I'm Back

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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I'm Back

Post by oliviamanda » Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:56 pm

I'm back again. And this time I can really do it. I have a goal. I have a wedding to attend where I am the maid of honor at the end of May.

No S is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Due to the changes in my eating, exercise, and working situations... I have jumped off the No S train for a few years, finding it impossible to get back on. But as of right now... I am ready.

I think that is really key: I am ready. If you are not ready and you don't believe in it... it won't work. I know it works because when I did No S years ago, I lost almost 25 lbs and was down to my ideal weight. I have "weigh" more to go now after having a baby and working at a bakery for two years. Now I am in a cube so there isn't so much walking, but there are no baked goods... The weather is changing to warm and I will start getting that needed exercise in.

: ) I have come up with a new motto this time "Death to the Sweet Tooth!" Right now, my sweet tooth is getting the boot. No Easter candy fro me yesterday and I am so pleased!

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Re: I'm Back

Post by vmelo » Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:47 pm

oliviamanda wrote:I think that is really key: I am ready. If you are not ready and you don't believe in it... it won't work.
You are EXACTLY right! It's the same with exercise (with me, at least).

Like you, I'm back on the wagon after a hiatus of other diets that worked as they always do: i.e., I lost some weight, couldn't stick to the stringent dieting, and then gained it back and then some.

When will I learn? I hope that this is it.

Your past success on No-S is encouraging, so best wishes this time!

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Post by oliviamanda » Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:34 am

Thanks! You are right about jumping to other diets, too. It's like the search is always on to find those miracle foods, etc. I read this book called Skinny Bitch... and it basically was an in your face book encouraging you to get off coffee (for the acidity), cigs (not a problem for me), meat and dairy. Well, since my husband went vegetarian, I also have started to and have been practically meat-free for two months. When I kept a food journal, I was suprised at how much bacon I was eating, for example. I have high cholesterol as it is...

So, I cannot give up dairy, and I don't have a great amount of it, but I have chosen to give up meat temporarily. I think it's encouraging me to eat healthier. I feel better. I know it is very hard to do for most people as it is to give up sweets and snacks ( and seconds : ) ). And on a special occasion I will have meat again.

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