Here's what I have learned in just a couple days here

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Here's what I have learned in just a couple days here

Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:14 am

I ate a lot of Sweets, Snacks and Seconds. Mainly snacks.

In two days, I have found myself standing at the pantry or the fridge - just staring. Before I started this plan, I would have grabbed something each time I wandered by, thinking a little here or there wouldn't matter.

I also have learned how to appreciate a real plate of normal food.

I just ate a fish filet, wildrice/mushrooms and a piece of cornbread with butter.

That is all I will eat tonight (ate a balanced breakfast and lunch as well.)

That's it. I'm done for the night. No more thinking about food today.

I think the only way this plan would fail is if a person would add a lot to their plates, more than would have been their normal meal. I shall try not to do that.

Hanging tough,


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Post by janmarie » Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:00 am

I know how you feel! it was like a revelation to me when i started! (2 months ago) I realized how my life was centered around snacks and sweets!

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Post by bluebunny27 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:20 am

Yes, you learn not to always have everything you want whenever you want ... so that's all good ! I really think this has some effect on the brain in the long run ... I think I taste food a lot more now, it's more special when I am eating something because I know I can't have it all the time, so it's huh ... more pleasurable. Also I seem to like to just smell food sometimes, like earlier tonight I cooked a whole chicken in the oven and it was smellin' gooooooooood in the house, grilled chicken slowly roasting in the oven (for dinner a couple of days in a row and then meat for sandwiches probably) I just liked smelling it but I wasn't even tempted to have some since I was in a LOCKDOWN situation (!), it was just a nice odor for a few hours in the evening while I was watching LOST on ABC among other things ... ;-)

Lockdown : "The act of confining prisoners to their cells (usually to regain control during a riot)"

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by Pewari » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:25 am

Totally agree about tasting food properly now. Just realised this morning that I was channelling any hunger feelings into planning the next meal and really looking *forward* to that meal. (Lunch today is going to be soft boiled eggs, marmite soldiers and a banana, by the way :) )

Best of all, I'm enjoying food more AND lost 4lb overall this month. After all the warnings about weight loss being slow, and the fact that I haven't been able to exercise properly for the last fortnight due to an injured knee and ankle, AND the fact that I actually put on weight the first week (I went a bit nuts with the piling on plate and bingeing at the weekend) I really wasn't expecting to lose anything.

Why on earth didn't I discover No S earlier, I could have skipped all that pointless calorie counting rubbish...

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Post by ~reneew » Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:32 pm

I cheat a bit :oops: and one day I was frustrated for not loosing or even maintaining and I actually thought I had had a green day because I was allowing snitches here and there. When I sat down to think about it and calculated it out... 2015 snitched calories that I didn't even call snacks! I did the calorie calculations in my daily check in April 1. Big eye opener. Now I know I cheat myself and have to do a strict nos. :evil:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by khristal23 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:15 pm

I totally agree with all this. I know before I used to grab a chip here, a cookie there, every time I walked past the cupboard. Since starting this, I can't tell you how many times my hand has automatically reached out to open the door and then I stopped in my tracks. I can see how I'm saving myself a ton of calories!

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Post by TunaFishKid » Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:28 pm

Same here! I am shocked to realize how many times I day I was eating. During dinner cleanup last night I caught myself about to pop some leftovers in my mouth. This morning I saw a jar of salsa and immediately thought about having chips. I must have had the urge to snack five or six times today already (1:30) and I only noticed because I told myself "no".

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Post by bluebunny27 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:52 pm

To curb cravings, make sure you drink a lot of water, Tuna (!)

This is good to prevent cravings, if you are not well hydrated, the brain can mistake this as being hungry .... when you are really not ... just thirsty ! Also, if you drink coffee, try to have some water right before or after cos' it is a diuretic and it can get you more dehydrated in the end. Once in a while I do snack as I said be-4 but I snack on some things that are not damaging to my diet ...

I call it : THE BIG '3' : celery, cucumber or carrots ... cut into lil' sticks and with the skin still on 'em of course ... all plain, no mayo or anything + lately I have been munching on plain air popped pop corn once in a while ... Technically, it's cheating, I know ... but better to cheat on plain celery than a double chocolate ice cream sundae, right ??

Side note : Yes, Andy, in 'The office' on NBC ... I had forgotten his name the other day, thanks for reminding me. I love that character ! Trivia : One day Jim brought a tuna fish sandwich for lunch at work that's when Andy started calling him 'Tuna' and/or 'Big Tuna' ...

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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