Anybody have a tip to help me quit nibbling while cooking?

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Anybody have a tip to help me quit nibbling while cooking?

Post by jbettin » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:22 am

This is an ongoing struggle for me. If I'm cooking dinner or a snack for the kids, it's going to be a time when I'm hungry. (duh!) It's sooo hard not to nibble while cooking. Half the time, it's completely unconscious -- I don't even realize I've done it!

It's a devilishly hard habit to break -- anybody have a trick? I've tried chewing gum, but since I do legitimately need to taste for seasonings, that doesn't quite work.
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Post by ~reneew » Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:14 am

Snitching is the worst for me, but I'm so much better than I was. I've tried brushing my teeth. I've even tried tape. :shock: ... and that didn't even work. The thing that got me to get through the cooking is to really lay down the law with myself and slam water. After about a week of total compliance and not even a tiny nibble it became so much easier. I went for all green on my habitcal. I have to tell you that I calculated my nibbles one day at the end of March (you can find it on my daily check in) and I nibbled over 2000 calories in one day and I honestly thought It was a green day! I stopped allowing myself even one nibble and thought that I am a good enough cook that my family can put up with whatever taste it ends up having. They can season more at the table. I also have 4 kids and nobody ever noticed any difference. Also, I'd better tell you about what I call my panic button. If I'm going to snitch and can't stand it... at a panic level, I pop in a jolly rancher. It is sour, lasts a long time and you can't possibly chew it or loose a filling. At first when I started doing it, I did it maybe once every 2-3 days. I now don't more than maybe twice a month. I allow it because I am a binger and I know that the first bite starts it. I hardly ever binge anymore. I figured that 1 piece of candy saving the day of binging was well worth it. Tiny mod I'd say, if used only occasionally. :wink:
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
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Re: Anybody have a tip to help me quit nibbling while cookin

Post by vmsurbat » Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:34 am

jbettin wrote:This is an ongoing struggle for me. If I'm cooking dinner or a snack for the kids, it's going to be a time when I'm hungry. (duh!) It's sooo hard not to nibble while cooking. Half the time, it's completely unconscious -- I don't even realize I've done it!

It's a devilishly hard habit to break -- anybody have a trick? I've tried chewing gum, but since I do legitimately need to taste for seasonings, that doesn't quite work.
Nibbling was my nemesis, too. I don't think there are any tricks to overcome it. Sorry! I've had to *train* myself to be aware of *every* nibble. Even after NoSing for more than a year (successfully!), this is still an area where I must practice vigilance.

However, while I don't think there are any "tricks" to make it easier, I've used variations of the following to help me to remember to be more aware:

1. The *knowledge* that every "snitch" averages 25 calories. Of course, some are more, some are less, but it is a good starting baseline estimate. I wasn't a between-meal snacker, but after starting NoS, I learned that I was consuming *hundreds* of calories a day while prepping (the ends of carrots, heels of bread, the too-thin slice of cheese, etc) and cleaning-up (the last ear of corn, the spoonful of chili). This made me *very* motivated to break the habit.

2. Post-it notes. I love Post-it notes and place them where I am sure to notice them. Right now, I am trying to get into the "Vitamins at Dinner" habit (can no longer take them at breakfast--the habit of decades--due to thyroid medication) and I have had to place a half-dozen post-its to help me remember....

3. The old-fashioned "tie a string on a finger" trick--I like using bright colored yarn--just a small bow on an index finger of the hand that is likely to be bringing the food to your mouth.

4. When temptation strikes, and I am consciously wrestling with the "to nibble or not to nibble, that is the question" struggle, I find having learned (and overlearned) some of the great mottoes and sayings (there is a sticky) VERY HELPFUL. At this point (conscious battle), it is really a battle *in the mind* and not one of habit. If you haven't, I suggest you read through the sticky (titled something like NoS Catch Phrase) and begin memorizing the ones most meaningful to you, to arm yourself!

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Post by burnnotice » Mon Aug 24, 2009 4:22 pm


I drink V8 when I want to nosh during food prep. I tend to be down on my veggies anyway. It is salty and thick enough to temporarily satisfy me.

When I worked at home, I would sometimes stick on those teeth whitening strips instead of snacking.

I am not a foodie, so I really don't taste for a seasoning check. I am just hungry.

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Post by TexArk » Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:49 pm

Also one of my problems. I chew gum. But I also remember a Weight Watcher story from 40 years back. For you young things, that was way before points (the 5 fish meals, liver once a week original version).

Anyway, at one of the meetings people started sharing their baking stories since they had starting eating "legal" which meant no spoon licking. People told stories of cakes overflowing in their ovens because of way too much batter and coming up with a dozen more cookies than they had baked from the same recipe before. It got quite hilarious before the evening was over, but it made an impression on me. I have to be honest and say that I can quite easily eat a full meal just during the prep stage!

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Post by BrightAngel » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:36 pm

This is a tough one for me too.
Recently I've resorted to tasting for seasoning by
dipping out a 1/2 teaspoon or so,
then after sticking my finger into that spoon
I lick my finger.
I have to wash my hand after, but it does the job.
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Post by kccc » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:03 pm

I find it very hard as well. I've recently set up a Habitcal for it. THAT really shone a spotlight on how automatic "snitching" had become! Had a hard few days, but I think it's getting easier.

Still, I think it's something I'll need to revisit periodically.

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Re: Anybody have a tip to help me quit nibbling while cookin

Post by jbettin » Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:18 pm

You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the great ideas!
Mom of 4

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