New to No S Diet

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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New to No S Diet

Post by lilguysmama » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:32 pm

Hi, I'm new to the No S diet. I have just recieve my book in the mail the other day. And was wondering if anyone has any advise, ideas on how to not snack between (which i'm really bad at), or just hints on how to sucess on this. I have tryed so my diets its unreal. So if anyone can help i would appreciate it.


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Post by Clarica » Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:47 am

I found it really hard to remember at first. if I started something big, I'd put it away until my next meal. If it was just a bite and was gone already, I'd remind myself that I wasn't eating between meals anymore.

Eventually I remembered before I put it in my mouth, yay!

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no snacking tips

Post by paulawylma » Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:20 am

My main problem is eating at night, but occassionally the smells of the caferteria are tempting. Here are my three main tips:
1. Find a non-sweet beverage that you like. Remember, in No S Beverages are not considered food, so they are legal as long as they are not sweet. Milk and 100% fruit juices (after work, beer or wine--if over 21) and low sugar hot chocolate. Commerical hot chocolate is definitly a sweet, but if you apply the rule for tea and coffee and put only the sweetner you would put in coffee or tea--then I consider homemade hot chocolate legal. It has saved me from nighttime snacking many times.

2. Don't be hungry. Fill up your plate at meal times and don't use "diet foods." You're allowed everything that's not a sweet. If you aren't hungry, then snacking is just a habit or emotional distress.

3. Drink lots of water. Sometimes you may think you are hungry when you are really dehydrated. 8 glasses of water is a minimum, not a maximum. Your uringe should be clear, if it is yellow then you need to drink more water.

Hope this helps.

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