NOS and Glass Ceiling

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NOS and Glass Ceiling

Post by infoproj » Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:24 pm

I started visiting here after following a link for glass ceiling, thinking that my boozing was out of hand (like most here in the UK!)

So, anyhow, I've had a massive change of lifestyle with the glass ceiling. It has taught me moderation and got me to appreciate what I drink rather than habitually throwing beer down my neck. I have had a couple of lapses but, importantly, it was still a lot less than I usually drink and made me realise how I didn't really like booze as much as I thought I did.

What a fool I've been, lining the landlord's pocket and damaging my liver out of... well habit I guess.

Anyhow, was half heartedly following the NOS diet (ie failing!) but got to thinking how deprivation of 2 things at once seemed doomed to failure.

But here's my plan.

I NOS through the week (N days) where I also have my evening drink or 2. At weekends I don't have a drink (now no longer feel the knee-jerk weekend binge mentality) and instead use my S day treats instead.

So the moderate drinking gets me through the N day drudgery and my S Day treats give my liver a break.

I think a definite ying/yang thing going on here which is already paying dividends. Looking forward to seeing how my Summer cycling will improve as a result!


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Post by reinhard » Mon Feb 04, 2008 6:35 pm

Good luck, infoproj!

I've been amazed at what a difference "glass ceiling" has made for me. To think that such a huge, potentially life threatening problem can be solved by a cutesy little pun... but it really has, for me.

The yin/yang sounds appealing... but it is nice to have free weekends on all counts. So by all means give it a shot, but know that if you run into trouble with no drinking on weekends, 7 day a week glass ceiling is still really very reasonable (especially if the previous status quo was very unreasonable).


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Post by infoproj » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:52 pm

Yes and every other site that tries to address this problem has a depressing, serious quality that makes me feel like I need a drink after I've read it.

Glass ceiling fits for me because I knew that I had a problem but it wasn't bad enough to stop completely, yet it wasn't good enough to carry on regardless.

I dabble with the NOS stuff, but I'm not too strict with it (technically a failure!), but that isn't a big deal for me as I keep in reasonable shape generally.

I also modify glass ceiling to *once in a while* go over but recoup those extras with corresponding abstinence.

In England we have a 21 units guideline (1 unit = 1 small glass of wine, 1 shot, 1/2 pint beer) per week (apparently this is an arbitrary figure without scientific backing, but I digress). So I also aim for this and try to ensure that the *occasional* excess doesn't take me over the 21.

So whilst I don't follow them to the letter, these sytems have helped me address my bad ways and get me back on track - particularly the glass ceiling.

I've feel great now (and strangely more wealthy) - and yes, I have had a drink (well 2 actually).

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