I'm on my way !!!!!!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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on my way
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I'm on my way !!!!!!

Post by on my way » Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:23 am

Hello :)
I'm new here. Stumbled on this site while searching for a diet that will fit into MY lifestyle. By gosh , I think I hit the jack pot. I am now on day 3 and guess what, I'm not dead or anything, in fact I feel pretty good about myself.
3 years ago I had the wieght surgery done. Was at 340 and with-in 6 months I wieghed 213. WOW, I was feeling pretty good, to good. I went back to my nasty habit of CHOCOLATE. Not a little at a time, but bags at a time. Now I'm up 40lbs and am in a deep depression :cry:
So... my ears are open to any help or advice....Thanks for your time reading this, please keep me in you thoughts!!!!

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Post by navin » Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:59 am

I went back to my nasty habit of CHOCOLATE. Not a little at a time, but bags at a time.
You're not the only one. :)

That's why No-S has been working well for me though - I know I can have all the chocolage I want, I just have to wait till the weekends.

As for getting through the week, I will avoid buying and having chocolate (or sweets in general,for that matter) laying around at home or at work. I won't carry change at work, lest I use it at the vending machines. And I try to make what meals I do have count - meals that will last me until the next meal and have some redeeming quality (tasty, healthful, or both).

Having reasonable expectations is necessary, too. You won't lose 100 lbs in a month. Probably not even in a year. It has taken me over 2 years to drop the 25 lbs that I have, and I still have a ways to go before I'm at my goal... so this is definitely a long-term commitment. But it gets easier over time.

Good luck!
Before criticizing someone, you should try walking a mile in their shoes. Then you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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Post by Jammin' Jan » Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:27 am

I'm glad to hear you're not dead or anything after 3 days of No-S. I didn't die either, and, let me tell you, it was a big surprise to me! You really can live without second helpings, sweets, and between-meal snacks. What an amazing program this is! Hope you enjoy it as much as I am!

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Be careful...

Post by Kevin » Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:46 pm

Do you mean you've had that stomach reduction surgery? If that's the case, you have a very careful diet you have to follow, no? Maybe I'm wrong - I have a friend that had that surgery and she has to be very careful about what she eats, when she eats, and how often she eats.

I'm glad you found this site, and I hope it helps you.
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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Thu Dec 22, 2005 4:18 pm

By gosh , I think I hit the jack pot. I am now on day 3 and guess what, I'm not dead or anything, in fact I feel pretty good about myself.
That's hilarious Gina!!! I think most diets are called that because they make you want to *die*!!! LOL.. This one doesn't do that!
You finally get to enjoy your life and your food without it ruling you!
3 years ago I had the wieght surgery done. Was at 340 and with-in 6 months I wieghed 213. WOW, I was feeling pretty good, to good. I went back to my nasty habit of CHOCOLATE. Not a little at a time, but bags at a time. Now I'm up 40lbs and am in a deep depression
I am so sorry you are feeling down... I'm no stranger to depression as I've been bipolar since childhood... Only had a serious depression hit me about 6 years ago... That's when I realized I was manic depressive..
It lasted for about 15 weeks straight and I couldn't smile or get through a day without a bunch of crying and feelings of hopelessness for that whole time... Wow.. it sucked...
This is a great community and very supportive, so use the board as much as necessary! I found it so helpful and will continue to for as long as it exists.. :)

I also am no stranger to regaining weight, which had previously come off *relatively" quickly...

Please don't take this the wrong way, as your choice to opt for bypass surgery was what you felt would help you at the time, but the statistics on the success in the *maintenence* front, with people who have weight reduction surgery, is pretty gosh darn grim...
Infact, it's grim for most diet methods unless you stick with them...
So build your habits now, and be kind to yourself in the process..

I lost about 60 lbs over three years, with three different methods.. All quick fix or too restrictive, like low carb, or weird stuff like shakes for two meals a day...
However, none of them addressed my lifelong habits... After I finished my degree in massage therapy, I stopped daily walking, which was really helping me maintain my weight, and then went through a really depressed time since I got out of school, but had to wait about 7 months to take my license exam... I just became very sedentary and my frustration at not being able to get my career in gear turned me into a major eating machine... Unfortunately, I think I gained back about 50 of the 60 lbs... So when I found NoS, I was desperate, but not desperate enough to go and try those stupid, energy wasting techniques I had tried before... I couldn't imagine doing that to myself all over again...

Maintenence is the key... If you stick to NoS, even only with 75% success, you will be changing your inner demons for real and permanently...
It's enjoyable, and you will not die or give up within only months or days..
*Conversly* it actually gets better with time...

You can nip your gaining trend in the bud Gina, and you are on your way!
I went down from a 41 inch waist in August of 2004, to a 36 inch waist now..
The biggest thing about this, is that in a whole year and a half, and not a perfect one, I can honestly say that, at most, my worst week or month might have resulted in a 3 or 4 lb gain... Typically, my weight fluctuates within about 2 lbs, but my trend has steadily been a downward one... So it's just worth the wait, and you are worth the wait!
You will never feel like this diet leaves you hanging.. You can count on it to work...
Hat's off to our beloved founder Reinhard!

ps... Also, I forgot to say that you must find some activity to do that you enjoy and that you will do at least three or four times a week... Diet alone doesn't equate to health..
Everyone likes something.. I love Yoga...
Do what you like...

Good luck!
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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Post by rick111 » Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:47 pm

I'm new to the diet as well so can't offer bags of advice, one line to remember for now though is

"it get's easier, stick with it, and you will not only look better, but feel great"

on my way
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Thank You

Post by on my way » Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:01 pm

Thank you to all who reponded.
It's nice to know you have support. This was day 5 and I'm doing okey. Yes I miss my muching and CHOCOLATE. Hard going in the store passing all the stuff I usally grab with-out even thinking. But, I'm proud of myself, cause willpower is NOT one of my better quailties !!!! And I haven't felt good about myself and my choices in a long time.
THANKS AGAIN ! :wink: :lol:

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Post by reinhard » Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:46 pm

Welcome "on my way."

The nosdiet does take willpower, but it also builds willpower.

Be patient, it's going to take a while, and it may take a few false starts, but it does get easier, and there is no real sacrifice: eating becomes more pleasurable with this little bit of discipline.

Keep us posted.


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