Jumping into No S Diet - Good start!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Jumping into No S Diet - Good start!

Post by JohnSnow » Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:31 pm

Hey there,

Well, I was at the bookstore on Wednesday and stumbled across the "No S Diet." After reading through it, I decided to give it a shot.

Just as a quick background, I've been an intermittent dieter over the years and have had the most success on plans that were "common sense" based. For instance, the Abs Diet from Men's Health worked pretty well for me, although I had a tendency to overeat with all the snacks.

So, I'm looking at No S with a slight twist - I'm very fond of "real" food, so while I won't dock myself for eating fast food or the like, I'm trying to focus on cooking and, especially, eating healthy when I go out.

My biggest concern is restaurant meals, which I tended to eat a lot when I was working - where I know they often pile multiple portions into a "single" plate. Does anyone have any specific strategies they use to combat this problem? Or does plating your own food "most" of the time lead you to have a better understanding of portions over time?

Thank you Reinhard for creating the website and writing the book. I'll keep you all posted as to my progress.

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Post by sophiasapientia » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:33 pm

Welcome to No S & the forums! :D
My biggest concern is restaurant meals, which I tended to eat a lot when I was working - where I know they often pile multiple portions into a "single" plate. Does anyone have any specific strategies they use to combat this problem? Or does plating your own food "most" of the time lead you to have a better understanding of portions over time?
Restaurant meals can be tricky since they are so often laden with hidden calories, fat, sodium and the like.

If you don't eat out very often, it probably isn't something to worry about all that much. All things in moderation including moderation, right? :wink:

My own family does eat out somewhat often -- maybe once or twice a week, and more if we are on vacation -- so I like to make informed choices about eating out. Most of the time, it just isn't worth it to me to eat 1 or 2 days worth of calories in a sitting, if you know what I mean. :roll: I have some favorite "default" meals at our favorite restaurants -- options that I like that are relatively "good choices" -- which makes it easier. Also, just because it is on your plate doesn't mean you have to finish it if you are full. :wink:

HTH &, again, welcome! :D
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Re: Jumping into No S Diet - Good start!

Post by wosnes » Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:06 pm

JohnSnow wrote:My biggest concern is restaurant meals, which I tended to eat a lot when I was working - where I know they often pile multiple portions into a "single" plate. Does anyone have any specific strategies they use to combat this problem? Or does plating your own food "most" of the time lead you to have a better understanding of portions over time?
One of my strategies at restaurants is to ask for a take out box as soon as they bring the meal. Half goes in the box for another meal and I eat the rest. Also, unless it's an S day, no appetizers or desserts.

Here's another idea from Ed Levine's Serious Diet over at Serious Eats.

I agree with sophiasapientia -- if you only eat out occasionally, it's not a big deal. If you eat out several times weekly it can be a big deal. It's not what you do now and then that matters. It's what you do everyday.
"That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do. Not that the nature of the thing itself has changed but our power to do it is increased." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Post by JohnSnow » Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:37 pm

Thanks for the tips.

I actually used to eat out a fair bit, but not so much these days. Fortunately, most restaurants in California are now required to post the calorie content of their meals, so I can do a pretty good job of staying away from egregious offenders.

I'm honestly starting to err towards just "eating half of what comes" unless I can actually go to a place where they'll bring a half order of something. In additional benefits, getting two meals out of a restaurant serving also makes me feel better about having to spend $20+ for it. ;)

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Post by JohnSnow » Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:21 pm

So, I had one slip up this past Tuesday. I got home and since it was a hot day, I mindlessly cracked open a cola. About halfway through it, I was like "what am I doing??"

However, rather than beating myself up, I decided to go ahead and enjoy it, and be more mindful about that sort of thing going forward. More importantly, I took a hard look at "why" I had the soda. It was a hot day, and I wanted to relax with a cold beverage. And on Tuesdays, I don't drink alcohol because I take a stage combat class (with real swords) on Tuesday evening. And, on principle, I don't drink before doing that (for obvious reasons).

Next time, I'm going to stick to a cold glass of milk, iced tea, or water. It's not that I feel the 1 soda was much worse than a beer or glass of wine, it's just the principle of the thing ("no sweets"). So, lesson learned.

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