Committing 100% NoS and Exercise Habits

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Committing 100% NoS and Exercise Habits

Post by gratefuldeb67 » Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:06 pm

Wow, I had a really horrible last few weeks. My period totally threw me into a funk and I have been really low on money too, so very stressed.
Just coming out of it today.
I'm refocusing my energy and my attention to truly developing new good habits. When I say "new" I mean, compared to what I did prior to finding NoS. This has been a massive challenge to me, especially on the regular exercise and no eating at night front.
I just did 18 mins of dancing, squatting, light dumbbells, chorus line kicks, and finished with chakra mantras and short meditation.
I want to have success in this area *no matter what*. If I don't over commit time-wise, and have a regular routine here at home, in the spirit of Shovelglove, I can't make any excuses to not succeed. Besides,,,, It feels so great!!! I am always depressed and this is such a help for that, so it's gonna help my self esteem big time if I know I've done my exercise.
I also got pretty sweated up, so I *know* it's having some good effect, and over time will definitely help me get in good shape.
If I do other auxiliary exercises on top of my regular daily routine (which btw I'm trying to do in the morning, so I can get off to a positive start for the day, well that's great, but I'm not gonna start making a lot of commitments to four different habit cals.. but just fyi, I am most probably going to do more than just 14 mins at home a day (ie: yoga class, swimming, suburban ranger, stair climbing, etc...)

My version of NoS, will also be strict. I will allow myself 3 regular meals a day and one small fourth meal, consisting only of fresh fruit or salad.
And I'm going to go completely hardcore on myself when it comes to giving 100% to not eating at night. This has been a life long bad habit, which keeps me maintaining my weight. When I don't do it, I lose weight on those weeks. Simple. That's keeping me from succeeding in getting and staying healthy. It's gonna change, whether it takes a long time of trying or not.
I thought about how long it will take to really form a new habit to replace the old one, and here's an interesting observation that popped into my mind.
From the years 1987-2007 I drove a stick shift car. Then I ended up deciding (unfortunately) to not fix it when the inspection time came, cos the mechanic discouraged me from putting any major repairs into an old car, but if I had I think I would have been better off anyway, cos it was a Toyota Corolla and I think it would still have a bunch more years of life in it *and* be fuel efficient unlike the one I then inherited from my Mom, a major gas guzzler.. argh!! Sorry! Tangent!! :wink:
Anyway,, my hand for the first year of driving the new car, which was an automatic transmission, would, purely out of habit, go and try to find the stick shift to put it in gear when I would start the car, or if I was at a red light etc, to stop it, I'd try to find it to put it into neutral.. It was really funny. I was so habitualised into using the stick, that even when it wasn't there, I'd reach for it.
I can say that now, after 2 years or more of driving this new car, I no longer "look" for the stick shift. I think that habit took over a year to change completely.. I mean to the point that it's truly not a habit anymore.
I am thinking that the night time eating, which went on for a similar amount of time may take over a year to defeat and change.
I just have to substitute a regular positive behaviour, and stick to it everytime, when I have the urge to wander over to the fridge..
I think my best shot is to fill up the water pitcher and every night, religiously, drink water, when the urge hits.
Well, sorry if this was long and definitely *not* original in any way guys.
I just needed to make my commitment public. I thought long and hard about Reinhard's response on the thread about having a hard time sticking to it after 21 days, and realised that I have to shift my focus from goals, to habits. It's the only thing that makes sense long term.
Thanks Reinhard for the strict reminders like that when we need them.
It's "tough love" :wink:
Thanks for listening friends and have a great week!!
8) Debs
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Post by bluebunny27 » Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:53 pm

Sounds like you have a good plan and a good attitude too, hopefully you'll stick with it long term.

It is true that you feel great after a work out, I was just sweating bullets for 40 minutes at the soccer field, running intervals ... when I was done my t-shirt was soaked ! Felt pretty good to fight through

Note, you can indeed learn new habits ... car related anecdote, hum .... I used to forget my keys in the car all the time, it used to happen to me 20 times per year (At least I always carry a spare key in my wallet so I am not stuck outside the car with no way of unlocking the door !) Once I even forgot the key in the car and the radio was playing too when I got back, lol ! ;-)

I made it a habit of shaking my keys in my hand whenever I get out of the car now, I jiggle the keys as a reminder, so I know I haven't forgotten them. I haven't left the keys in the car in quite a few years now using this method.

Remember ... Fight - - through - - ADVERSITY ! :-)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
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07/27/2009 : 201.0 pounds
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Post by vmelo » Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:57 pm

Good luck with your plan, Deb!

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Post by mimi » Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:29 am

Having a plan, Debs, is half the battle, I think. Your plan sounds like a good one - and I can totally relate to the stick shift anecdote. It makes so much sense, and backs up the theory that for some of us, it takes much longer than 21 days to create a habit. There's been quite a bit a discussion on these boards about that recently.
I have been focusing on creating strong, lasting habits this go-round with NoS rather than focusing on weight loss. I know if I establish the habits, the weight loss will follow. I don't care anymore how long it takes...
I've also decided that finally I'm going to let my body determine its weight, rather than me arbitrarily picking a number that I think will *look* good. I'm going to NoS until my body melts down to a comfortable size - and I'm kinda excited about it.
So good luck with getting your habits in order...let us know how you're doing!

Mimi :D
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
Restarted once again: July 14, 2011
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Post by reinhard » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:27 pm

Wow, I had a really horrible last few weeks.
I'm sorry to hear it, Deb. Things had been going so well.
If I don't over commit time-wise, and have a regular routine here at home, in the spirit of Shovelglove, I can't make any excuses to not succeed.
Yes! Watch out especially for the over committing part. It's safer to under commit -- but then really consistently comply. You can always up the ante later if you want. People so frequently respond to failure by making ever greater commitments when what they should do is the opposite -- scale back to what they can actually, consistently do. It can be hard for one's pride to accept this ("just 7 minutes???" etc) but don't indulge that pride -- it's hubris. Once you have a good solid month of humble but 100% consistent compliance, then maybe consider rewarding your pride by upping the ante a bit (maybe, one should always be cautious).
I thought long and hard about Reinhard's response on the thread about having a hard time sticking to it after 21 days, and realised that I have to shift my focus from goals, to habits. It's the only thing that makes sense long term.
I'm glad that resonated with you! It can be a hard shift to make... I've got a lot more stuff on "goal-think" vs. "habit-think" in the pipeline which I hope you'll find useful (if I can just stick with my "goal" of getting that podcast episode out! :-))
Thanks Reinhard for the strict reminders like that when we need them.
It's "tough love"
You are very welcome, Deb!

Tough, but not mean, I hope. :-)

And thank YOU for everything you continue to give us all on this board.

Best of luck with your new focus on habits and looking forward to hearing more,


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Post by ~reneew » Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:20 pm

Good luck Debs... we're rootin' for ya!
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:12 am

Thanks everybody!!
I really appreciate all your kind and supportive replies!! :)
Reinhard, the comment about having a tough few weeks, has more to do with tough in the "general life" tough category, and not so much in NoS.
I actually did have a bunch of minor slip-ups, but I was not just referring to them.
And of *course* when I say tough love, I don't mean "mean" *ever*!!!
I appreciate your guidance and frank responses always!
You have always had a knack for saying the right thing at the right time as well. :D

I'm getting back on track, and going to stick with this if it takes everything I've got.. Thru *adversity* :wink:
I weighed myself and I think I'm either the same, or might have lost one or two pounds.. Not sure yet, because it was moms scale I checked on yesterday. But her's is usually *more* than the one at the gym. We will see.

I'm going for yoga on Thursday, so I'll check then.

After that, I'm going to stop weighing for about 2 months. I want to just focus on my habits. If I get crazy to see if there's change, I'll just measure my waist.
I may lose my internet for a week or so, due to not having money to pay it, so if anyone writes back and I don't respond, please don't be offended.

Hugs to all!

8) Debs x
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:11 pm

Okay I can't seem to find my check in thread, so posting here.

I decided to try something different today for exercise.

Since we live by a huge public covered out door parking garage, I thought I'd try to do some uphill walking and mix things up a bit.
It's a five level garage, which is covered, but isn't really "indoors" because there are no external walls, just like the kind that Fisher price makes for kids to play with, you know?

So it was actually a really great place to walk, because 1. It's covered from the direct sun/rain/etc.. and I still get to see the out doors and get some indirect light. And, most importantly, I got to do some "hill climbing"...
Was a gentle slope and I did two full circuits, up to the top and all the way down again. It took me 18 minutes total. But when I clocked it on my trip odometer, it was 8 tenths of a mile. Still, it was 4 tenths of constant uphill walking, and I tried to keep my pace the same for the whole thing but would walk a little faster when I felt a burst of energy.

I give myself kudos for this because it's so humid out today, and I almost talked myself out of doing it. I'm glad I talked myself back into it.
I know I went pretty slowly, but oh well, as they say, slow and steady wins the race.

What should I call this eh?
"Parking lot Rangering"???
8) Debs
There is no Wisdom greater than Kindness

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