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Post by mondurvic » Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:34 pm

Is this a good idea? If so, how often?


PS Thanks to all who replied to previous posts. Most helpful, and the personal attention is encouraging.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:55 pm

Hey Judy!
How about once every two weeks? I'd say once every week, but sometimes you don't really see a change that fast, so why not go for a little longer?
It's up to you, though I'd highly warn against weighing more than once a week... Also, weigh in the morning and on the same day of the week...
Good Luck!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb
ps.. I love BC! I had a trip many years ago to the island of Sointula, where some old friends now live... Wow!!! I got to see bald eagles, and seals and beautiful pine forests! What a glorious place!

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Post by mondurvic » Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:39 am

Thanks for the suggestion, Deb. I was particularly glad to hear from you because I've been reading past postings, and got really worried when you said you were taking a "holiday". You've done so well, and are a stalwart here. I understood better when you gave your massage analogy, though. I am trying to do less thinking, too.

Glad you like BC. I am originally from Montreal, spent 15 years in Durham NC and have been in Victoria the past four years (ergo my screen name - mondurvic). I love it here, too.

L'shana tovah.


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Post by JWL » Thu Oct 20, 2005 5:48 am

It depends on why you want to weigh yourself. As we know, there is for many of us lots of emotional baggage with the scale.

I like Deb's suggestion of every 2 weeks, but I'd recommend weighing yourself 3 days in a row, every 2 weeks, so you can average them. Weight fluctuates greatly on a daily basis, this would help avoid getting freaked about by anomalies (water-retention, etc).

Or here's another one: we have a 21-day club, so why not weigh yourself every 21 days? Or combined with my previous suggestion, weigh yourself every 20,21,22 days?

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Post by mondurvic » Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:53 am

Thanks for the suggestions, Freakwitch. I had just come upon the same conclusion myself: weigh myself every 21 days. Tomorrow will be Day 1. I'm excited (also panicky).


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Post by Sandy » Thu Oct 20, 2005 12:25 pm

I weigh myself on the first of every month and have been keeping track that way for 5 years now. It works for me because the scale doesn't do me much good. I know how I feel and how my clothes fit and that is a much better measurement for me. I have to fight the urge at times to jump on but it does get easier.

Even my husband has commented on how much easier I am on myself now that I am NOS'ing. I am not talking "diet" 24/7.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:37 pm

Yay Sandy and Judith!!!

Oh, so I'm a stalwart here eh???
I wish I knew what that was, but as long as it's not a
Stale-Wart! LOL...

No, I'm not taking a vacation...
Actually, I'm really just continuing what I did before, but I guess it's just feeling less and less like a diet!!!~
Woo hoo!

Thanks for the Happy New Years Wishes!
See you later...
Peace and Love,
8) Debwart!

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Post by reinhard » Fri Oct 21, 2005 1:41 pm

There are three problems with scales:

1) they are not particularly accurate. Even medical scales can fluctuate wildly -- we had to see a medical specialist a few months ago because our daughter's pediatrician's scale was off by over 10% of her body weight.

2) your short term weight naturally fluctuates quite a bit. This fluctuation does not correspond with good behavior. This can be enormously frustrating. Depending on what and when I've eaten, what I'm wearing, the phases of the moon etc., I see numbers from 163 to over 170.

3) most people, even if they rationally understand the above, are seriously thrown by negative scale surprises. They get frustrated and give up.

There are two schools of thought on how to deal these issues.

1) avoid weighing yourself for as long as possible. Longer periods mean more chance for your good habits to make noticeable differences. You're less likely to get a nasty surprise, and even if you do get one now and then, it'll be infrequent because you're only checking infrequently.

2) weigh yourself constantly so you see how much you can fluctuate over the course of just a single day. You'll see how arbitrary individual measurements are and won't be so upset by them.

I like Freakwitch's combined approach of weighing infrequently, but then taking multiple measurements over several days. It defuses the power of any single measurement without requiring you to obsess over taking them every single day.

Then there's the "just don't care that much" school, which I think you have to be born into. Scales don't bother me much. I know their limitations and their value, and I can step sporadically without it bugging me too much either way.


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Post by Echo » Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:30 pm

I can't believe how bad scales can be! I too have done the averaging and its very interesting, in the end though I think once 21 days sound best but keep it all in perspective!!!! I have a thryoid problem and before I went to a nautropath (cause the reg. doctors couldn't see past a blood test to the symptoms) my weight fluxuated as much as 8 pounds in one day!! At that point I was obsessed with the scale but once I saw it go up and down by 8 pounds in just a couple days I realized the numbers there can mean NOTHING, so just don't take them too serious.
I have nothing of wit to say at the moment, but most people don't mind so much.

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Scales don't know...

Post by choxie » Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:24 pm

Scales can only tell you a moment in time. THey don't know
  • How many days you've been on plan.
    How many walking hours you've put in
    How many times you've worked out
    How many small victories you've won over your old habits
    How much looser your clothes are
    How much rosier your cheeks are
    How muc candy you've said No to
    How every day yougrow stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally
So what does a scale know.

I'm with others on this. Weigh every 21 days or monthly. But don't let it drive your life.

I did a plan that had me weigh everyday. Then at the end of the week, we had to average the weight. You determined your weight loss by the averaged weights. It was so depressing to get on the scale everyday.

You just don't know how releived I am to find this site and this plan.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:53 am

Yay Choxie!!!!
8) Deb

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Post by Michele » Sat Nov 19, 2005 3:22 am

I know that the scale I have ion my house is terrible. first it said one thing, then I weighed myself a few minutes later because I wasn't sure if I saw the right number, and I gained 10 pounds in 3 minutes. :cry:

So I weighed myself this morning, and I lost 5 pounds. :o
I tried a different scale, and I think it was more accurate. I learned not to weigh myself too often, because I get discouraged way too easily, and I don't need the stress.
I think once or twice a month is plenty for me anyway, then I need to watch out for that special time of the month that all the girls just love :wink: NOT
Right now I wouldn't dream of getting on the scale because of the water my body is holding. There is alot to consider when you want to weigh yourself.
Have a great weekend.

Sr. michele

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