behavior mod

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behavior mod

Post by paulawylma » Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:38 am

Reinhard mentions in his podcast that No S is different from other diets because it requires neither counting nor avoiding one particular food. I've wondered if Reinhard and the forum members are familiar with behavior modification diets. I think No S falls into this category only its much simplier than the basic behavior mod diet.

Behavior Mod was popular in the 70s when I was in college for the first time, my college had a program that was run by psychology dept. (behavior mod being a psychological techique). Anyway, the reason why they didn't work in the long term was because they were too complicated (remember the psychologists :D ) and had too many rules. Behavior Mod was about correcting habits, but you had to keep a food journal and were supposed to change every bad habit, like eating while performing another task (watching TV, reading, or even eating popcorn at the movies).

The reason I bring it up now is that I found the book that they used in the behavior mod program at my college in a used bookstore recently. If anyone is interested, it was "Permanent Weight Control: A Total Solution to the Dieter's Dilemma" by Michael J. Mahoney, Ph.d., and Katheryn Mahoney, MSW, MS.

It occured to me that the Behavior Mod might actually had worked with I had simply ditched the journal and some of the rules. I was looking over it and think the sections on changing your environment might be useful to me. At lot of information that is still relevant today--the biggest problem is that they want the dieter to "collect data" before making any changes. :D

No S is so much easlier!

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Joined: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:02 am

Re: behavior mod

Post by Clarica » Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:25 pm

thanks for posting, sounds like an interesting book! Maybe they started with observation, because they didn't have as much snacking to eliminate back then! :)

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