May challenge!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Post by ~reneew » Thu May 21, 2009 3:49 pm

I made it to the 21 day club!!!

Now on to bigger greener pastures! The whole green month! I'm planting green seeds of habit. (good one, huh?)

I almost blew it yesterday... I wanted to eat the entire kitchen even though I was on day 20! I thought about it, and decided it was worth it. Ha! Then I remembered my panic button and grabbed a jolly rancher. By the time it was gone, so was my crave!!! That is a well-worth-it mod! It's worth it to have a tiny thing that can save you from disaster, and mine is a jolly rancher! Whew!

I'm back where I was (weight wise) before I got a new scale and added a few to adjust the weight. :wink:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Thu May 21, 2009 4:00 pm

21 !! 21 !! 21 !! (Crowd chanting) ;-)

Awesome last minute save, Renee ! That's solid work and ... mental toughness !! ;-)

Remember to keep some plain vegetables close by, (I mostly have carrots, cucumber, celery, mushrooms) ... plain pop corn too. Then you drink water. You can basically eat those often and still lose weight. Plus I like seeing a nice bowl of veggies and I know I can have 'em all instead of a tiny fraction of a chocolate candy bar for example. The veggies fill you up for a long time while you are hungry again 20 minutes after the micro bite of the candy bar.

Even the other day I ordered a nice salad from the restaurant nearby, grilled chicken breast, no skin, and all sorts of veggies around it. I went really easy on the salad dressing,
I used a third of the salad dressing they were providing (I was reading on the label. I saw how many calories were in the dressing so I only put a tablespoon on my veggies, as a special treat. I kept the rest in a small container for future salads/veggies) It was one of the best meals I have had in a long time. ;-) I was appreciating the veggies and salad dressing more than the typical cole slaw, french fries, barbecue sauce & ketchup I would have had normally. Not to mention the skin on the chicken (grilled chicken skin is like CRACK for me !) It was positive on my huh ... mental state cos' I wasn't feeling guilty eating veggies and a chicken breast without the skin compared to that other stuff, so it's all good.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

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Post by ~reneew » Thu May 21, 2009 4:13 pm

Man, now I'm going to have to go make a chicken salad! I have the dressing on the side and dip my fork in and it has just the right amount and I eat way way less. :wink: I can't stand lite dressing - way too vinegary.
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu May 21, 2009 4:36 pm

Congrats reneew....

It is a good feeling of control to say,

No, I won't, isn't it?


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Post by bluebunny27 » Thu May 21, 2009 10:58 pm

Renee, I keep you busy, huh ??

Making popcorn, making yogurt, cutting up veggies, making a chicken salad ... but what about making your own BEER ? ;-)

I cut down on that too and it seems to help with the diet & exercise.

I now only have about 50-60% of the beer/wine I used to have before mid april.

I only have a few bottles of beer (from my own production !) and a couple glasses of wine once a week as a 'reward'. (Often it happens the evening of the day I have a weigh in so I have time to 'recover' later, it's like a reward after a successful weigh in.) I sit back with a few perfectly chilled beers and a bit of wine, watching a movie, that sort of thing.

Cutting down on the alcohol helps with the weight loss and also to remain focused. Plus I have some tendencies to cheat on my diet when I am a lil' 'toasted' so that's an added benefit to avoid problems. (I now prepare a few lil' things in advance when I know I'll have some alcohol so I am not tempted to pig out on pretzels, chips and whatnot if I had not a small plate all ready to go with things that are good for me, veggies, hard boiled egg, etc. ... Geesh, all those rules, it's all planned to avoid cheating and getting red days, you see. I still give myself a 'yellow' for a day where I would do that of course, beers & wine.

Also since I don't have beer and wine as often, I appreciate it more when I do now, it's more 'special' ... My beer never tasted so good and with the weight loss, it seems I don't need as much anyway to get the same effect as I did before. My batches will last longer, I'll only have to make some more every 4 months instead of 3 possibly, maybe longer.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Thu May 21, 2009 11:30 pm

Hey, my late husband and I used to make homemade beer. Once he took some to a family reunion and his cousin drank it and went to sleep for about 18 hours. They thought he was dead... 8) Strong stuff....

I drink red wine, used to have a glass or two every night, now since No S'ing, a glass or two a week. And you are right, it tastes much better.

You are a wise one, Marc.. :D

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Post by ~reneew » Fri May 22, 2009 3:07 pm

I usually have only a few on the weekend. My littlest kids watch to see how much I have and if I take a second on the same day, my youngest daughter gets worried. So cute. :roll: I like to set a good example, since I'll have all teens soon. :shock:

This Memorial Day weekend will be a long one, so I better watch it. I get the munchies when I drink...even one! Maybe I should just drink my hubbies home brew. No problem there. :x Maybe I should try making my own beer! I tried making wine a few times, the best of it was about as "good"(?) as Mogan David. Hmm... :roll:

My bread machine broke, so I just bought a commercial grade Kitchen Aid mixer. My new problem will be making bread and cookie dough! I love to cook and bake. I can't make chocolate everything. (I have a reaction to any caffeine and can't eat chocolate) Restraint! Restraint! I'll probably be making homeade buns for brats and hamburgers, cinnamon rolls... I better change the subject.

Thalia... do you have a daily check-in? I couldn't find one. But then again, it'd probably be boring, right? All green letters :wink:

There are so many of us challengers still green! I'm amazed! For those of you that have had reds... remember that 1 or 2 red drips in a bucket of green paint is still a shade of green. Try squinting at your habitcal... it's green. :wink:

Also, I just wanted to make sure everyone read "what happened to sometimes?" It's hillarious and just what I deal with the most. Read the whole thing... it's a good read.
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Post by Marianna » Sat May 23, 2009 2:43 pm

I got thru 21 green days and fell apart on the 22nd. I don't understand it, and I have had a hard time getting on track since. I think it is because I am not losing any weight--as a matter of fact, I may have put on a pound or two. I know the mantra--patience and moderation will win the race--but truly any S day activity completely undoes all my N day moderation. I gain weight so so easily. I really am feeling down about this, and the long holiday weekend is not helping.

Thanks for listening to the whining.

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Post by ~reneew » Sat May 23, 2009 8:44 pm

I know what you mean! Day 22 was hard for me. The only thing that kept me 'good' was knowing that this was a 3 day weekend and 3 S's. I think it's the old forbidden fruit idea. As soon as you're 'done' meeting your goal of 21 days, suddenly it's the last thing you want to do. Hmm... also, if you're doing no S very strictly and gaining, or staying the same, try smaller plates... or be sure to drink water, or I hate to say it... exercise. I only hate to say it because I don't like it myself, but I do it. Maybe be more aware of what you put on your plate. I know that the day that I discovered an excellent recipe for homeade onion rings, I only had 1 plate, but that plate was loaded! :oops: Good luck!
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Post by mimi » Sat May 23, 2009 8:51 pm

Nah -not a problem! We all have rough spots and red days and such! And because of that, we understand just where you are. Just tie your knot bigger and hang on! Giving up gets you no where, and as you've read on these boards before...some effort is better than no effort. I just keep reading and trying ideas that others have shared - and there are plenty, if you look. Keep the ones that work, ditch the others, and keep looking and trying. I bought some Jolly Ranchers because someone (I think Reneew uses them as her panic button - she reaches for a Jolly Rancher rather than eat). I did that today, even though it's an S day. I was starving and we were way past eating time. I knew if I didn't do something, I'd never make it. It did the trick!
Anyway, hang in there - it gets easier!

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Post by Marianna » Sat May 23, 2009 9:02 pm

Thanks for the support folks--I exercise like mad--so that isn't the deal--I think it is all the effort for no payoff. I am menopausal, hypothyroid, and it takes all my effort to maintain, much less lose--sometimes it just gets a bit discouraging. I'm not giving up, but I certainly took a step backwards over the last few days--

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Post by ~reneew » Tue May 26, 2009 2:11 am

Some days I make aweful choices and feel the bulk even when I've been following no S to a T... but I am ssssllllooooooowwwlllyyyyyy loosing and I know for a fact that I am establishing good habits and loosing a few bad ones. :wink: I also have thyroid problems (Hypothyroidism) and I sometimes think this fat is really cement! I used to be able to loose Way easier! We are still (after 4 years) trying to get that all regulated. It stinks. It went undiagnosed for many years while I got heavier and sicker and heavier... so, good luck with that!

So, who's still doin' the challenge? Even if you do have red, tell us how few red days you have... :wink:

I am still all green for the month, thanks to you guys... :shock: I couldn't do it before the challenges. Should I issue annother one a couple days before June? What do you guys think? :idea:
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Post by bluebunny27 » Tue May 26, 2009 2:47 am

Well, it seems pretty clear the monthly challenges are helping many people to keep their habits in the GREEN so that's all good. It's a motivation tool.

I am always up for a challenge ! ;-)

It'll seem strange once I am done with this crazy year, I am so used to focusing on all this, diet and exercise, easing up will feel a bit weird but as you said the new habits will have a better chance of sticking since it's a long term plan, not a quick fix. After a while you don't even think about it, it's just something you do naturally, not even an effort for me to keep clear of potato chips or junk food restaurants for example. It's as if they don't exist.

As for the june challenge, it shouldn't start before the end of may, lol ! May 31st, 11:59pm. That's just my vote though, no big deal if you want to jump the gun. ;-)

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
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Post by ~reneew » Tue May 26, 2009 3:45 am

I'll issue it a couple days early so we can mentally prepare for the challenge :wink: and so that others can't blow it before they even get to read the post. :roll: I know I could. :oops:
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Post by mimi » Tue May 26, 2009 12:09 pm

Woo Hoo! I was hoping that we would do another challenge! It has REALLY kept me focused - along with everyone's encouragement along the way, of course - can't neglect to mention that :!:

Mimi :D
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Post by ~reneew » Tue May 26, 2009 4:06 pm

Only 5 days left... Go green! I plan on being all green and proud of my calendar!!! How are we all doing?
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Post by StrawberryRoan » Tue May 26, 2009 4:13 pm

Still all green here as well.

Doing great, down 9 pounds from my join date (almost a month ago) and seven from the beginning of this challenge.

I love challenges, keeps me accountable. I like that fact that we are all being honest because we don't fear being judged as we are all in the same boat...

It is getting easier every day for me. I just ate lunch - chef salad - and put half of it back in the refrigerator for later as I wasn't even hungry.

I will add something to the plate tonight like a slice of pizza or whatever we are having and it will be dinner.

Drinking my water and green tea, exercising - feels great.

Glad there will be a June challenge as well. I am five pounds or so from my goal weight which is where I ALWAYS get in trouble. So, I NEED the challenge.


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Post by Thalia » Tue May 26, 2009 4:42 pm

Still in, down another pound, no further reds. I have started a Habitcal for exercise, since that does seem to help me.

Mostly, I'm proud that I only have one red on my "brown bag" calendar! That is a new monthly record, and even that slip was because I was away from the office at lunch, not because I was too lazy/disorganized to pack a lunch.

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Post by ~reneew » Tue May 26, 2009 7:13 pm

You guys are doing great... making new habits!
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Post by mimi » Wed May 27, 2009 12:27 am

I'm weighing at the end of the month - that will serve as my ending weight for May and beginning weight for June. So far I have just the two reds earlier in the month.
Tonight was an S event for me, so today is yellow for me. Doing that keeps from continuing to eat for the rest of the evening - formerly that's what I would do (oh well - blew it - might as well eat now!).
What I have gained this time around with NoS is just that ability - to eat a piece of cake at a special celebration and declare it a yellow day because of a special event. And stop at that. That is a HUGE accomplishment for me. Maybe finally I am learning to think in gray rather than black and white only. And it was Marc, the *disclaiming* one, who helped me to see that.
So many folks have been so much help to me and in case I haven't said it...

Thank all of you!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Wed May 27, 2009 1:07 am

Hey, awesome !

Yeah, I always put disclaimers everywhere, even in my daily life !! ;-)

Glad you are doing well, Mimi.

You work hard and then you are rewarded.

I've had a great 'Double green' day, I'll definitely be in the low 215's at my next weigh in. 36 hours from now, especially with another DG tomorrow (Double Green).

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
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Post by ~reneew » Wed May 27, 2009 1:38 pm

Who's still all green and yellow?

For June... should I challenge us all to do our most green month ever? I'd like to eliminate the "failure" thought so we can all just do our personal "best". Any input? Other suggestions? I plan on issuing it on Friday to give us all time to put ours in at the top before it starts. :wink:

Mimi and butterfly... I think we're all trying to adjust the yellow and red idea like Marc. I plan on trying for greens every day, and if I have 1-3 S es, like 1 desert, 1 serving of a snack, 1 second, etc. I'll call it a yellow. Any more and it's a red. That way I'm not pre-declaring it an S-fest with no restrictions. And, I'll also be keeping a count in my head. Any more than 3 and it's too much and I'll probably not be able to keep track of more anyway. Let me know what you guys are planning to try. :wink:
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Post by mimi » Wed May 27, 2009 2:23 pm

Yeah - same for me...except I think I will look at 1-2 snacks or sweets becoming a yellow day (total-any combination). I think more than that would have to be red for me because I think it would interfere with any weight loss. Seconds are never a problem for me, so I won't have to worry about them.

Looking forward to the new challenge and an entire month of GREEN!

Whatever everyone decides to do, it's all good if it works for you! Let's keep that in mind!

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Post by ~reneew » Wed May 27, 2009 2:36 pm

I was just thinking that if I had a microwave bag of popcorn, that's more than 1 serving, like 2-3 isn't it? And it'd be a red just for the 1 bag. I'm going to look at the actual serving size to give myself boundaries. I agree that I don't want to give myself too much room. :wink:
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Post by Thalia » Wed May 27, 2009 4:33 pm

I'm happy with vanilla No S, so I'm going to keep going with that. I've been doing this since January, and tt really is a habit now -- I don't eat between meals, except on the weekend when I like to have a snack or hors d'ouvre before dinner while cooking or hanging out with my family/friends. I don't eat dessert during the week, and I'm not hungry without it. And I eat my plate of food, and then I'm done. Just like I brush my teeth twice a day -- I don't have to think about it anymore, it's just automatic.

I know from experience that if I allow snacks during the week, I will HAVE snacks! And if I have snacks, soon I will EXPECT snacks.

My goal for June is to establish an exercise habit as solid as my eating habits. And maybe up my fruits and veggies -- I eat a lot of both, but there's always room for improvement there, especially in the summer.

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Post by StrawberryRoan » Wed May 27, 2009 4:47 pm

I am a control freak so I will try to stay all greens for June as well.


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Post by ~reneew » Wed May 27, 2009 5:00 pm

I still plan on having 1-2 S days a week with what I'm trying, I just am trying to get control of my Saturdays and Sundays. Believe me, I'll still have yellows, they just won't be pitiful reds in discuise. :roll: Like the thread "what happened to sometimes", I always have tons Ses on S days instead of sometimes. :roll: I need to stop my weekend rollercoaster ride up. (I went up 10 in 2 1/2 days) It will probably be the same weekend days, I'm just trying to do the "sometimes" on S days.

Oh, and Happy birthday Emily!!!!
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Post by ~emilyr » Thu May 28, 2009 1:09 pm

Thanks for the birthday wishes Renee :!: :!: I am having a pretty good May and I like your idea's for June. I will work on accepting one treat or snack as it should be treated and not let the flood gates open ~ seems that will help me stay in control more often :roll: At least that will be my hope.....

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Post by ~reneew » Thu May 28, 2009 4:47 pm

I wish there was a lock for that flood gate! My hinges are getting rusty.
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Post by butterfly1000 » Thu May 28, 2009 4:51 pm

~emilyr wrote:I am having a pretty good May and I like your idea's for June. I will work on accepting one treat or snack as it should be treated and not let the flood gates open ~ seems that will help me stay in control more often :roll: At least that will be my hope.....
Happy Birthday Emily!

I'm anxious for the June challenge -- I feel I need to start again with a clean slate. As for the flood gates, I need to find some very strong chains to hold them closed ... or maybe I should try not opening them at all for a while :? ... I know it's not recommended, but sometimes I wonder ...

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Post by ~reneew » Thu May 28, 2009 5:04 pm

:idea: hey... maybe they'll rust shut!!! Reinhard did say that if you keep it up, (or something like that) eventually you'll build a psychological ring of fire around the Ses. Bring on the fire and rust!
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Post by bluebunny27 » Thu May 28, 2009 8:48 pm

Psychological ring of fire !!! Yesssssss !!! ;-)

Oh, Emily is very niiiiiiice. :-)

Happy b'day + peace n' love, girl.

June challenge should be up soon, but I am still working on the may challenge, I want to finish strong of course, not crawl over the finish line. So far so good today.

I am doing so well, the other monks in the monastery
think I should ease up a bit. I am putting them to shame.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
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Post by Marianna » Fri May 29, 2009 1:38 pm

Well --May was a bit up and down for me. I had 21 days on habit, and have been struggling since then. I have identified some problem areas for myself--one is S days--and how "wild" they have been and how much damage they do to my progress--so that even tho I was green and on habit, I felt really bad about myself, and that bad feeling is just a killer for me--I listened to Reinhard's podcast and have read every single post on this site, so I have internalized the popular wisdom about S days, but again, I am talking about the impact of a feeling on my progress--so I still need to find a way to handle that.

The other problem I found is my sense that I need certain exceptions because some things are too hard. For example, the last wednesday and thursday of the month I go to dinner meetings. I am able to reliably NoS til dinner and then sweets and seconds seem unavoidable. I feel that I may need to make these exceptions.

A regular N day seems doable, altho I do have a protein shake at 3pm as my Mod.

My weight, as I have noted in other posts, has not changed--as a matter of fact, I feel that I have had to up my exercise in order not to gain.

I do feel that No S is absolutely the way to go. I guess I am struggling not to feel bad if a) I am not perfect b) if I indulge on S days, and c) if my pants are tight. I am hoping that time and being mostly on Habit will ultimately change things, and that I can tolerate my distress long enough to see the benefit.



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Post by Thalia » Fri May 29, 2009 3:40 pm

There are two more days of May, but I'll be traveling with no computer access (visiting the in-laws). So this is my month-end post! One red event(movie popcorn, totally satisfactory), and I'm down two pounds for the month. Only two brown-bag fails, one of which was just stupidity and failure to plan, so I'm nto thrilled about that -- but two failures in that category is still the best month I've had so far.

Next month -- going for the green and adding a 14 minutes of exercise habit! I have created a "booty-shaking" habitcal calendar.

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Post by ~reneew » Fri May 29, 2009 5:19 pm

:evil: I'm havin' a crappy day and it's only noon! Late start to the day... kids arguing... :evil: I ran around town trying to get "the" right shirts for my daughter's new job and she's gonna have to settle, because I quit. Then I got a speeding ticket (55 in a 35) which really upset me because I have prided myself in not ever having a ticket... and I'm 42. As far as my kids are concerned... I drive perfectly (I just never got caught before). Now I just want a bag of chips.

Instead, I think I'll take my anger out on my diet and do really well today because this is my official last day in May because if I end up not green, they'll be S days. Watch out Marc, I'm entering the convent!

And I'll issue the new challenge now since I need to stay out of the pantry...Hopefull I won't sound less excited about the new challenge... if I do, I'll edit later.
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Post by Marianna » Fri May 29, 2009 5:45 pm

Hang in there Renee--this too shall pass!

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Post by ~reneew » Fri May 29, 2009 5:51 pm

Thanks! I just need to stay away from the pantry and I know that when I'm in a mood... I eat. And it's Friday, my toughest diet day.
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Post by bluebunny27 » Fri May 29, 2009 5:52 pm

Yeah, that sounds like an awful morning, Renee. It could definitely lead to emotional eating. I know when I am frustrated it's something that gets to me.

What was the amount of the ticket you have to pay ??
I am always extra careful whenever I am in my car, I only had one ticket in my life and that was 10 years ago. It was just a minor incident but I think it ended up costing me 150$ or more. The fines are huge here so I am very careful, especially since I know in my town the cops are always everywhere handing out tickets all the time. I think I read somewhere my town is in the top 10 for the most tickets given to people (on average) in a single year. I see cop cars staking out intersections all the time, watching for red lights, speed, stop signs, etc.

The other day a friend of mine who was visiting was even ticketed on his way back home for speeding, 50mph in a 30mph zone, the typical ticket probably, 175$CDN. I always try to warn people to be careful in fact and I always drive almost as good as if I was back in driver's ed.

2 solid green days in a row after a red one is a rule I try to follow (or at least not to have 2 red days in a row !) It saved me a few times from long slides, you cut the slide short that way and you erase the mistake from the board.

Cheers !

Marc ;-)

Disclaimer : I am following a more extreme version of the 'No-S' diet.
I made my own personal modifications to the original plan (Diet & Exercise)
What I am doing should not be misinterpreted as being a typical 'No-S' diet experience.
11/01/2008 : 280.0 pounds - - - 05/29/2009 : 215.4 pounds
6 months 29 days / 64.6 pounds

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Post by ~reneew » Fri May 29, 2009 6:25 pm

Well... sure Marc, you made me have to go look at the stupid ticket again.. :roll: It's an $87 ticket. He was nice and wrote down 45 on the ticket where I'm charged, but it said 55 above it. He also told me 3 times... In my defense... It is a bad zone, 4 huge lanes and no entrances... it should be 55! Everyone says to watch there... I wasn't obviously. :cry:


Quadopt... what jetlag you have! Imagine that today (and this weekend) is a rehearsal for June :wink:

Khristal... are you still with us?

Marc... what can I say? You're the king of calculated control!

Thalia... are you still quite boring?

Mimi... remarkable recovery!!! Bravo!

Mariana... still in?

Winnie... you're looking a bit boring in your green green green. :wink:

Butterfly... on to another month... practice now :wink:

Strawberry... you met your goal, hold on tight! Stick around.

Emily... awesome start!!!

MS... doin' good!

Anybody else that I missed... keep up the hard work and...

Great Job you guys!!! I for one thank you all for my best month yet!! All green and yellows, which is a far cry from my usual very colorful habitcals!!! I'll do even better next month! These habits aren't carved in stone yet, but not really in dust in the wind either... maybe dust with a slight breeze. :?

Who made it with no reds?
I guess this doesn't work unless you actually do it.
Please pray for me

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