No S checking in and reporting.

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No S checking in and reporting.

Post by mommashell » Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:19 pm

:( I guess this really should be in the check in section. But whatever. I'm holding at 226 even, although the scale did say 224.8 when I stepped on it this morning. But since Lissa was right behind me I might have been a little off balance, so I stepped on again and it said 226. Oh well. I don't know, and I still say that 226 is better than 229 which is what I was Monday. True to my word, I did only have one spoonful of the cobbler. It was really good too. But I stuck to my guns. Now if it had been cherry or blue berry, I don't know if I would have been so good. But since it was peach I was ok with just a bite. I feel like crap, because of this stupid cold. And that is most unfortunate because I am scheduled for a trumpet lesson today. My very first, and I really don't want to miss it, but I don't think it would be cool to blow a snot wod with my first note. Know what I mean? My nose is somewhat clear right now because I took some cold medicine. I'm also feeling really blah today. I'm not sure why. I suppose there's just been a lot of stuff going. Papa dying, looking for a new house, buying a new car, the kids deciding they like Dad better than me and they don't want me to help them with anything, only dad. There are just a lot of things, not to mention my knee always hurting. Yeah, I know, whine whine whine. I'm just sick of being in pain. The cortazone shot helped some. I don't feel quite so disabled but I am still hurting. That was kind of like putting a bandade on a cut that really needs stitches. It helps but only a little. Ok, maybe that's not a good example. The cortazone shot is kind of like taking away the worst of the pain but leaving some behind. I can at least go up and down the stairs now with alternating feet, instead of both feet on the same stair. But I think the surgery is going to have to happen soonner rather than later. I guess that's most of what's got me so down. My stupid knee. I'm already blind. I really don't need this added pain and stuff. I was doing so well a few months ago. But the reality is that my knee has been on borrowed time ever since I broke my leg and I think time is really up. I have read that physical pain and depression are very related. One can cause the other. And before you ask, yes I am taking anti-depressents. This is not basket case sad. I think this a genuine sadness just caused by constantly being under stress. But hey, enough. I have two beautiful children and a nice house and food and electricity, and so much to be thankful for. A husband who loves me and at least one leg that works propperly, not to mention a musical vent. And it's a sunny today. And there are still fresh peaches to eat. So I have a great deal to be thankful for and all this other stuff will eventually take care of itself. I just know it. So now I'm going to go and check out this simplified spelling society website that I saw on fox news. I'm all for it. Here's a mini braille lesson. When you write braille you have to write a kind of shorthand because spelling out every word takes up a lot of room. So many words have shurtforms. Great, for instance is grt and but is but and you is y. Friend is fr. So spelling is hard because you don't always get to see the word spelled out. It took me a while to learn that great and grateful were two totally different spellings. With the plethera of books on tape and the contractions, and the fact that the English language is very irregular, like I said, I'm all for simplified spelling. So I guess that's it for now.

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