Tuna says "Hi!"

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Tuna says "Hi!"

Post by TunaFishKid » Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:37 pm

Hey, everybody! This is my first post here. I chose "TunaFishKid" as my username because that was always my favorite meal as a kid, and still is. Problem is, I haven't enjoyed a tuna sandwich in years. I either couldn't eat it because of the tuna (McDougall vegan diet), the mayo (lowfat/lowcal diet) or the bread (Atkins). The few times I've allowed myself to eat one I still didn't enjoy it because it was "bad for me." At 52, I have reached a point where don't even know how to eat normally anymore.

I stumbled across the NoS diet yesterday and read everything I could find. I almost cried when I read the part about S standing for (among other things), "sick". I"ve been on Atkins for awhile now and there were a couple of days when I didn't feel well and all I wanted was tea and toast, but of course the toast would have ruined my diet so I forced down a hardboiled egg instead. Ugh.

I've been on and off a million diets and all I've gotten is fatter. Well no, that's not true. I've also gotten high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I know I probably won't lose fast on this diet, but that's fine. What I'm hoping for is a normal relationship with food and a reasonable, lasting weight loss.

Well anyway, here I am and all I can say is "Hallelujah!"

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:52 pm


This is my first day as well. So far so good. I ate a normal breakfast (well a healthy breakfast - boiled egg, slice of cheese. whole wheat toast, glass of 2pct milk.

Wanted salsa and white corn torilla chips a few hours later so I made that lunch - no snack for me. Salsa is very healthy, or so they say.

Haven't had dinner yet but am planning a large cheese quesadilla I believe.

No sweets, no snacks, no seconds.

I can do this.

So can you.

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Welcome to No S!

Post by la_loser » Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:59 pm

Welcome--it sounds like you have done a good job of analyzing what you've done in the past--and why you are ready to do something that makes sense!

And StrawberryRoan--welcome to you too! Hope your quesadilla is awesome!

My hublet is making what we call Super Nachos for dinner. Something I would have run from before No S. I will admit I usually add a bunch of lettuce and make it like taco salad--but not because I HAVE to. . . I just have a hard time getting veggies into my diet so I'll add that.

Glad you're here. Lots of support (a good S!)
LA Loser. . . well on my way to becoming an LA Winner. :lol:

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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:14 pm

What's up Tuna ?? Hey, Big Tuna, welcome !!
Tuna !! ;-) Yeah, I'm like that guy in 'The office' on
NBC ... love that show !

Well, glad you like the concept, now it's time to work hard and you should get good results sooner or later, depending how hard you work at it of course.

Diet and exercise, that's the winning combination ... just start moving regularly and follow the basic principles of No S.

I don't understand why some diets are so restrictive, why ban food that is good for you like tuna and (wheat) bread ! Those are nutritious !

Just go easy on the mayo in your sandwiches, Big Tuna, and you'll be just fine and rejoicing in no time. (Oh, and try to choose 'Light' mayo at the grocery store of course)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)
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Post by Thalia » Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:17 pm

Mayo is good for you too, full of heart-healthy whatevers.

Most real foods are good for you, in moderation.

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Post by kccc » Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:38 am


I find the biggest advantage of this way of eating (hard to call something so normal a "diet") is that it allowed me to make peace with food - to actually enjoy my food because I'm not consuming it with a side order of guilt. Weight management has become a secondary outcome.

Best of luck to you!

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Post by Marianna » Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:01 am

Hi Tuna. I came here from a lowcarb diet. I lost close to 60 pounds on Atkins and then the day came when i could not face another day of meat and eggs. I gained back 17 pounds--five of them after I started NoS. The reason? I could not get enough carbs to fill me up. I really started to panic about the weight gain, but everyone here counseled me to be patient and to let NoS do its magic. I am feeling remarkably better. I feel as if I have lost a couple of my new pounds--probably because of a lot of exercise==but to me NoS is a terrific tool--and such a relief to eat normally and without any obsessiveness. Good luck to you


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Post by TunaFishKid » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:08 am

Thank you all so much for the warm welcome!

It's 7am and I'm thinking about breakfast. It's so nice not to be dreading another breakfast of eggs. Marianna, you must have tremendous will power to have lasted so long on lowcarb. NoS should be a cinch for you!

StrawberryRoan - good luck! Sounds like you're off to a good start.

LA_Loser - You're right. I know exactly what I've been doing wrong and I feel ready for this. Thanks.

marcdesbiens - LOL. As I was typing "Tuna" I thought of Andy from the office. Let's hope you'll be calling me Little Tuna before long. :)

Thalia - I agree completely! Only real food for me from now on.

KCCC - Peace with food is what I want. I realized one day not long ago that I have come to hate food and eating, and yet it's all I think about. Sad. It's a dysfunctional relationship that's causing me way too much stress.

Thanks again to everybody, and best of luck to you!
Last edited by TunaFishKid on Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by khristal23 » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:45 am

Welcome! I'm new, too, and currently on Day 3. It is such a relief to just be able to eat like a normal human being, and not have to look at anything as "off-limits" except for things that common sense tells you should be eaten in moderation anyway.

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Post by bonnieUK » Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:49 pm

Hey Tuna Kid :)

After 10 years of low fat vegan diet, some health issues forced me to say "enough is enough" so I ate an omelette, I waited to be struck by lightening, gain 10 pounds or suffer some other catastrophe, but nothing happened, other than I actually felt satieted for the first time in years ;)

A week or so later I ate a tuna mayo sandwich with lettuce on wholewheat toast - that was the best sandwich I've ever eaten in my life! :lol: I felt great afterwards too, had lots of energy and didn't even feel hungry by dinner time.

I still don't eat meat and don't eat fish often, but have come to realise that variety is key to good health and that it isn't healthy to have foods on a "forbidden food list" (with the exception of junkfood, which isn't real food anyway ;)) I'm sure No S helped me have a more balanced relationship with food.

Enjoy the tuna sandwiches :)

p.s. I've found that hummous makes a good lower fat substitute for mayo (with extra protein too from the chickpeas) but sometimes you just can't beat the real thing :)

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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:28 pm

Welcome TunaFishKid!

Great username -- and great attitude.

I enjoy tuna sandwiches pretty regularly, and don't skimp on the full fat mayo.


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Post by TunaFishKid » Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:30 pm

Guess what I had for lunch today? TUNA! Yes, a delicious tunafish sandwich on bread with real mayonnaise. Heaven, absolute heaven. :D Loved your tuna story, bonnieUK. Isn't it amazing how much better food tastes without a side order of guilt?

Hey, khristal23 - thanks for the welcome, and welcome to you, too!

I'm looking forward to tacos for dinner, another favorite I haven't eaten (or enjoyed when I did eat it) for a long time.

I also took a long walk after lunch. I'm looking forward to becoming a Suburban Ranger. :wink: Unfortunately, the suburbs aren't nearly as interesting to walk around as the city.

Oh, and I bought the No S Diet book on kindle today. I had plenty of time to read it, as I spent the whole morning waiting for my car to be fixed. It's the first diet book I've read (and I've read dozens) that was actually good reading in itself.

ETA: Reinhard! We cross-posted. I just finished reading your book and loved it. I really appreciate your non-fuzzy, non-new-agey philosophy and attitude. Thanks for everything.

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