First post, first day on no s!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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First post, first day on no s!

Post by BigE » Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:30 pm

I just checked out the "No S" book yesterday at the library. It was my first choice among the diet books because for me simple is best. About two years ago I lost about 40 pounds (from around 150 to 110 -- I'm a 5'3" woman). I lost the weight with the simple rule of "no sweets," and then it evolved into whole grains at breakfast and lunch, and only small snacks throughout the day. In the past year or so I've gained back almost all the weight (I'm at 146). I'm back to my old habits of sneaking sweets and not exercising any more. The no seconds rule will be no problem for me, but the no snacks is a major shift. Also, I'm hoping that being able to eat sweets on S days will cure me of the "sneaky" eating -- so unhealthy!
One last comment: I've got to say that one of my best friends calls me "The Rules Follower" because I get so hung up on following rules, which is probably why I enjoy playing games of all sorts. Anyway, I've just had my first No S meal and I'm already obsessing about the rules. I filled one plate with: two slices of buttered whole grain toast, two fried eggs, and blueberries. HOWEVER, I didn't want my blueberries to be covered in egg yolk, so I placed the blueberries in a ramekin and put the ramekin physically on the plate. That's okay, right?

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:45 pm

Sounds fine to me :D Who wants blueberries covered in egg yolk?

Welcome, this is the PERFECT place for a rules follower. I, too, am like that. I have done very well here because it gives me back the control I so desperately needed.

Please post often, the board has been SO helpful to me. There is a June challenge thread on this page as well as a daily weigh in thread where many check in daily (or whenever they can), sorta like a journal. Just click the Index at the top and it will show you the Daily Check in page.

Again, welcome.

Sue :wink:

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Post by guadopt1997 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:02 pm

I do that too when I don't want the flavors to mix. And my fruit is always on a separate plate. The trick is to leave an empty place where that fruit would have been (virtual plating, a no-S "rule"). I'm not always successful in doing that, I must admit, but I am a successful no-S loser!

Good luck!

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Post by reinhard » Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:11 pm

I just checked out the "No S" book yesterday at the library.
Welcome! As an ex-librarian, I'm happy to hear that so many people have found it at libraries.
HOWEVER, I didn't want my blueberries to be covered in egg yolk, so I placed the blueberries in a ramekin and put the ramekin physically on the plate. That's okay, right?
Totally OK.
I've got to say that one of my best friends calls me "The Rules Follower" because I get so hung up on following rules, which is probably why I enjoy playing games of all sorts
A game is the perfect way to see no-s.

The no-s rules are great as conscious rules, but even better in how they train unconscious habit. By the time the "game" gets old, you'll barely even realize you're playing it.


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Post by BigE » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:17 pm

Okay, now it's 5:15 and I'm hungry. I'm working on coming to terms with the fact that it's okay to be hungry, because I'll really enjoy dinner, much more than when I'm snacking all day.
Still, I'm hungry!
My husband's work schedule dictates that we don't eat until 7 p.m. Here we go . . .
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Post by BigE » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:32 pm

My book club meets once a month, on a Wednesday. They always serve a dessert at book club. Do I count book club as an "s" day so I can eat the dessert? Or not at all? Or only occasionally?

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Post by ~reneew » Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:40 am

Welcome! I think that once a month desert could certainly be called an S day or even an S event. As long there aren't too many of those "events" and you don't start thinking of more. I would. Good luck and I really think you'll love no S! Especially rule followers like me! Keep in touch! :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by mimi » Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:17 am

Welcome BigE - from one *rules follower* to another!
You will love NoS providing you make it work with your life. If you don't, you may become resentful (poor me...I can't eat any desert because I'm on a diet) and fall off the wagon, so to speak!
I'm thinking about your once-a-month book club with Renee said you could follow NoS for the entire day with the exception of the desert and just call it an S event. I would mark it yellow on your Habitcal, though, if you're keeping one. That way you can easily see if you're having too many S days or events that may interfere with weight loss, or slow it way down.
Anyway, best wishes on your journey!

Mimi :D
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Post by BigE » Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:43 am

I like the idea of an "s event." I really don't want to stray from 3 meals a day on book club day (Look! I made a rhyme!).

Wow, after whining about having to eat a late dinner because of my husband, I remembered too late that he has a PTA meeting tonight and wasn't home for dinner anyway.

I made myself one of my favorite dinners, to ease into no s: almond chicken with a cream sauce, rice pilaf, and asparagus. My seven-year-old daughter looked at my plate and said, "Wow! That's a huge piece of chicken; looks more like seconds or even thirds!" I tried to reply with great dignity that I was well within the rules . . . seven is a big age for rule-following. I did, however, note to her that I left a third of my huge chicken breast on the plate. :lol:

Also, regarding the seven-year-old: she's underweight, in the 5th percentile in weight. Today she requested a snack of microwave popcorn, my FAVORITE SNACK, late afternoon, my hungriest. I just repeated in my head as a mantra: Build a fence around the law, build a fence around the law" in response to the "inner demon" that said: "Just have a few pieces of popcorn. Does it really matter?" Yes, I believe it does matter, in principle. BUILD A FENCE AROUND THE LAW.

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Post by ~reneew » Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:53 am

When I first started No S I didn't tell my kids (4 of them) because I don't want to pass on my unhappy-with-myself-so-I-need-to-diet mentality. I then later decided that they could be my allies and help me. Kind of my own cheering section. Ha! That worked for a day... now my teens hold up food in my face and say "here Mom, have some it's great... oh, that's right, you CAN'T!" So funny! I recommend great consideration before telling everyone!
Just surprise them with the results. :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by BigE » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:08 am

Yes, I did think about not telling my daugher, but she catches on fast. No way would she not notice me avoiding her bag of microwave popcorn, not to mention those delectable "two-bite cupcakes."

It is a constant struggle for me, not wanting to pass on my bad body image to my daughter. My mother was obsessed with dieting, and I actively rebelled against her attitudes about "good" and "bad" foods. She literally used to call Oreos evil! That's why I try to teach my daughter about good nutritionally choices, but I still allow her to have her snacks and sweets. And I feel like it's better to admit to her, in a matter-of-fact way, that I want to lose some extra weight.

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:57 pm

Big E,

What is funny (well, odd I suppose) is that you are not doing anything strange or unusual

You are eating three healthy meals a day which shouldn't really require any explanation to anyone.

However, as a society that now snacks non-stop, if a person is eating normally - to the outside world their actions look abnormal?

Isn't that odd?

I have found myself in the same position,when I turn down a snack or a sweet at someone's house. They say, What's wrong, are you on a DIET?

I say, No, just trying to eat normally.

I wonder if the new normal has replaced the real normal?


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Post by guadopt1997 » Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:03 pm

The thing about being on No-S and not telling people (because in fact this is not a diet, right) is that I imagine people look at what we eat at any one meal and probably think to themselves: well, no wonder!

Last night I went out to eat with a friend and our daughters. I ordered chicken wings and they came with garlic bread, and a slice of tomato, plus I had maybe 5 fries from my daughter's plate (which would have fit on mine :) ). Not exactly a diet meal, and yes I could have made healthier choices, but that is what I felt like eating.

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