very sloooooooooooow weight loss/How I hate THE SCALE

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very sloooooooooooow weight loss/How I hate THE SCALE

Post by BigE » Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:53 pm

I know there must be lots of posts about this, but I got tired of trying to find one. I'm feeling pretty discouraged about the fact that I've only lost half a pound in one month. I was hoping that going to a monthly weigh-in (instead of weekly) would help me to not obsess about the scale, but apparently that's not working. It's only made me more discouraged to have such a small change in a whole month of no-sing.

I've had a full month of green days, and 3 Special days (besides regular S days). I've followed N days with "the fence around the law." I've had a couple of wild S days, but really most have been pretty moderate, especially compared to Pre-No-S. HOWEVER, I have been on vacation, so I've been eating richer foods than "normal" and I have barely exercised.

So, I'm going to try for August to start exercising again (but I need to start slowly so I don't fall on my face -- I'm starting a new job this month) AND I'll continue my N days the way I've been doing them.

If any long-term no-Sers would like to offer some encouragements, I'd be so appreciative. I know somebody else out there must have started out slowly and gained momentum (in pounds lost) . . .


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Post by mimi » Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:11 pm

BigE - read my check-in for today on my thread being that today was the first of my official weigh-ins for August. (I do three and take an average as Reinhard suggests in the book). Having lost only one pound, I felt discouragement too initially. Then I took a long, hard look at my progress over the last 3 months and made a list. By the time I completed that, I was feeling really good. My July had very little exercise due to an injury, and a vacation thrown in as well, so losing one pound was good.
Keep at it, and don't give up!

Mimi :D
Discovered NoS: April 16, 2007
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Post by wosnes » Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:40 pm

Anytime, anything you lose is better than gaining, right? And here's something else to remember: however much weight you have to lose, you didn't gain it at a rate of 2 lbs/week or even 2 lbs/month (probably -- there are exceptions) It was a little here and a little there and over a period of some years you realized you'd gained a significant amount of weight.

A long time ago I read that for every year it took to gain weight and/or get out of shape, you should allow a month to lose it. So if it took you ten years to gain it, it should take you 10 months to lose it. I now think that's unrealistic. It only works if you're doing something very restrictive; something more moderate that is going to be sustainable for a lifetime isn't going to give you those kinds of results. The more moderate plan, like No-S, also isn't going to result in a weight gain when you lose the weight, because you don't do anything different to maintain than you did to lose. You don't go "off" the diet.

I think it's more important to have a consistent downward trend than to be concerned with how much is lost.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by BigE » Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:16 pm

Yes you are right.
I just re-weighed and went down another half pound (same thing happened last month). So I've "officially" lost one pound in one month.

It helps to look at it from this perspective: in the past (pre-No S), vacationing with in-laws would have led to a weight GAIN of at least five pounds. I don't exercise on vacation, I eat my mother-in-law's home-cooked food (with SECONDS!), I go to lots of restaurants with rich food and large plates. THis time around, I still ate my mother-in-law's great food, but without in-between-meal snacks, without seconds, and all on one plate. I ate what I wanted at restaurants, but strictly enforced the "one plate" rule and made sure to eat half the portion given to me at "big plate" restaurants.

Also: I've come to the realization that I'm still looking at "that last time I lost so much weight" as my model of how it should be this time. There were some really great things about my last success with weight loss: I learned to cut out sweets and I made exercise a priority and the weight came off pretty easily. However, that instance was NOT the perfect solution because IT DIDN'T LAST. Now I have to face the hard reality that once I lost all that weight, I was unsuccessful at MAINTAINING it.

Now I have different goals than last time. I do want to lose at least 15 more pounds, but I also really want to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of my life. And I want to stop emotional eating (which I've had tremendous success with on No S).

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Re: very sloooooooooooow weight loss/How I hate THE SCALE

Post by vmsurbat » Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:24 pm

BigE wrote: HOWEVER, I have been on vacation, so I've been eating richer foods than "normal" and I have barely exercised.

So, I'm going to try for August to start exercising again (but I need to start slowly so I don't fall on my face -- I'm starting a new job this month) AND I'll continue my N days the way I've been doing them.

If any long-term no-Sers would like to offer some encouragements, I'd be so appreciative. I know somebody else out there must have started out slowly and gained momentum (in pounds lost) . . .

Great Attitude! You are definitely tracking to lose weight AND keep it off. Celebrate what you've accomplished: a month of green days, excellent Nday eating habits, a vacation that didn't derail you. Honestly, I think the focused meals of NoS have given you the clues to keep adding to your success: more exercise and a bit less "richness" (which is bound to happen when you are no longer in vacation mode).

I've been NoSing for just a little over a year and have managed to lose a decent amount of weight. BUT, the weight did not come off in a straight, 3 lbs. every month sort of way. Rather, after an initial loss of 6 lbs the first month (primarily water weight, I guess), it has been between 0-3 lbs. Yes, one month had zero pounds lost--too many legitimate S days (anniversary, b'days, vacation, guests in a brief time span). But that was ok (a little hard to bear, I admit) because ONE MONTH out of the REST OF MY LIFE is NO BIG DEAL. I kept all my N-day habits, enjoyed the host of special days, and then just moved on. Honestly, that month of NO loss convinced me beyond all doubt that NoS really is a plan for life--NoS fits all the rhythms of life....

The best months with respect to weight loss have been those with no more than 2 NWS days, all-greens, and *consistent* exercise. I find that for me to lose more than a pound/month, I *must* get moving. I have a daily M-F 15min Core conditioning routine that I do, plus I try to get walking in daily--that has proven to be enough at this point in my life. Like you, I had to ease into exercise very gradually due to previous injuries and a sedentary way of life. I now feel "funny" if I miss my morning routine and don't get out for even a short walk....

All your healthy lifestyle choices/habit WILL begin to show results; just don't lose heart before they have a chance to do so.

Best wishes,
Vicki in MNE
7! Yrs. with Vanilla NoS, down 55+lb, happily maintaining and still loving it!

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Re: very sloooooooooooow weight loss/How I hate THE SCALE

Post by winnie96 » Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:25 pm

Way to go! That says it all ... sloooooooooooow weight loss is awfully discouraging, especially after a whole month of very shaped-up behavior, but if you've got the "not giving up" attitude, I have every confidence that you will climb out of the pit of disappointment and forge ahead!

I hope you are realizing that the benefits of No-S cover a whole lot of territory in addition to weight -- don't you feel great about how your July went? Keep focused on all the pluses of No-S, and I think you'll find that however slowly the pounds come off, you're learning how to enjoy living life without a diet. I've found that to be a tremendous incentive to keep No-S-ing!

To me, "not giving up" in this context doesn't mean sticking with yet another diet plan -- it means not giving up on the idea that your relationship with eating can become a positive one that enhances your life, in a number of ways, of which weight is only one. Best wishes ...

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Post by BigE » Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:49 pm

I've already posted my accomplishments this month (inspired by Mimi). I came up with 9 accomplishments, mostly related to my relationship with food. My mother was a Chronic Dieter and I've had a long-term battle with emotional eating and sneaking food. NO S has helped tremendously with these issues. I don't give in on N days because I don't want to mark it as a red day and I tell myself I can always eat what I want on Saturday. Then Saturday comes around and I'll eat my treats but it's something I've planned, not scarfing things down on the sly. Because it's built into the system that I have permission to eat what I want. This is HUGE for me, and as you said, goes much deeper than what's on the scale or what my current dress size is.

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Post by Kathleen » Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:04 am

Day 1 – Monday, September 8, 2008: 215.0
Day 36 – Monday, October 13, 2008: 210.2
Day 57 – Monday, November 3, 2008: 209.4
Day 99 – Monday, December 15, 2008: 208.8
Day 120 – Monday, January 5, 2008: 209.2
Day 148 – Monday, February 8, 2008: 205.0
Day 176 – Monday, March 2, 2009: 203.4
Day 211 – Monday, April 6, 2009: 203.6
Day 239 – Monday, May 4, 2009: 204.8
Day 267 – Monday, June 1, 2009: 201.8
Day 302 – Monday, July 6, 2009: 200.4

My husband's name for this diet has been The "It's Not Going to Work" Diet. Today was the first time he said something positive about it. Our 15 year old daughter has been on it since Holloween, and he said he can tell that her eating habits are better.

I cannot tell that I have lost weight except by how some clothes fit. No one has noticed except for my 10 year old who said that I am not so big around when she hugs me.

This diet requires patience.

I know someone who has lost 70 pounds since April on Atkins. I would not trade places with him. From what I've read, people usually gain back all they've lost on Atkins within 2 years.

Last week was the last time my weight was above 200 pounds. I don't think it will ever be above 200 again.


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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:58 pm


I don't know if I have anything to add to what others have already written here, except to echo:

1) congratulations on your good attitude and good habits -- vacation is tough in terms of diet and that you lost anything at all is actually great progress.

2) moderation is slow going. There are exceptions, but they're unusual. The good news is that this slow going is intimately tied up with moderations greatest strength: that once it gets going, it's not only easy, but a positive pleasure.

Patience is not a popular virtue these days... we're so accustomed to getting what we want instantaneously. But it's well worth cultivating. And the effort you put into cultivating it for no-s will pay dividends in other walks of life as well.


P.S. Kathleen, congratulations! That is hugely impressive. Not just in terms of results, but in the patience you showed. Quantitative evidence that patience pays!

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Post by Cassie » Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:53 pm

BigE, I really sympathize with what you said about your mum being a constant dieter (and I assume therefore, a yo-yo dieter). Mine was too, all my life. In fact she still is (she's now 55, lost 16 kilos on a wonderful healthy weight-loss plan, and has already put the 7 kilos back on which is SO disappointing). It scares me so much that I'll be like her... :(

I think, as the others have said, that patience & moderation are such hard habits to learn. But such important ones too. That said, I know where you're coming from, and how it's hard to keep optimistic when the scales are not giving you reason for hope. I didn't lose any weight whatsoever on my first 3 months of NoS. Nothing. Now, I've completed my 4th month & lost a bit of weight at last with a combination of NoS & low-carb eating (not zero carb, not Atkins, just lower-carb than normal). Plus exercise which I started a month and a half ago. I think you need to find your personal way of doing NoS (e.g. what food choices to make, what your S days will look like etc) but it's very important, I feel, to first establish the so-called 'vanilla NoS' habits and THEN to add moderations if absolutely needed.

Good luck! You're doing great!
Restarting NoS (after going back & forth over the last 4 years) in November 2013.

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Post by BigE » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:08 am

Thanks to all for the encouragement. I'm still chugging along, and I've started exercising (it's on habitcal).

And it IS getting easier. One big difference is that I'm able to eat a moderate amount of food at mealtime, even when I'm really hungry.

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Post by Kathleen » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:17 am


My husband recently saw yet another diet book at his mother's house and said, "Ma, you're 83 years old. You've been dieting for as long as I can remember. Give it up!"

He has rolled his eyes with this diet, too. He's called it The It's Not Going to Work Diet.

I've been on the diet since September 8, and neither of us can tell that I've lost any weight, but he actually said something complimentary to me -- he said he can tell that our daughter's eating habits have improved. Our 15 year old daughter has been on this diet since about Holloween, and I am so happy that she is following it.

There's a lot more to this diet than slow weight loss. It's about being able to eat food that you want in the quantity you desire to satisfy hunger; it's about being able to eat when socializing without having to excuse yourself because you're on a diet; it's about sleeping through the night instead of waking up because you are so hungry you can't sleep; it's about forming a habit that becomes so automatic you don't think about it much.

Thanks, Reinhard, for complimenting me on my patience. When I started, I could squeeze into size 18 pants. I'm still wearing size 18 pants. No one can tell I've lost weight, except the little 10 year old who hugs me around the waist. Still, it's worth the wait to know the weight is never ever coming back. Never. Ever.

I have two converts in my family now, our 15 year old daughter and our 10 year old daughter. It will be fun, over time, to report when people start to notice that I've lost weight. My weight when I was single (about 132) is about 65 pounds less than I now weigh. I don't have a weight goal anymore. For years, it was 132. Now I will accept the weight that results from following this diet.

Last edited by Kathleen on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by BrightAngel » Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:07 pm

Kathleen wrote:I will accept the weight that results from following this diet.
Good for you, Kathleen Image
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Post by Cassie » Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:08 pm

"I will accept the weight that results from this diet".

Well this is such a sensible, inspiring way of thinking...
Restarting NoS (after going back & forth over the last 4 years) in November 2013.

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Post by guadopt1997 » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:36 pm

"I will accept the weight that results from this diet".

This struck me as well. For myself, I hope that if I ever get my S days under control (by aiming to be a sometimesian) and start exercising, then I will drop the weight I clearly need to drop.

I had to give up my water aerobics classes for the fall because of a work conflict. Now if I could only start using my treadmill regularly, that would more than make up for it...

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Me too.

Post by Cold7Play7 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:28 pm

I just wanted to thank you for saying you're not going to give up because that is so encouraging to someone like me! I had given up somewhat permanently at the beginning of the summer, and started again two weeks ago. I lost a half a pound in two weeks and was so discouraged that I took four s-days in a row (not very self-controlled or wise, I realize). But now I think I'm going to keep going, because it looks like other people have the same problem I do!

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Post by Kathleen » Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:39 am

This diet isn't just about weight loss. If you write down other benefits to this diet, it will help you with being patient. It brings tears to my eyes to see how much my 15 year old daughter has changed in her eating habits. She was obsessed with food. Now she can enjoy her food without thinking she might be msising out because one of her siblings got to the food before she did. I think this diet may be my greatest gift to her other than the evident love and care I feel towards her.

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