Room for an Atkins refugee?

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Room for an Atkins refugee?

Post by jumbotights » Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:11 pm

I came across the website and read the entire thing, loved it. I feel like I always knew I needed to do this, but seeing it in writing was wonderful! And the sense of humor throughout was priceless.

I am a failed Atkins refugee. Lost good weight during induction, then nada. And what seemed too good to be true, the bacon, butter and beef, started getting gross, and my abdomen started giving me grief. I also started getting real tired of the hell-bent atkineers, who stuff themselves with bacon daily and demand that this is the only way to lose weight and feel good. Didnt work for me, and didn't like the attitude at the low carb site. So here I am, and I really feel good about being here. I just want to feel 'normal' again. Thanks for listening and I hope to hang out here and make new friends! ~Kim

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:17 pm

No, get the heck out and take your side of beef with ya. :D

Just kidding, of course. Come on in, pull up a chair - and have a cup of sanity.

This is a great board, filled with great advice and great people.


Berry :wink:

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Post by mimi » Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:24 am

Come on in - we'd love to have 'ya! We do have a lot of fun, but you have to watch out for that Berry! :wink:

I've never tried the Adkins way to lose weight because I don't fancy eating meat and cheese all that much, but I've tried or thought about trying every other kind of diet that's been invented. NoS is the way to go. It is the only diet that I've tried that I know I can sustain over the long haul. It's simple, it works, and it frees your mind of the constant food and eating chattering that other diets bring with them. It is a peaceful way to exist!

Good luck on your NoS journey!

Mimi :D
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Re: Room for an Atkins refugee?

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:54 am

jumbotights wrote:I came across the website and read the entire thing, loved it. I feel like I always knew I needed to do this, but seeing it in writing was wonderful! And the sense of humor throughout was priceless.

Welcome Kim!
You'll enjoy this a *lot* more than Atkins. It does work.
Make sure to do some form of exercise too.
Good luck!
8) Debs
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Post by flightisleavin » Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:55 am

Welcome to the board. Love your screen name Jumbotights.

I am also an Atkins or low carb escapee. I got the same lecture that no carbs is the ONLY way to lose weight. Also got told that carbohydrates are not needed for energy or health and it is ridiculous to think so. People survive and thrive on fat and protein I was led to believe and don't need any kind of grains, fruit or starch except maybe for some blueberries. Humans were not designed to eat grains I was repeatedly told nor starchy vegetables or even a plum or two.

Surely some people do thrive on low carb do but what about those of us who felt terrible on no carb/low carb? Those of who struggled to stay on it, lose with it and got the disapproving eye if we had piece of a baguette when the bread basket came?

Anyway, to each his/her own. I have been on No S for 3 weeks and I have done really well and I think you will find it an enjoyable way to approach weight loss.
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Post by jumbotights » Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:11 am

flightisleavin wrote: I got the same lecture that no carbs is the ONLY way to lose weight. Also got told that carbohydrates are not needed for energy or health and it is ridiculous to think so. People survive and thrive on fat and protein I was led to believe and don't need any kind of grains, fruit or starch except maybe for some blueberries. Humans were not designed to eat grains I was repeatedly told nor starchy vegetables or even a plum or two.

Surely some people do thrive on low carb do but what about those of us who felt terrible on no carb/low carb? Those of who struggled to stay on it, lose with it and got the disapproving eye if we had piece of a baguette when the bread basket came?
Exactly! I never got the so called 'energy surge'. I only got an upset belly. When i read a post from a girl whose cholesterol skyrocketed while on atkins for 4 months, members of the board encouraged her to keep eating saturated fats anyway. I couldnt believe that, that's when i knew this board was cultlike about atkins and fat.

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Post by flightisleavin » Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:06 am

I think a lot of it comes from the backlash of the no fat/low fat diets of the 70s and 80s that were so popular. Those groups are just as bad because they would also have you not put the equally evil butter on your evil baguette.

I had read another article that people who came off Atkins had surges in their cholesterol along with their rebound weight gain. They simply could not stay on it for the long term.

Awhile back I had success losing weight on a moderation plan that simply consisted of eating very little processed foods but regular meals without fussing over fats, carbs or calories but limiting portions I was told that I "was doing it all wrong" and that unless I "cut out the carbs" I simply would not lose weight. But I did - I lost 30 pounds and they said it was a fluke and I must have been starving myself. Nope - not at all. I was eating a great variety foods and having butter on my bread and I lost 30 pounds. I just did not go back and have seconds nor did I snack. Go figure. I am back on that plan now and will ignore my well meaning friends who tell me this the incorrect way to lose weight.

When I read Reinhard talking about both groups are interchangeable with food that is off limits I knew he was speaking for those of us who want to eat normally, enjoy our food but learn the moderation that enables you to stay on a weight loss plan without resorting to counting every little calorie or point, etc.
Starting date: June 22, 2009. Starting wgt: 220. Goal 120. Current weight: 198. Mindset: Celebrating moderation.

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Post by Bushranger » Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:25 am

The fatal flaw with Atkins, and indeed most diets, is they are solely designed to lose weight with no interest whatsoever in actual health beyond the weight loss. The very notion that pork rinds are ok but fruit is not should warn everyone off this kind of foolishness immediately.

What is the point in being thin if you are sick and unhealthy? I’ve seen plenty of thin smokers, perhaps I could start selling the "Pack-a-Day Diet: Puff your way to weight loss!"

Good to have you onboard. I always like it when someone pulls their head out of the sand and takes a reality check. Well done!

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