Jumpstart weigh lost

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Jumpstart weigh lost

Post by lindalou » Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:48 am

I am graving sweet alot So I am going to stop eating sweet all together so I can maybe get it out of my system I seam to be all or nothing. I eat my three meal day I don't snack But went the weekend come I just want to pig out What do you all think? Not losing any weigh.

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Post by harmony » Sun Aug 23, 2009 4:25 pm

How many weekends have you "pigged out"? I had the same reaction for the first few weekends where I went a little (or a lot) crazy and felt ill afterwards. I finally came up with the strategy that I would not plan so much. I do not keep sweets that tempt me in the house, but on weekends if I want some, I allow myself to acquire some (or bake some), but I do my best to make sure it is only one serving or a reasonable amount for the day. It took me a couple tries to figure out what reasonable was. :) I never tell myself that I have limits, but I force myself to leave the house if I want seconds or thirds, etc... I make it a little inconvenient.

I also had a hard time when the scale didn't move. I lost two pounds right away, but since then I have stalled and the scale is up and down the same 4 pounds (mostly up :) ). But, I have lost inches in my arms, legs, and hips and my pants fit me better. I have decided that the fit of my clothes is the best measure for me.

So do your best to stop worrying about weight for awhile. I wouldn't ban sweets on the weekend, but you can certainly try controlling the availability of them. Keep working on the habits and focus on all of the good changes that are happening there. Your weekends may never be as perfect as you think they should be, try not to let yourself feel too guilty. In my opinion, the guilt will only slow things down. Use your weekends as learning experiences. Note what you enjoyed and what really wasn't worth it. Enjoy your treats.

Mounted Ranger!
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Post by Mounted Ranger! » Sun Aug 23, 2009 6:30 pm

Ditto on the weekend binges. I did that the first couple of weekends and then just really ate too much the next couple. This weekend has been really reasonable. It just takes time to get the pendulum to rest at center (or somewhere near it!)

Be patient!
Mounted Ranger!
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Post by javafan » Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:55 pm

The weekends will get easier. Once you realize binging makes you feel yucky, you will learn to choose less of what you want and actually look forward to the N days. They are easier. It takes time so hang in there. It is definitely worth it.

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