my intro thread

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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my intro thread

Post by Rea » Mon May 10, 2010 5:06 pm

Hi! I've posted a few times here but never actually introduced myself. Here I go, to correct that!
I'm 25 (almost 26), have one son (20 months old) and have been no-sing for....well, it's complicated.
I first heard of it as a shovelglove offshoot and I thought it was interesting b ut at the time I was working retail, on my feet a lot, and going to the gym so I was probably the most fit I'd ever been in my life. I struggled with my weight in high school (when I was very sedentary) and through college (including a year abroad at the end of high school and a semester abroad in college) and tried numerous diets to try to get back into my comfort zone.
The one thing that struck me when I heard about no s is the fact that while I was working retail, that's basically how I ate: one meal before work, one meal at work, one meal when I got home. My days off, I ate a bit more, but not much. It wasn't set hard in stone and when tempted by sweets, I usually gave in :twisted:
Then I got pregnant and I was literally hungry all the time. I swear I ate like a horse in the first trimester and only gained 1 lb. By the third trimester, I was eating every two hours because I couldn't fit that much into my stomach and got hunger heartburn if I didn't. Since it was summer, one of those meals was obviously a big bowl of delicious ice cream!
then I had the baby and let's just say eating one bowl of ice cream everyday isn't conducive to post partum weightloss. Nevertheless, I lost most of the weight via nursing and small adjustments to my eating pattern, except for the last friggin 10 lbs. I tried occasionally to No S but being home all the time with a husband who worked from home and did snack didn't help. Until he tried on his interview pants and they were too tight. then he realized he was getting fat and agreed to go on it with me.
Success! I lost the last 10 lbs over a period of...5 months I think? He lost over 20lbs in the same period. Then I stopped being so strict about it and allowed myself more treats. Then the holidays and my husband started working full time outside the home combined with his at home jobs. We both fell off the wagon and since then, I've gained back 6 lbs and my pants are tight again. So I've been trying off and on and am really seriously trying to get my habits back. I know from the first time that the first month is the hardest, I'm just having issues getting through it.
Here's hoping I'll make it!

Too solid flesh
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Post by Too solid flesh » Mon May 10, 2010 7:15 pm

Welcome back, Rea!
Be kind, for everybody you meet is fighting a hard battle.

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Post by DaveMc » Tue May 11, 2010 9:10 am

Yes, welcome back, and good luck! Having done it once before, at least you know you can do it.

Posts: 57
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Post by Rea » Wed May 12, 2010 11:56 am

Thanks :)
Yes, welcome back, and good luck! Having done it once before, at least you know you can do it.
Yes but I also know I can stop!

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