Anyone else with PCOS doing NoS?

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Anyone else with PCOS doing NoS?

Post by Cassie » Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:44 am

Hi everyone,

I've posted several times in the last months... my diet journey with NoS started early may. It was going well (but no weight loss) until I shifted towards a more low-carb style of eating & bingo, I've started to lose weight. I've also added exercise (20 mins jogging every day) & that helps too.

The problem is that I'm realizing very clearly that my weight loss journey is going to be long & arduous due to the PCOS & possibly due to age too (I'm 36 years old, and had my first baby 1 year ago). In the past with the amount of changes I've made the weight would just melt off, but now it's taking its own sweet time.

Is anyone else here in the same boat, with PCOS, struggling to lose every damn kilo? Would love any suggestions / ideas & just some support on this journey from fellow sufferers! I have to say, as a first tip for those who have PCOS & are contemplating NoS, please think about decreasing carbs together with doing NoS. I know this rule is not necessary at all for everyone, but it seems (in my case) to be making a huge difference to my weight loss. I'm not talking about a crazy reduction in carbs, just keep it in mind because it plays a role in PCOS weight loss.
Restarting NoS (after going back & forth over the last 4 years) in November 2013.

GOAL: to lose 10 kilos.

Mounted Ranger!
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Post by Mounted Ranger! » Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:25 pm

I am . . . sort of. I have less than 10 cysts so my diagnosis is not yet PCOS and I'm following a diet specific for PCOS hoping that I don't get anymore cysts and that the ones I do have decide to go away.

My dr. gave me several book titles and I've read a few. They all tend to say the same thing, though, so I stopped reading. In general, it's very high protein, pair every carb with a protein, eat lots of fruit and veggies, and limit non fruit/veggie carbs to 2 or less per meal. I follow that except that I noticed the more non fruit/veggie carbs I eat, the less I sleep (I am a recovering insomniac). So, I limit non fruit/veggie carbs to a few per week. I'm really not into the low carb for low carb's sake b/c I think a whole foods, healthy diet can very nicely accomodate all that stuff. Also, I love eating lots of nice fruits and veggies and as I understand low carb, they wouldn't be allowed.

So, I'm not sure you could call my way of eating low carb b/c of tons of fruits and veggies but it certainly is lower carb than many,if not most.

I am thrilled for you that you were able to get pregnant and have a baby w/ PCOS!!!
Mounted Ranger!
No S-ing, Ranging, and Shovelgloving since 7/7/09

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Another PCOS/No-S'er

Post by laniebelle » Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:11 pm

Hi, Cassie & Mounted Ranger!

I'm new to the No-S way of living, but an old hand at low carb. I lost 34 lbs. doing low carb 2 years ago, but gained 5 of them back. Like many people, I found eating low carb to be completely unsustainable and have been searching for something that seemed realistic (or maybe even just possible). Reinhold was a guest on a low carb podcast I listen to, and that's how I came to join the No-S family.

I got the PCOS diagnosis about a year ago, and am taking both Metformin and Spironolactone for it. I'm 45 years old.

I've only been doing No-S for 7 days, so I can't really say yet how it's going. But the hardest thing so far is allowing myself to eat foods without guilt that have been forbidden for so long -- hamburgers with the buns, breakfast cereal, a muffin. So far even the N days seem like treat days to me!

Anyway, please keep posting about your journey and let's encourage each other. I could use all the help I can get!

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Post by Cassie » Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:18 am

Hi Laniebelle & Mounted ranger.

First of all, thanks so much to both of you for posting. I'm sure it's encouraging for all of us to talk to each other & exchange experiences, particularly since our weight loss journey has its own particularities.

Mounted ranger, what you're doing sounds to me like very healthy eating! Yes, it's a bit low-carb (which is recommended for PCOS anyway) but the fact that you're eating some carbs- including many fruit & veggies- means your way of eating is much more sustainable in the long run than a strict low-carb diet. Let us know how you're doing & how the combination with the structures of NoS help you.

Laniebelle: Welcome to NoS!! Since you're new & since you also have PCOS, I just would like to warn you that NoS is a long-term way of eating, i.e. a plan for life which doesn't necessarily equal quick weight loss. At least that was my own experience & since you have PCOS (like I do) you might find the same happens with you. Don't be disappointed. I think NoS provides excellent structures to eat healthily & in moderation. And if you combine that with a relatively low-carb way of eating (are you planning to do that?) you should be able to see very good results.

What happened with me is, I started to lose weight only when I combined NoS with a low-carb diet. For me at the moment I have to admit it's a pretty hard-core low-carb diet (eg no fruit) but the only reason I'm putting myself through that is that, after 3 months on NoS with no weight loss, I wanted to see some quick results to give me hope & confidence that something's happening. I plan to reintroduce carbs gradually over a number of weeks. In fact, yesterday I did just that, I reintroduced some starchy veggies which was great. But I'm planning to do it very gradually & slowly, so as not to stall my weight loss.

Laniebelle: could you tell us a bit more of the low-carb diet you followed, (eg which one it was), what the good things about it were, what the problems were with it, and how you're planning to combine with NoS?

Anyway, hope you both have a good weekend...
Restarting NoS (after going back & forth over the last 4 years) in November 2013.

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Post by howfunisthat » Sat Aug 01, 2009 6:30 pm

I haven't been around for about 6 months...I'm still working on No-S, but I haven't posted...I'll be back posting again soon.

I couldn't help but reply to this thread as I also have PCOS...I was diagnosed at 18 and am not 49. I've had four babies without any fertility drugs...all great pregnancies...all wonderfully healthy kids. They are now 18, 16, 14, and 3. Yup, I had my sweet girl at 45! doctor doubted I could get pregnant, but I'm thankful he was wrong four times.

I'm off to sew a dress for my girl...have a great day everyone!

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PCOS & Low Carb

Post by laniebelle » Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:02 am


Basically my low carb diet was a combination of Atkins and South Beach. I think the truth is that you could follow any of them and lose weight, the trouble is just following them. One of the biggest problems I have is the necessity of buying so much specialty stuff, which can be pretty expensive. We don't have anything like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods where I live, so I have to drive about 35 miles to stock up on things like speciality flours. We have a small natural store, but as you can imagine it's even more expensive than the larger groceries like Trader Joes.

My sister has lost more than 45 pounds doing weight watchers this last year, so I know that portion control can have just a profound effect as eating low carb can. And the truth is that I really relate to Reinhard's talk about how low carb just redirects your overeating to different categories of food. I find myself thinking about food so much but never really enjoying it. I want more than anything to just stop thinking about it all the time.

I just finished my first full week on No-S, and I didn't gain anything, so I really consider this a successful week. My plan is to try not to even think of low carb for the first month, just to see how things go. If I haven't lost anything by then, I will consider adding in some of the low carb things I've learned and see how it goes from there.

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Post by Cassie » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:05 pm

Laniebelle, what you say makes total sense to me.

Yes, I agree that all sorts of diets do work (not just low-carb ones, but also WW etc). I suppose it's a matter of what feels more 'palatable' to each person (plus, the expense issues you mention are also important).

The big question is how to maintain the weight-loss in the long run. The other big question is how not to think about food all the time, how to lead as normal a life as possible while dieting. I think NoS has taught me how to do that, and even though I'm now (temporarily, as I don't see me continuing with extreme low-carbing in the long run) I think about food very little, just because cutting all snacks & sticking to 1 plateful of food has made things much simpler for me, as to the choices I make. That said, you're right, low-carb eating does require special trips to the grocer's etc, probably more than WW etc (but then with WW you have to do all that point counting which I find scary & even more obsession-inducing).

I think if you start by JUST doing NoS- and not just for one month, I would recommend at least 2-3 months- that might get results that surprise you & that might well be all your need. It is of course also about making relatively healthy food choices. But 'vanilla NoS' does work for many people, lets see how it goes for you. And then if after a few months it's not enough (or you're just maintaining) you can think about introducing other modifications maybe...
Restarting NoS (after going back & forth over the last 4 years) in November 2013.

GOAL: to lose 10 kilos.

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