chinese food

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chinese food

Post by mommashell » Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:38 pm

Hi everyone, we ordered chinese food last night and I ate sesame chicken without thinking about it. Would the rest of you have made that an S, since there is a lot of sugar in it? Not that I'm *extremely worried* about it, since I consider my goals this week accomplished, the main one being that I haven't gotten up in the night to snack. Yay! But I am curious what the rest of you think about sesame chicken, orange beef, sweet and sour, mongolian beef, etc. Maybe next time I'll order chicken and vegetables. I ended up eating the rest of the sesame chicken for breakfast this morning .Also what do you think about plates and bowls? For instance, if you wanted to have a bowl of oatmeal and I don't know, toast or something, or a bowl of cereal and something else? Not that I'm all that worried about it, just curious about input. I listened to one of the pod casts, and I like it. Reinhardt, I think your voice is lower than I pictured it being. But had a lot of the same characteristics I imagined from your writing. You have a kind of smug satisfaction about you, I think. I don't have the right words for it. It's nice anyway. You have a nice voice.

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Post by david » Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:41 pm

I personally wouldn't do something like sesame chicken that often, but I don't consider it an S. Think of it this way: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich isn't an S either.


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Post by hlidskjalf » Fri Sep 08, 2006 4:40 pm

I think it'd be a case of overt S vs. covert S. Reading labels shows that everything from bread to pasta sauce contains sugar. Grabbing no-sugar added versions of every product can be tricky. So I consider "does the bulk of this foods calories come from sugar?" So..

Ice Cream.. yes.

Marinara.. no.

Sesame chicken should be ok sugar-wise.

Also it has been mentioned "virtual plating" is fine. The concept of "would it all fit on the same plate?"
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Post by Rosemary » Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:53 pm

momma, when I'm wondering if what I'm thinking of eating is legitimate, I've been using the criterion, "when in doubt - don't."

Incidently, I think you have the wrong word for reinhard, smug he certainly isn't! How about compassionate guru - mentor - shepherd?

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Post by hikermom » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:03 pm

My usual breakfast is a bowl of cereal and one piece of fruit. When I have soup for dinner I have one bowl of soup and one piece of whatever bread I have prepared to go along with it.

As long as I'm not having second helpings, I don't think having a piece of fruit or bread with cereal or soup is a problem.

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Post by Steve » Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:00 pm

Here's the relevant part of the No-S homepage for me:
I wouldn't worry too much about borderline foods like yoghurt and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If these are a problem for you, i.e., you eat them every day and lay it on thick, then make them esses. If not, don't. Just by targeting the really egregious offenders you'll be cutting out a lot of calories. And you'll be that much more likely to stick with the plan. If you're like most first worlders, it's a little revolting to think how much unambiguously crappy food you consume. So forget the borderline cases, the clear cut cases are 80% of the problem and 0% of the headache.
mommashell, you said you weren't really too worried about it, and you're already thinking about healthier alternatives for the next time you order Chinese, so I'd say that's the right attitude.

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Post by mommashell » Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:46 pm

Steve wrote:Here's the relevant part of the No-S homepage for me:
I wouldn't worry too much about borderline foods like yoghurt and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If these are a problem for you, i.e., you eat them every day and lay it on thick, then make them esses. If not, don't. Just by targeting the really egregious offenders you'll be cutting out a lot of calories. And you'll be that much more likely to stick with the plan. If you're like most first worlders, it's a little revolting to think how much unambiguously crappy food you consume. So forget the borderline cases, the clear cut cases are 80% of the problem and 0% of the headache.
mommashell, you said you weren't really too worried about it, and you're already thinking about healthier alternatives for the next time you order Chinese, so I'd say that's the right attitude.
:D Hi everyone, thanks for the input. I am doing good weight wise, 225.8. Down from 230 last monday. My goal is to get past the wal of 226 and stay past it, in other words, get well below 225.8 by weeks end. Of course reinhardt is compassionate sensitive and caring and a shepard/gooroo. But I'm still sure he wouldn't take offense if I said he was a little bit smug because he knows exactly what I'm talking about and knows I do not mean it in an offensive manner. I simply mean that he's got this down-to-earth, cut the crap view of things that is so rare and so wonderful these days. The problem I have with most diets and exercise is they try to be so complicated when it really boils down to eat less. Exercise more. I fail most exercise programs because they say ok you must exercise x amount of minutes and have x ammount of cool down and x ammount of warm up and then be sure to get your heart rate up to x or you've failed. As for where I am with all that, I'm throwing out all the chatter about exercise and just going to narrow it down to two words, exercise more. More means more than what I'm doing. So for now, two days of water aerobics is fine, and acording to Wally's chart, burns 1800 calories. Sorry I'm not into manly shovel glove stuff. Too uh brutal for me, although it seems to me that a sledge hammer would be the way to go in dealing with stress and aggression, pretending to smash things could be fun, but the water aerobics is funner.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:04 pm

I eat sesame chicken on n-days and don't worry about it. No-s is really just about cutting out the obvious excesses, not going on a witch hunt for hidden ones. Congratulations on your continued progress!

Regarding plates and bowls, put the toast and the bowl oatmeal in front of you at the same time. Does it look excessive? Could it conceivably, if messily, fit on a normal sized plate? If so, then ok, it's fine. Though in the very beginning, it might be best to stick with as literalistic a definition of "plate" as possible just to cement the habit.

Wow, deep voiced and smug. I thought I sounded whiny and nervous! Uh, thanks, I guess!


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Post by mommashell » Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:04 am

mommashell wrote:
Steve wrote:Here's the relevant part of the No-S homepage for me:
I wouldn't worry too much about borderline foods like yoghurt and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If these are a problem for you, i.e., you eat them every day and lay it on thick, then make them esses. If not, don't. Just by targeting the really egregious offenders you'll be cutting out a lot of calories. And you'll be that much more likely to stick with the plan. If you're like most first worlders, it's a little revolting to think how much unambiguously crappy food you consume. So forget the borderline cases, the clear cut cases are 80% of the problem and 0% of the headache.
mommashell, you said you weren't really too worried about it, and you're already thinking about healthier alternatives for the next time you order Chinese, so I'd say that's the right attitude.
:D Hi everyone, thanks for the input. I am doing good weight wise, 225.8. Down from 230 last monday. My goal is to get past the wal of 226 and stay past it, in other words, get well below 225.8 by weeks end. Of course reinhardt is compassionate sensitive and caring and a shepard/gooroo. But I'm still sure he wouldn't take offense if I said he was a little bit smug because he knows exactly what I'm talking about and knows I do not mean it in an offensive manner. I simply mean that he's got this down-to-earth, cut the crap view of things that is so rare and so wonderful these days. The problem I have with most diets and exercise is they try to be so complicated when it really boils down to eat less. Exercise more. I fail most exercise programs because they say ok you must exercise x amount of minutes and have x ammount of cool down and x ammount of warm up and then be sure to get your heart rate up to x or you've failed. As for where I am with all that, I'm throwing out all the chatter about exercise and just going to narrow it down to two words, exercise more. More means more than what I'm doing. So for now, two days of water aerobics is fine, and acording to Wally's chart, burns 1800 calories. Sorry I'm not into manly shovel glove stuff. Too uh brutal for me, although it seems to me that a sledge hammer would be the way to go in dealing with stress and aggression, pretending to smash things could be fun, but the water aerobics is funner.
Naw, you didn't sound whiny or nervous. I have had an interesting experience since I started back doing no s. Aside from the strange looks I get when I try to explain it... Yeah I know, how can a blind person tell when someone gives them a strange look? Well, I just know, that's all... Anyway, my body has just decided what's enough and so sometimes I eat three meals and sometimes only two. I'm not intentionally trying to starve myself or anything but sometimes I just lose my appetite. Today I had some mcGriddles and hash browns from McDonalds and then my blood sugar dropped. At least that's what I thought it was, and I ate one of Wally's diet bars because honestly that was the only thing that sounded good at the time,, but I have felt sick to my stomach ever since that happened, and have been getting that feeling, to a lesser degree, all week. And no... I'm not pregnant. Maybe it's the ring. Maybe it's just that I have a staff infection at the moment. I don't know. I noticed that the day I first notice I was getting sick, my weight jumped up two pounds with no apparent explanation. Anyway, I'm just finding that the eating less is coming more and more naturally, as in, I don't really consciously think Hey, I'm going to eat less today or whatever. My body just knows when it's full and says oki, if you eat any more, you're going to be sick. I've been really teaching my daughters that full is full and they should eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. This is hard because it goes against all the maxums I was taught as a child about wasting food and starving children and whatever. So it's kind of theraputic for me too. The way I explained it to Melissa is this. Well, you put your food in your mouth and it goes into your tummy and comes out as poop right? Well, then you flush and it goes down the drain. Well if you have food on your plate and you put it in the garbage disposal and you turn it on, then it grinds up the food and it goes down the drain. So basically it's all going to the same place one way or the other. Of course, my plan would have backfired yesterday if I hadn't been observant. She was eating chicken pot pie. (We do a lot of frozen stuff around here.) And she said Mom, I'm full. So of course, I say Ok, well you know, stop whe n you're full. Well then I hear the garage door open. She decides to go out and get an ice cream sandwich. So I had to explain to her that full doesn't mean I'm really not wanting to eat my dinner so I'm gonna skip to dessert. I got a second opinion from my husband and needless to say she didn't get any dessert. I guess that old pink floyd saying is true... "If you don't eat yourrrrr meat, you can't have any pudding. How can ya have any pudding if you don't eat yourrrr meat??"

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Post by cab54 » Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:17 pm

"not going on a witch hunt"

I like that, Reinhard. :lol:

Starting weight--200 (gah!)
Goal weight--135, or wherever I end up

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