What Weight Loss Can Look Like on No-S

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What Weight Loss Can Look Like on No-S

Post by NoelFigart » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:28 pm

People like numbers and "what to expect" so I thought I'd put some numbers out there.

I kept very careful track of my weight loss the last time I was serious about No-S.

So, some facts: I am in my 40s, a chronic dieter, short, female, quite overweight, have a sedentary job AND relatively sedentary hobbies. I am inconsistent in my exercise habits on top of that.

In 20 weeks I'd lost about seven and a half pounds. That's roughly .3 pounds a week or 20 pounds in a year. Needless to say at that granularity, even weighing every week is not necessarily going to be very useful unless you're VERY hardened to weight ups and downs.

It's not all dramatic. It's SLLLOOOWWWW. I freely admit I get impatient with the slow.

I also have a lot of anger and culture issues surrounding the pressure on women to be thin and/or sexually desirable. When lean, I am fairly attractive. Lean or fat, if my brains were looks, I'd be a supermodel. Guess which one gets VALUED? That can be triggering, so sure as eggs is eggs and every odd-numbered Star Trek movie is crap, I'm gonna lose my temper about diet and exercise FOR LOOKS' sake at some point. And remodeling it for HEALTH doesn't do me. I am incredibly healthy NOW. My numbers are good, I NEVER get sick for more than 8 hours at a time (about twice a year), and my only real health issue is arthritis that isn't weight related. I was 12 when it started to develop. So the whole "lose weight to get healthy" thing doesn't wash.

So why do No-S at all? Because it offends my sense of "right" not to have disciplined eating habits, and it offends my sense of efficiency to go too far with nutritionism or scientific feeding for something so simple and pleasurable a nice meals a regular intervals.
My blog https://noelfigart.com/wordpress/ I talk about being a freelance writer, working out and cooking mostly. The language is not always drawing room fashion. Just sayin'.

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Re: What Weight Loss Can Look Like on No-S

Post by BrightAngel » Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:10 pm

NoelFigart wrote:if my brains were looks, I'd be a supermodel.
Me too. Image
BrightAngel - (Dr. Collins)
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Blithe Morning
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Post by Blithe Morning » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:30 pm

Huzzah! YGG! There are many, many reasons to follow NoS other than weight loss. Any more my main reason is habit of mind - meaning that I try not to allow myself unlimited indulgence because that leads to sloppiness and under achievement which leads to (surprise) a loss of a sense of competence, emotional restlessness, and lack of contentment.

And as far as working out - well, I do it for stress release and for health in my old age. I have a very dear family member - female - who is only in her late 60's and could not put her ankle on her knee in order to put on socks and shoes. I hate to admit it, but I was horrified when I heard that. A few weeks at Curves and she regained that ability.

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Post by cricket » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:49 pm

I totally understand the whole "what society says is beautiful" issue as well. Have you ever seen the movie Couples Retreat? There is a scene on the beach where all four couples have to strip down to their undies/bras....and guess what? The men were all fat...pot bellies...or average looking.....but the girls? Oh well they had rock-hard bodies! Looked amazing!

I turned to my husband and said, "See? This movie is depicting that the "average" female (two of them were supposed to have kids as well---and be middle-aged), is supposed to look like THAT in a bikini!!! But look at the men? They look like any other normal guy you'd see in Costco any day of the week!"

To say the least---it infuriates me! And I read your post in your check-in about how sometimes your life is just easier when you're fat. I would agree.

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Re: What Weight Loss Can Look Like on No-S

Post by connorcream » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:39 am

[quote="NoelFigart"every odd-numbered Star Trek movie is crap[/quote]

True, true. Does not stop me from watching though:-)
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Post by NoelFigart » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:51 am

The joke, connorcream, is WHO said that (Simon Pegg) and then the ROLE he went on to play (Montgomery Scott) in WHAT movie (Star Trek 11).
My blog https://noelfigart.com/wordpress/ I talk about being a freelance writer, working out and cooking mostly. The language is not always drawing room fashion. Just sayin'.

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Post by mrsj » Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:45 am

NoelFigart, everything you said is so true. However, I do want to shrink because my joints are starting to hurt due to overweight. That's the only reason.

As for excersize, don't have the time. Too busy watching Star Trek!
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Post by Strawberry Roan » Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:52 pm

I agree with what you have said, also feel that any healthy eating plan that includes exercise will work.

I like this site for the friendship, mainly. Nothing here has been so Earth shaking in its "newness" that I had an AHHH moment.

The program works very well if one abides by it.

I like the structure, the control, the feeling that I am the Master of my Fate that NO S provides. It is clear cut, no ambiguity.

I, luckily, love to exercise so that is the easy part.

Best of Luck (and I find your picture to be very cute, regardlell what weight it was taken at).

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Post by connorcream » Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:20 pm

NoelFigart wrote:The joke, connorcream, is WHO said that (Simon Pegg) and then the ROLE he went on to play (Montgomery Scott) in WHAT movie (Star Trek 11).
Too funny. I very much needed this bit of humor.
48 yrs
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