New Podcast Episode: Demogorgon vs. Asmodeus

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New Podcast Episode: Demogorgon vs. Asmodeus

Post by reinhard » Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:51 pm

It's a little strange, even for me, but hopefully useful (or at least entertaining) to someone:

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Re: New Podcast Episode: Demogorgon vs. Asmodeus

Post by automatedeating » Fri Oct 30, 2020 4:58 pm

This was delightful! And so spot-on with discussion on our forum threads: we often complain of our "inner rebel" and our "inner perfectionist" - they sure sound a lot like Demogorgon and Asmodeus! Also your comment about how they feed off each other - we often notice that when our inner perfectionist is "too" punishing of our inner rebel - well, things go off the rails for sure and inner rebel/demogorgon takes control with extra strength! But all the while, inner perfectionist/Asmodeus is gaining power for the eventual gleeful punishment.

Loved it!
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Re: New Podcast Episode: Demogorgon vs. Asmodeus

Post by Octavia » Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:47 am

I enjoyed this! Interesting to muse on what might neutralise these two warring demons. Perhaps compassion and detachment? For me, Demogorgon is part of an innocent survival instinct which I can’t eliminate but can detach from; and Asmodeus is just built-up frustration at the limits of that detachment. But with this frustration, there can be self-compassion. Maybe the demons can be re-imagined as angels! One kept your ancestors alive...the other is your fully-evolved human potential!

Thanks for a great podcast, Reinhard.

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Re: New Podcast Episode: Demogorgon vs. Asmodeus

Post by April » Wed Nov 04, 2020 4:18 pm

This was a a great analogy and one I can relate to, keep the podcasts coming!

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Re: New Podcast Episode: Demogorgon vs. Asmodeus

Post by reinhard » Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:44 pm

Thank you all!

Have another one in the works...

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Re: New Podcast Episode: Demogorgon vs. Asmodeus

Post by RAWCOOKIE » Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:22 am

That was wonderful! Thank you - it was great to hear/read your thoughts. I've recently started (yes, I know!) trying to learn D&D (solo) adapting it to my own needs - I've not made much headway yet.

But, yes, this was really entertaining and thought-provoking - I could relate to those idea very well.
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