Wagon falling

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Wagon falling

Post by FarmerHal » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:17 am

So I fell off the wagon. For most of June.
I don't know if I have very good excuses but I've gained 3lbs in this time. I have a 3 yr old and 9 mo old (the sleepless wonder!!) and so I get very very little time for myself. My family is 30hrs away from me, and I only have one friend yet since we moved out here. DH works a lot, travels some. He's gone currently and so the stress of all this has led me to graze away my anxiety, only since I know I should be noSing, THAT has increased my anxiety as well.

I"m not happy. I feel like crap. I am setting myself up for trouble.

Ok, back on track tomorrow!! <sigh>
I want ot be here for my kids, I want to do fun things with my family. There are many more things I want to do yet. I want to see my grandkids.

Thanks for listening!
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Post by mimi » Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:42 am

I've wondered what happened to you shamrockmommy! Glad you're back with us! And you have friends on this board - we're only a click away! Keep your chin up - drive the negative thoughts away - hug your kids - do something nice for yourself, even if it's just walking over to the mirror and smiling at yourself and blowing a kiss! Raising babies is no easy job, especially when you're on your own much of the time. I was in the same situation when my three children were small - my husband was away from home a lot of the time. But like everything else, this too shall pass! Just make sure that you stop and pay attention to the small things each day with your children because one day you'll look back and realize that they were the big things. See you soon!
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Post by FarmerHal » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:14 pm

Thanks, Mimi. I've been here, lurking. These last 21 days of failed nos, I'm back to feeling cruddy, bloated, etc.

So that has motivated me. Plus looking in the mirror and clothes shopping was not at all fun.

Anyway, I'm still here, chugging away!
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Post by Jaxhil » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:36 pm

:( Oh, Tiff!! I am so sorry you're feeling bad. I am so sorry I haven't been able to keep up on the check ins..internet problems are a PI(*) :P

I know you CAN do this ...I can too. Yes, we've obviously had a bad month-but that is over, look FORWARD not back-you are *strong*!! I know what it takes to get through those looong months of sleepless nights-this will pass! You are a great Mom to your babies; give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it! And you deserve a bit of time for yourself. Take what little you can get and be kind to yourself. Do something nice-take a bath, or go read a book (haha, I know-just a page can help :P ). Have a cup of coffee-I know you like that :wink:

Remember I am always thinking about you and rootin' for ya even if I am not posting. I think DH has our problem fixed so I should be around more, God willing.

Do not think about this past month. Just take each day one at a time. You can do this! One day at a time is all it takes. Don't think about how long it will take-each day will bring you one day closer to your goal, and for today you can succeed. One day is easy, and later when you add them up you will have success.


Gotta go feed the munchkins. I'm thinkin' of ya!!

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Post by FarmerHal » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:42 pm

Hilary, you are the best ;)!!

I am having a decaf at the moment and heading off to the park to meet a new playgroup :shock: It's like highschool all over again... "will the new moms like me???"

Talk later!
Tiff :)
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Post by reinhard » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:48 pm


I'm sorry the last month has been rough. I can sympathize as our second has just arrive.

A big help for me in keeping on top of things is knowing I'll have to report my behavior here. I find the HabitCal a particularly helpful medium in this regard. It's both aesthetically satisfying, and one can't hide screw ups in a mass of verbiage. That red just jumps right out at you. But so does the green, so it's "visual" incentive to get right back on track. Granted, I've been practicing these systems for years and I'd probably get through this rough spot even without the habitcal, but I wouldn't be getting through nearly as well.

If you're having internet problems, you can always record any failures/non-standard exempt days on paper, then transfer them online when you can. It takes just seconds to update even a whole month at a time.


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Post by cvmom » Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:00 pm


I had a bad June too and so I am just getting back on track. After 5 days of being in control of my snacking I feel much lighter. Once you get a few days under your belt you probably will feel better. Its just starting again that is the hard part. Keep checking in, okay?

Also, I remember that when my kids were that young I was really stressed out. I love my kids, they are my life! (Boys, 9 and 13) But, when they were little my husband traveled a lot and I was often left alone with them. Just hang in there and remember that it is only a season. Before you know it they will be much more independent.

I hope you had fun at the mommy group and that you make some friends. My 13 year old has a buddy that we met when he was 18 months in a "mommy and me" group. They are still good friends and even though the boy lives a couple of hours away they visit frequently.

Take Care,


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