet and refreshing. We eat a combination of fresh, dried, and even (lightly sweetened) canned fruit in order to have fruit that lasts throughout the week.

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Post by woods38 » Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:03 pm

Thanks everyone for all of your suggestions. I'm glad to see that I'm not alone!

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Post by Nichole » Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:23 pm

My No-S diet trick is fat-free hot chocolate mix, especially after a spicy meal where I want to get the taste out of my mouth. Sometimes I'll have skim milk with a little Hershey's chocolate syrup, just one cup, after dinner. It really helps me!
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