Here I am. Again~

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Here I am. Again~

Post by FarmerHal » Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:48 pm

:roll: I'm back. I'm the ultimate queen of giving up. WEll, not so much, I got to experimenting with Gluten Free foods, and the rules of noS went out the window for me, entered cookies and cakes and ice cream.

I can tell you I gained up again :( But I am feeling better overall being gluten and dairy free. I need to get back to the core principles of noS though as I am uncomfortable again in my clothes and I just do not like the way I look.

I had 2 huge bowls of ice creams with cookies for dipping (gluten free of course). My stomach is very unhappy with me today. Dairy does me terrible!!

So I'm back. I have been thinking about many of my old noS friends!

Update on me: DH has been deployed since March 09 and returns the end of next month. I can hardly wait. Then he's here for a week and we move to Monterey, CA, where we have NO idea where we'll live, can't get military housing because we have 1 dog too many!

Have had a lot of trouble with 6 yr old ds, turns out he has adhd and the gluten free/dye free way of eating is working out wonderfully for him, but now he's realized with the move he'll miss his friends and has had some days where he's very sad and cryng. Thankfully most of his other symptoms are much reduced, so he's got to be feeling a lot better.

DD is 3, wild and wooly as ever, full of spunk and wears me out.

I mananged to get the house we bought up here in SD sold. Today I spent the morning packing up the garage, it's pretty much done I believe.

I am currently hoping my stomach feels better! Too much dairy and junk.

I want to get back on to noS and will combine gluten/dairy free as well.
3 meals a day, plenty of veggies and meat and fruits.

It's good to see everyone! :)
{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
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Post by oliviamanda » Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:29 am

Welcome back! You have so much going on. I have a friend who's son is benefits from a gluten-free diet. It takes some adjusting, especially if you have two little ones and you can bake goodies for them to eat because they are limited with their diets.

Good luck with your move. Spring is here and it's a perfect time to get back on track.
Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.--- Mark Twain

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Post by Too solid flesh » Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:05 pm

Welcome back, Tiffani.

What a lot you have had to deal with. It's great that your DH will be home soon.
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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:31 am

I think I may have asked you this before, but what are you doing for protein? I also don't tolerate dairy too well, so I'm having to look for other options. So far, I'm doing mostly lean meat with some red meat from time to time, nuts, seeds, fish, and nut butters. If you don't mind sharing, why did you decide to go gluten free? Were you having problems with that, also? I know my stomach problems extend beyond dairy, but I'm not sure yet what other foods are contributing to them, so I was curious.
I hope you don't mind the questions. Thanks!

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Post by FarmerHal » Mon Mar 29, 2010 2:53 pm

I don't mind the question at all, in fact, you might not want to get me started LOL!!

For protein I do any meats, I actually prefer the fatty cuts as they keep me full much longer and I seem to have more energy. I do sausage or bacon or eggs in the morning, or sometimes a meat plus stirfried veggies. I don't have any set 'breakfast' rules like oatmeal or cereal anymore, not traditional fare anymore.

I went off noS last summer and decided to try Atkins since I quickly gained up to 237lbs after quitting noS (not really quitting, just ignoring, with it always in the back o fmy mind!). SO that is basicaly, 3 meals of meat, 1 with a salad and one with 1 cups extra veggies. I felt like CRAP for 3 days (withdrawal from the wheat/carbs/sugar). Then on day 4 ,I was like a whole new person!

I have been dx'd and suffered with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and an auto immune disease ankylosing spondylitis, where the immune system attacks my spine and sacral joints for "unknown" reasons (soon to be known!)

Anyway on that 4th day, the gripping fatigue (even exhausted after a good 10 hrs night's sleep) was GONE. The extremely sensitive and painful skin from FM was GONE, you can poke me all you want to, it doesn't hurt- coming from what used to feel like one light touch felt like a severe bruise.

The pain and inflammation of the AS controlled by heavy meds is much less. Most of the time I don't need even so much as a motrin. ONce in a while if I overdo or get hidden gluten or dairy, then I have a flare up and I really feel it in my right sacral/hip joint.

THe depression and thoughts of hopelessness are gone and I'm am generally a much sunnier person. My friends and family noticed how much cheery and positive and happy I was. Of course! I am feeling so much better without gluten (wheat, barely, rye and yes, oats affect me too) and dairy free.

I challenged my thinking on dairy (casein) intolerance just htis last week by having a bowl of ice cream on Thursday. I've been suffering with very bad stomach pain and indigestion ever since, although today I think it might be out of my system. No need to challenge tha twith any more dairy again!

I tolerate goat milk just fine. Coffee tears me up too, and I've been coffee free for some time.

The atkins diet led me to realize it was the gluten and casein (dairy) making me sick, as when I 'gave up' on atkins after a few weeks (and actually several pounds gone) and started in with bread, wow, terrible stomach pain, inflamed AS, the pain and fatigue of FM returned. I was a mess and quickly made the connection that I was either a celiac or very gluten intolerant!

THen I found and read his paper "the answer" it rang true for me! Every word!

I also want to point out that my legs and feet were swollen. My feet were like sausages with NO instep for years. I had to order special shoes and spent most of my time in crocs because they are the only thing that fit my feet at the time. 2 weeks without wheat/dairy then when I started the atkins diet and the swelling went down and i had totally normal feet!
My feet are sortof my indicator of things which bother me. They will tingle and swell quickly after eating something that my body is sensitive to.

Added to the list is MSG, sodium nitrite/nitrate, sulphites, red #3 and 40.

Oh, I had terrible acid reflux nightly. That is gone. I rarely even <ahem> pass gas or burp unless I get glutened or dairy'd!

Anyway, I ate myself some Ice Cream like I said, was in misery for days and it made me think how goofy and insensible I was being. Return to NOS priciples, stay gluten/casein free and I would be just fine, whatever weight my body wants to be (under 200 would be nice though!).

Check out that article. I think a great many people are gluten intolerant than they realize. Google about the opiate properties of both gluten and casein and you will be shocked.

Good luck, if you have any questions about it, let me know!
I eat ample meats, eggs, veggies of all kinds, fruits, some nuts and seeds, healtlhy oils, fish.
{FarmerHal} ...previously Shamrockmommy...
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Post by kccc » Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:36 pm

Welcome back! Am very glad to see you, and happy to hear that your hubby will be home soon. Hope the upcoming move goes well.

Am VERY glad to hear that you have found some solutions that are having a positive effect your health and spirits. That is wonderful!


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Post by clarinetgal » Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:04 pm

Tiffani, That was VERY helpful. I'll be sure to check out that article when I get a little bit more free time today. Thanks!

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Post by ~reneew » Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:18 pm

Glad to see you back! I've found that when you move especially, it's a great time to set up new habits. Good luck!
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Post by oolala53 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:57 pm

It's worth every ounce of effort to stick to No S, no matter what your food choices for meals have to be. It's got to be easier than many plans, even when your life is in turmoil. The no-gluten thing is more problematic, but you know what you have to do.
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