100 pounds to lose group

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Thanks for the welcome!

Post by MelissaK » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:47 pm

My lowest weight ever was 137-140. I was super thin then, but I ate very little. When I was married (14 years ago) I weighed 155. I'd be happy to see something in the 160s. Shoot, I'd be extatic! <grin> Right now, I'd just like to get below that 200 mark. I'm trying for now just to focus on 5% of my body weight at a time. Small goals. When I get close to my perfect weight, I'll know it. It's taken a long time to put the weight on, so I'm willing to take the time to get it off.

Hardest part for me is going to be staying off of the scale. I'd like to weigh in once a week instead of every day. When I don't see the scale moving, I get discouraged.


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Post by reinhard » Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:17 pm

CrazyCatLady -- contratulations on your impressive, continued progress over many months! And with your "behavior first" mindset, I'm very optimistic it will continue.

MeslissaK -- welcome! I know this particular thread has a particular number (100 pounds or more) -- but I think the best means to that end is to relax about it and concentrate on the *behaviors* of over-eating and under-moving. However much you wind up losing (and it may well be quite a bit) these are definitely healthy, good, and attainable goals -- for everyone.


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Pounds to lose

Post by MelissaK » Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:09 am

I don't really want to lose 100 pounds, I just figure that I have more in common with the people here than I do with the folks that are trying to lose 15 or 20 pounds. I do need to lose a lot, but I don't really have a pre-set number in mind. I think I'll know when I get close to it. I'm thinking that it will probably be somewhere in the 160s. I like this plan because I think it is something that I could stick to for the rest of my life. Every other plan/program that I've tried has been a diet - something that I'll do for a while to get to the weight that I want. This is different. I'm looking forward to the journey! :)

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Post by justme58 » Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:33 am

Crazycat suggested that I check out this thread. I am 6 ft tall and my current weight is 285 (yikes). I need to lose 100 pounds but I would be really happy with 50 lbs lost. Noticing some the menus posted on this site seemed more restrictive than Weight Watchers. Today I had oatmeal and a piece of toast w/butter for breakfast. Lunch was peanut & butter sandwich, apple and small bag of chips. dinner was a good size plate of spaghetti with sausage and a piece of garlic toast. the website says you can eat as long as you don't snack, second or sweet. I took him at his word.

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Post by howfunisthat » Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:34 am

Justme...Try not to worry what other people's menus look like. We all come from different diet backgrounds & it helps some people to list their food intake...and some (like me) don't list what they eat. If writing what you eat helps, go for it! If not, then just skim over what other's eat. This really is so much different than WW because your aim is to forget points and just think "Normal". Now, if you're like me, I don't think I actually KNOW what normal is! I've been counting calories & points all my life! Relax...enjoy your food.

Okay...between this thread & the one you started, you've probably heard enough from me for one day :lol: . I promise not to throw advice to you every time you post!

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Post by BrightAngel » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:34 pm

justme58 wrote:I am 6 ft tall and my current weight is 285 (yikes).
the website says you can eat as long as you don't snack, second or sweet.
I took him at his word.
At your height and weight, I have no doubt at all that you will lose weight
if you follow the basic No S rules without modification.

Since I am a female, in my early 60s, only 5'0" tall, with a current weight of 112 lbs,
Of course, our two bodies require very different amounts of food
to maintain our weight, or to lose weight.

The smaller the person, the less energy intake (food/calories) is required.
Most females burn less energy than males, and older females burn even less.
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by clicklbd » Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:42 pm

justme58 wrote: Noticing some the menus posted on this site seemed more restrictive than Weight Watchers.
I had the same feeling. If *I* ate just a frozen diet dinner for a meal, for example, I'd be starving AND miserable.

I'm no expert, as I've only been doing this for a week, but I did lose a few pounds last week, even after quite a lot of "s"ing this past weekend. :lol: I had some days where we ate out, some days where I ate more veggies and fruit, and some days where my meals were pretty small (surprisingly!) I just went by my hunger in my belly, not by the one in my mouth. It is a lot of work being a conscious eater right now, but I feel it will pay off in the long run.

It seems, from what I'm reading, that we should just figure out what works for us! This works for me!

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Post by Eatin' Free » Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:22 am

Hi, folks,

I've been away for about a couple of years, I think, and with job changes, moving to another part of the country and a few other things contributing to a feeling of general upheaval, self-care in the food and weight-loss area took a real back seat. The good news is I've pretty much stuck around the same weight throughout that time, but at age 53, my body is telling me I need to deal with these issues since they are contributing to some health problems.

I'm just under 6 ft. tall, my lowest weight in college was 155, current weight 290, and I'd like to get down in the 160s or 170s, depending on how I feel as I lose. I found some success following this system when I first came on board, and hope to see that again. I've also been doing some reading in the area of Intuitive Eating, and think that some of the philosophy from that area will help support me in learning to eat more normally in this system.

It has been helpful reading the posts in this thread so far. Would you all be open to me joining you all here?

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Post by Too solid flesh » Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:00 am

Welcome back to No S! We look forward to seeing you here.

I'm sorry that you've had a difficult couple of years. It sounds as though you have done well to maintain, rather than gain weight, during that period.

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Post by Eatin' Free » Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:42 am

Thank you! Yes, I'm glad that with just minor fluctuations, my weight remained stable during all that time.

My first day back was something of a mixed bag, I stuck with 3 meal times, but did just grabbed what was at hand and I'm left at the end of the day with a feeling of listlessness that comes with leaning heavily on the carbs. I've already put more thought into tomorrow's eating, and should have a bit more balance. I like the freedom of eating pretty much what I want in this system, and after all these years I have learned what foods actually make me feel better and function more effectively, which helps as well. I just don't always take the time to plan a bit, which I would like to change.

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Post by Eatin' Free » Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:54 pm

It's been an interesting weekend....from early on Friday through early afternoon today, I've been cooking food for about 50 people; my husband and I are connected to a camp and retreat center, and I do the off season cooking by myself for retreat groups. The thing about being immersed in cooking is that I am so busy cooking that I forget to eat. At the end of each day, Friday and Saturday, I did not eat until the end of the day, and that was just a bagel and cream cheese. I was drinking diet cola throughout both days, which I'm sure contributed to the lack of appetite.

Today, after everyone left, my husband and I sat down together and shared a lunch, fairly light, and I find I have no appetite this evening. I wonder if running on high for a few days (adrenaline?) takes a bit of recovery time before our internal systems get back to normal. Anyway, this was our last group for the season; we are closed till after Memorial Day, so I have some solid months to give to incorporating the No S system back into my regular routine. I'm going to start tomorrow with breakfast, which is usually the easiest meal for me to overlook, usually paying for it later with overeating in the afternoon and evening. Well, we will see how it goes.

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:07 pm

I admire your skills, and wish that I was able to cook well enough to feed 50 people and have them be happy with it!

Good luck in establishing healthy habits.

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Post by WouldYouEva » Thu May 07, 2009 6:51 pm

Is this discussion still active?

When I did WW, they made a big deal that the people who came in to lose 15 lbs. were having just as hard a time as someone who had to lose over 100 lbs.

I've been assured that someday I'll come around to that idea, but to be honest, it still raises a Jack Palance-type reaction from me.

I guess part of what I like about No-S is that unlike WW where someone who needs to lose 15 lbs. might do it in a matter of weeks but someone who needs to lose 150 lbs. is stuck doing it for months on end, everyone here does it the same amount of time: Monday to Friday, the rest of your life.

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Post by Too solid flesh » Thu May 07, 2009 7:24 pm

WouldYouEva wrote:I guess part of what I like about No-S is that unlike WW where someone who needs to lose 15 lbs. might do it in a matter of weeks but someone who needs to lose 150 lbs. is stuck doing it for months on end, everyone here does it the same amount of time: Monday to Friday, the rest of your life.
That's a great way of thinking about it. Thank you.

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu May 07, 2009 7:39 pm

What an inspirational post. Good luck to you all on your journey to better health.

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Post by BirdieGirl » Thu May 07, 2009 8:28 pm

Super to see that this group is here! I have well over 100lbs to lose, there are unique experiances that come with such a long term weight reduction plan, as well as the dramatic shift of food volume. (for me, at least)
I've been no essing for three weeks now--I had my first red day yesterday. Or, less delicately, a binge. I felt awful after, but when I looked at it in the morning I was reflected that it could have been much worse. I've gone weeks compuslively eating before and this time it lasted less then two hours. Not good, but hey, I'm slowly losing this bad habit and replacing it with sane moderation. I weigh in every thursday, I've lost 2 pounds this week, 13.5 over the last three. I've rarely stuck with a weight loss system this long, I'm feeling positive about it and hopping back on the wagon today. Thanks for letting me vent, I hope this thread stays active :-)

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Post by Vigilant2010 » Fri May 08, 2009 1:27 am

This thread is just what I needed to re-motivate me! I've been having some serious compliance problems lately and I'm not sure when my last truly green day was. :oops: Biggest issues are with sweets and snacks, not so much seconds. Need to move more, too. I did step aerobics faithfully throughout March and then it messed my knees up. I let the recovery period extend for so long that April came and went without me doing more than taking a few walks. Yikes!

I might take a crack at posting daily menus, since shame could keep me in line. Anyway, menu-posters, non-menu posters--anyone on this board has my unconditional support! I'll be here to read about your ups and downs and to learn from you.

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Post by davestarbuck » Fri May 08, 2009 2:40 am

Count me in too!!!!!

I started at 280, now holding at 216!!!!

I'm going to get down to 170 or so... There is no want here, I will...

My diet is very squared away. It was the habit that took me the longest time, going on 3 years.

EDIT: I'll include my typical menu

2-3 Eggs, scrambled with onion,peppers,mushrooms. Sometimes bacon or sausage, sometimes some fruit. Every 3 days or so I have a bowl of steel cut oatmeal, uncooked with almond butter and wee bit of honey

Lunch: Big green salad with Boiled eggs, almonds, olive oil. Sometimes an apple. Or sometimes a sub with roat beef and turkey, and lots of veggies, I almost never eat all of the bread.

Dinner: This has the most variation, basicly it's whatever I want, but only a small plateful. Most times accompanied by an nice cold beer or a nice glass of red wine.

I tried going totally caveman/paleo, but I decided to get back to reasonable moderation, and stop being extreme!!! It works, but I'll take the 67% solution (2 meals a day)

I also don't eat 3 meals a day everyday, sometimes I only eat 1-2 meals, it all depends on my appetite.

Exercise has been up and down, but only due to knee and shoulder issues. My short career as a high school athlete was not kind to my body, nor was carting around an extra 100 lbs of fat :oops: .

Keep plugging away!!!!!

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Menu posting reminds me too much of teh eebill WW.

Post by WouldYouEva » Sat May 09, 2009 2:24 pm


I'm here because I *don't* want to obsess about what goes in my mouth. And it would get old posting things like breakfast was a slice of homemade fruit bread, a container of yogurt, a banana and tea. Lunch was a 6 inch sub (I've decided a 12 inch sub constitutes seconds) with turkey and every single vegetable Subway has, with the exception of olives and hot peppers*. Dinner was ravioli with my kids...

Snoozing yet? And if shame motivated me, I'd look like Kate Moss.

I'd rather talk about the wistful feeling of losing 18 lbs. and knowing that if I had started at 170 lbs. people would be showering me with compliments, but you have to squint very, very hard to see it on me. Or knowing that the lowest weight I've ever been as an adult is perceived as "fat" by some folks here. Yes, I know it's irrational and unfair. But it drags up a lot of feelings that have me musing if she thinks she's fat at that weight, what am I then? Jabba the Hut? :(

My main goal is now to have a normal relationship with food, and to have faith my body will choose to be a smaller size. The only kinship I feel with smaller people is, unlike WW, we're going to be doing No-S the same amount of time: life. But from my perspective, it's insulting to think life at 170 lbs. is the same as life at twice that.

*side note: did you know you can ask Subway to put their salad vegetables on subs? My sub yesterday had both iceberg lettuce AND baby spinach.
Last edited by WouldYouEva on Sat May 09, 2009 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Menu posting reminds me too much of teh eebill WW.

Post by TunaFishKid » Sat May 09, 2009 3:18 pm

WouldYouEva wrote::roll:

I'm here because I *don't* want to obsess about what goes in my mouth. And it would get old posting things like breakfast was a slice of homemade fruit bread, a container of yogurt, a banana and tea. Lunch was a 6 inch sub (I've decided a 12 inch sub constitutes seconds) with turkey and every single vegetable Subway has, with the exception of olives and hot peppers*. Dinner was ravioli with my kids...

Snoozing yet? And if shame motivated me, I'd look like Kate Moss.

I'd rather talk about the wistful feeling of losing 18 lbs. and knowing that if I had started at 170 lbs. people would be showering me with compliments, but you have to squint very, very hard to see it on me. Or knowing that the lowest weight I've ever been as an adult is perceived as "fat" by some folks here. Yes, I know it's irrational and unfair. But it drags up a lot of feelings that have me musing if she thinks she's fat at that weight, what am I then? Jabba the Hut? :(

My main goal is now to have a normal relationship with food, and to have faith my body will choose to be a smaller size. The only kinship I feel with smaller people is, unlike WW, we're going to be doing No-S the same amount of time: life. But from my perspective, it's insulting to think life at 170 lbs. is the same as life at twice that.

*side note: did you know you can ask Subway to put their salad vegetables on subs? My sub yesterday had both iceberg lettuce AND baby spinach. [/i]
We are kindred spirits, Eva! I'm with you - I want a normal relationship with food. That's what I love about No S. I can eat NORMAL food at NORMAL times. And the last thing I want to think about is calories or fat grams. I"ve spent years on diet message boards where the talk was constantly about stalls and tweaking and about how "this isn't a diet, it's a way of life". :roll: With No S, that's actually true! I like knowing I only have to focus on establishing good habits and not on trying to be a chemist (or a magician) by getting just the right type of food in the exact right amounts day to day. That way lies food obsession. Been there, done that.

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hi can I play too?

Post by bizzybee » Mon May 11, 2009 11:47 pm

I just read through this whole thread and I am feeling so damn inspired by you all. I've been away from NoS for months and trying other things and packing on more weight. I miss that zen-like state when you just eat 3 times a day and then move n to other things.

I seem to have exercise back under control. I joined one of those 30 minute circuit workout places (you know what I'm talking about) and I seem to have no problem going 3X a week. I also still belong to the Y and go to pilates twice a week. I am also walking on the weekends with the kids or the dog.

But the eating has been hard. I think I'm ready to get rid of the sweet stuff and boredom eating.

My name is Sarah and I have 95 pounds to lose.

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Re: hi can I play too?

Post by WouldYouEva » Tue May 12, 2009 12:14 am

bizzybee wrote:My name is Sarah and I have 95 pounds to lose.
Welcome. I think of my water walking as sort of a supercharger for NoS. The two things work together to make something better than either one.

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Post by madgoth5 » Tue May 12, 2009 3:03 pm


I have at least 100 to lose, I have lost 23-25 and stalled out on WW growing so tired of trying to play games with my points to make sure I get to eat what I want. I kept finding myself eating many tasteless things, all for the sake of keeping points at a minimum so I can have something for dinner besides a salad.

I get tired of obsessing about food all the time. It seems that's all one thinks about, which only serves to make me want to nibble and snack all that much more.

I want to have a normal relationship with food, where I eat when its mealtime, have a treat once in a while, and don't eat when I am not hungry.

I hope No-S can help me. I am on my fourth day, doing very well for a person who nibbled constantly while at work and after dinner. At all times really.

I am tired of being limited by this fat. I want to be healthy and active and cute, not huffing and puffing and roly-poly like I am now. Enough of that.

Anyway you are all an inspiration. I hope I can be as well.

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Post by bizzybee » Tue May 12, 2009 8:50 pm

Checking in -

This is my normal snack time.
I have about 90 minutes till dinner and am just starting to feel like I might like to eat soon. I think I may go drink one of those Special K protein waters. I figure liquid is legal.

Dinner tonight is grilled portobello chicken with smoked mozzarella and Israeli couscous with spinach. I hope it turns out well.

Lunch was chicken fajitas and breakfast was a bagel and some yogurt.

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Post by harpista » Mon May 18, 2009 2:43 am

I am 5' 6"-5' 7" (posture problems), usually 295 lb. I have been away from No-S/the boards for 1.5 or 2 years, and I've tried many things, including personal training. I have gotten stronger and managed NOT to gain (which is a big victory for me), but have not seen much by way of weight *loss* and have spent $$$ I can't afford any more, after my current contract expires. Time to start telling myself "no," it's cheaper but it's much harder to do. :lol:

When I did Weight Watchers, they said I have a small frame (!!) and my ideal weight range was 128-135 pounds (!!!!). My doctors would be happy with me weighing 160. So that means I 'should' lose 136 pounds, but I like Reinhard's idea that ideal behaviour = ideal weight (eventually). It's way less overwhelming to contemplate.

To me, this is like trying to fight my way out of extreme debt (it's daunting, it may take many attempts to succeed, and it needs a fence around the law from here on out to get clear of the giant weight on my shoulders).
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Post by Vigilant2010 » Mon May 18, 2009 5:39 pm

I frequently think in terms of the debt analogy too! Nice to hear it from someone else. Sending good wishes your way!
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Post by Vigilant2010 » Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:40 am

Whatever happened to this thread? How is everyone doing?
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Post by maggie » Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:31 pm

Vigilant2010 wrote:Whatever happened to this thread? How is everyone doing?
Yes, I hope this one becomes active again. I am brand new to the program, just started today. My daughter and I are doing this together. I have about 60 pounds to lose and my has about 90.

I don't know if I will post menus everyday, but I would love the fellowship with others going through the same thing I am.


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Post by Vigilant2010 » Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:50 pm

Welcome, Maggie. Wishing you and your daughter success. You will find plenty of good fellowship on this board!
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Post by WouldYouEva » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:46 pm

Well, I haven't been posting a lot but I am finding No S to be a lot easier. In fact, it's almost a relief on Monday when I can pass on snacks, sweets and seconds and concentrate on keeping my day green.

The challenge I am struggling with now is going from cooking for a family to cooking for just my college-age son and I, and sometimes just cooking for myself. If a package makes 4 servings, I stare at the leftovers, debating saving them or tossing them. Most of the time, I remember how often "saving" turns into "science experiment" (hmm, that's two more No-S to think about), and entice the dog to eat it. (I hate the dog, really I do, but he thinks he's getting a treat.)

So, if "salad" comprises a chunk of my dinner, how gung-ho should I be about portion size? Or if it, and the rest of dinner, fits on one plate, then I should let it go?

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Post by vmelo » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:45 pm

WouldYouEva wrote:Well, I haven't been posting a lot but I am finding No S to be a lot easier. In fact, it's almost a relief on Monday when I can pass on snacks, sweets and seconds and concentrate on keeping my day green.

The challenge I am struggling with now is going from cooking for a family to cooking for just my college-age son and I, and sometimes just cooking for myself. If a package makes 4 servings, I stare at the leftovers, debating saving them or tossing them. Most of the time, I remember how often "saving" turns into "science experiment" (hmm, that's two more No-S to think about), and entice the dog to eat it. (I hate the dog, really I do, but he thinks he's getting a treat.)

So, if "salad" comprises a chunk of my dinner, how gung-ho should I be about portion size? Or if it, and the rest of dinner, fits on one plate, then I should let it go?
I'd like to offer a suggestion, but I'm not sure of your struggle. Are you saying that if you save the leftovers, you'll be tempted to eat them? If so, freeze them or if that's even too much of a temptation, I'd vote for tossing them.

OT: Why do you hate your dog? (Just curious---I'm a dog lover :).

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Post by wosnes » Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:23 am

vmelo wrote:
WouldYouEva wrote:Well, I haven't been posting a lot but I am finding No S to be a lot easier. In fact, it's almost a relief on Monday when I can pass on snacks, sweets and seconds and concentrate on keeping my day green.

The challenge I am struggling with now is going from cooking for a family to cooking for just my college-age son and I, and sometimes just cooking for myself. If a package makes 4 servings, I stare at the leftovers, debating saving them or tossing them. Most of the time, I remember how often "saving" turns into "science experiment" (hmm, that's two more No-S to think about), and entice the dog to eat it. (I hate the dog, really I do, but he thinks he's getting a treat.)

So, if "salad" comprises a chunk of my dinner, how gung-ho should I be about portion size? Or if it, and the rest of dinner, fits on one plate, then I should let it go?
I'd like to offer a suggestion, but I'm not sure of your struggle. Are you saying that if you save the leftovers, you'll be tempted to eat them? If so, freeze them or if that's even too much of a temptation, I'd vote for tossing them.

OT: Why do you hate your dog? (Just curious---I'm a dog lover :).
I have another suggestion: I also went from cooking for a family to usually cooking for 1-2. I got a couple of cookbooks for 1-2, not so much for new recipes but to learn how to downsize recipes. I also use very little from packages.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by WouldYouEva » Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:17 pm

vmelo wrote: I'd like to offer a suggestion, but I'm not sure of your struggle. Are you saying that if you save the leftovers, you'll be tempted to eat them? If so, freeze them or if that's even too much of a temptation, I'd vote for tossing them.

OT: Why do you hate your dog? (Just curious---I'm a dog lover :).
No, I INTEND to use them again but what happens is, they go bad before that. Probably an argument for planning my meals, but one major change at a time, and No S is the change I'm doing now.

Why do I hate the dog? I got talked into getting him from a shelter. He's very emotionally needy and whined and acted out when left alone but we figured that was do-able when we got him 5 years ago, because my DH was home all day.

Was, being the operative word. He died about a year after we got the dog.

The dog is destructive (likes to eat Venetian blinds and we rent), whizzes when he can't go out immediately (it turns out my son was too immature for a dog--he was 12 at the time), and has cost us $$ in lost rent deposits (we had to sell our house after my DH died). I think, secretly, my son would be relieved to be free of the obligation of the dog if the dog were suddenly gone from our lives, but doesn't want to hear of giving the dog away, if we could even find someone willing to take a 9 year old mutt who's never been 100% housebroken. I'm more of a cat person and it doesn't help my preferences that our cat is a complete angel, not destructive, very affectionate, very easy to take care of.

So I figured feeding the leftovers to the dog is win-win: he thinks he's getting a treat, I both get rid of food before it becomes garbage, and, possibly, induce early death in the dog. So far, it's not working, but it has made me feel the dog is doing something useful.

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Hi checking in

Post by bizzybee » Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:26 pm

I just wanted to wave hello, I'm still around.
This past 2 weeks I have been trying to get it together and been absolutely plagued by stress, injury, illness etc.

I am trying to turn my attitude around about it all. You know, work the problems that can be worked.

I've also been thinking about healthy vs. less healthy food. The truth is that I feel really good on a "clean" diet. Less refined carbs, more protein, lots of fruits and veggies. And this is beyond losing weight, quality food means I have more energy, less emotional fall out, a happier tummy, I get sick less etc. And so I am trying to bridge No S and not being food obsessed with also feeding myself well. And its' hard. I think that I automatically cook healthy food 90% of the time, so what I am dealing with is eating out and the occasional take-out. I need to not let No-S be an eat anything that appeals to me kind of thing, not if I also want to feel good.

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Re: Hi checking in

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:21 pm

bizzybee wrote:I need to not let No-S be an eat anything that appeals to me kind of thing, not if I also want to feel good.
Well the wonderful paradox for many people, who discover they truly have freedom of choice, is that they are faced with making responsible choices for themselves, and that often, they naturally choose what makes them feel good.... and naturally, that's gonna be better quality food rather than junk.
Keep up the good work!
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Re: Menu posting reminds me too much of teh eebill WW.

Post by CrazyCatLady » Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:45 pm

WouldYouEva wrote:
And if shame motivated me, I'd look like Kate Moss.

I'd rather talk about the wistful feeling of losing 18 lbs. and knowing that if I had started at 170 lbs. people would be showering me with compliments, but you have to squint very, very hard to see it on me. Or knowing that the lowest weight I've ever been as an adult is perceived as "fat" by some folks here. Yes, I know it's irrational and unfair. But it drags up a lot of feelings that have me musing if she thinks she's fat at that weight, what am I then? Jabba the Hut? :(
One huge reason that I love No S is that it is not shame motivated at all. And while some people here are teeny tiny in comparison to me, if you read what they are posting, they are supportive of everyone.

Don't compare yourself to others, here or in real life. You are beautiful, just as you are.

Love, CrazyCatlady....who fell off the wagon and has regained so much weight. But just because I quit following the No S principles doesn't mean that I forgot them. Today is a good day to restart.

P.S. That is flippin hilarious about feeding the dog the leftovers. I'm a dog lover, but you have me LOL!

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Post by CrazyCatLady » Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:48 pm

WouldYouEva wrote:
I guess part of what I like about No-S is that unlike WW where someone who needs to lose 15 lbs. might do it in a matter of weeks but someone who needs to lose 150 lbs. is stuck doing it for months on end, everyone here does it the same amount of time: Monday to Friday, the rest of your life.
I think Reinhard needs to make a poster that says this. I absolutely love it!

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