I am amazed!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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I am amazed!

Post by annafarmer » Wed Mar 19, 2008 6:15 pm

I found this book completely by accident, trying to get my 5 mo old to fall asleep in her stroller at a mall! Months before, I had decided that I was just going to be fat, because I wasn't willing to go through what it takes to lose weight again. But, I felt that I was willing to No S so it seemed worth a try.

I'm amazed since I started how often I find myself reaching for a snack or a sweet unconsiously. I had no idea how much/often I was eating! I didn't buy into the premise that I would eat better if I just ate 3 meals a day, but it's true. I could (and did) have mac&cheese for breakfast and a hamburger an hour or two later for a snack (with some fruit in between so I wasn't being unhealthy :roll: ), but there is NO WAY that I can put them together on a plate. The mom in me just won't let it happen :lol: . I also would have described myself as a healthy eater, but judging from how often I've caught myself going for a sweet since I started that was definitely not true!

The shovelglove idea intrigues me, but trying to keep the sledgehammer out of the hands of my 20 mo old son might be impossible. I'm thinking of trying some of the moves using my kids as weight instead! I let you know how it goes.

Even if I don't manage to lose any weight at all, I think I'll stick with this just because it forces me to be mindful of my eating. I'd love to hear from some of you about how things went when you first started. I have to say I find it both simple and really hard so far.


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Re: I am amazed!

Post by kccc » Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:22 am

annafarmer wrote: I have to say I find it both simple and really hard so far.

Welcome, Anna

I think you've hit the nail on the head exactly. The rules are simple. Changing habits is hard (though it gets easier). The rules highlight current habits, relentlessly revealing behaviors that had been below the radar.

My very favorite podcast that Reinhard did is on "strictness" - I revisit it periodically. I think one of the book chapters covers that in a similar vein.

Basically, it's a sea change to make habit work FOR you instead of AGAINST you. But once you make that turn, life is easier.

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Post by tracey » Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:36 am

Anna -

I'm with on how amazing it is how often you reach for something (snack or sweet or double-whammy, sweet snacks!). I am floored by how often I think of eating now that I'm not doing it. It's crazy!

I think I'm going to write down what I wanted to eat instead of eating it to show me later on how much I've changed since I'm sure that this is a phase that I'll get over once I'm more into the groove.

I'm new to this too, day two for me!

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Post by Mavilu » Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:08 am

Hello, you two!.
Anna, you know, I've been amazed for a while now to realize that I spend hours without eating any food and without unconsciously reaching for the snacks.
Just as you, I considered myself to be a healthy eater, but how could i have been if I was eating a handful of this and that every half an hour!.
Eating in properly fashion is easy, once you figured how it goes.
(And we'll lose weight, wee!).

Tracey, hang in there, the first days are the worst, because we are so used to be unconscious about the snacking; we have to catch ourselves all the time, before we actually do it!.
But gets easier, much easier, I'm sure you'll do just fine.

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