How to lose weight--according to economists

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How to lose weight--according to economists

Post by savor » Sat Feb 03, 2018 3:49 am

This is a really interesting take on weight loss; more of behavioral economics view. (to be honest, I read anything that quotes Ariely--he's one of my heros) ... sts-2018-1

1. use meta-rules to prevent bad choices and to
2. save mental energy
3. stick with a boring diet
4. weigh yourself every day

No-S provides the meta rules that are easy to follow and saves mental energy by reducing decision-fatigue. And I think tracking the habit probably gets you nearly as far as weighing yourself, which the article recommends to help you keep your goals in mind.

Not sure what I think about the boring diet part... I think No-S still gets you the satisfaction of enjoying splurge [S] foods... but doesn't completely limit your food choices.

I'd be interested in others' thoughts. I found it a refreshing change from the typical doctor and dietician articles about the relative merits of specific food.

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