Boy, am I new and am I ready!!!

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Boy, am I new and am I ready!!!

Post by denisems » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:46 am

Hi, I'm new. Just started today. Ate 3 very square meals and am about to go on my exercise machine. Hey, how do I get an avatar? I am very beginnermediate when it comes to the internet. I'm sure I'm missing something that is totally obvious. Anyway. I have to lose about 80 pounds and I'm sick of stupid old diets. I love sugar, but I've been known to forgo it during Lent. It's amazing how much better one feels without sugar. Who the heck really needs it? Snacks will be hard, but I did fine today. But it's only 7:38 p.m. in sunny So Cal, so I can really do some latenight damage if I choose to. I will choose not to, though. I am determined. Skipping seconds will also be tough. I am a clean the plate broad from way back when. My mom also escaped Nazis during WW2, so eating EVERYTHING was the daily norm at our house. When she came to America, she discovered 7-Up and gained a much-needed 20 lbs. She played it cool after that and found a husband. I welcome all and any encouragement and I look forward to my FINAL journey into good health and lots of energy. I am done with dieting, and that's why I'm here. Thanks for listening. Sincerely, Denise :mrgreen: :D
"Loosen up! Have some fun! Yes, sleep when you feel like it...Eat food that is bad for you--at least once in a while...Make love in a hammock! Life is the ultimate experience..."
--English Professor in "The Sure Thing"

Big Phil
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Post by Big Phil » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:47 am

Hi Denisems,
Don't worry, this is actually quite easy. I have never been on a diet before in my life and I haven't really slipped since I started a month ago. The diet and shovelglove have changed my body shape very quickly, I could notice the difference in a week!
The hardest part is refusing sweets when your family or workmates offer them, they look at you as if you are insulting them or are some sort of fitness freak! My workplace has cake at least every Wednesday at morning tea, sometimes more often. I have to steer clear so I don't get any funny looks.
I have also gone back to porridge (oatmeal) with full cream milk for breakfast. I don't even think of food til about 1pm!
See Ya,

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Post by carolejo » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:37 am

Hi Denise,

Welcome! Hope it works as well for you as it's working for me. I've been doing this for about a month now. Generally, the only times I really mess up are due to social pressure. I used to be a serious sugar-junkie, but NoS has pretty much cured me of that.

This bulletin board is also a really useful place because people are so positive and helpful here.

Good luck and have fun on your new NoS journey!

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Jammin' Jan
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Post by Jammin' Jan » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:02 am

Hello Denise! Welcome, glad you've joined us!

I gave up snacks for Lent one year. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, and actually was kind of liberating. But then I went back to my old habits after Easter. But it was a good preparation for No-S. If you can give up sugar for Lent, you can do it for No-S days.

Have you discovered the daily check-in board?

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Post by peetie » Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:32 pm

Hi Denise,
I originally started this just to maintain my weight since I have a long history of dieting and bingeing that had me fluctuating hugely through the years. I just wanted to maintain what I felt was a healthy, doable weight atlast and actually have a closet full of all one size. THAT was my goal.

As the fates would have it, I ended up losing 5 lbs., and that wasn't even necessary, but I don't mind at all! I am the original sweets monster, and I am finding I am satisfied with surprisingly little of the stuff on the week ends now. I'm so well fed during the week, I don't really give it much thought anymore!

A Fellow So. Californian

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Post by reinhard » Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:23 pm

Welcome, Denisems. Hope you made it through your first day ok.

This'll be easier than what you've done for Lent. You can still clean your plate like your mother told you (just 1, though). And no need to disparage your beloved sugar, you can still indulge on S days (when, if you're like me, you'll enjoy it even more).

You can upload any really small image file to be your avatar. Go to the "Profile" link at the top of this page, then scroll down to the bottom where it says avatar and browse... till you hit the file you want. Bug me here or in the help forum if you have trouble.

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Post by denisems » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:09 pm

Thanks to all my repliers. Everything and everybody seems so sane and comforting. That is truly what I need. I made it through Monday with flying colors. Instead of eating something during "The Antiques Roadshow" last night, I watched 30 mins. worth from my Cardio Cruiser exercise machine. Not only did I go to bed with zero calories extra, I burned some off at that. What a concept! It was great to eat white rice with my dinner last night. It was (now don't think I'm odd) liberating!!! We also had teriyaki tri-tip and a giant salad with real dressing. No fatfree crapola anymore! The first time I gave up sugar for Lent was two years ago when I was pregnant. A 7-pound weight gain and a disappointed OBGYN got me to do it. For those 40 days, I didn't gain one ounce. It was amazing and healthy for me and the baby. She still weighed in at 10 lbs. 3 oz., but that's another story. My point being--who needs sugar? I gave up sugar this year for Lent. I lost several pounds. Listen, it wasn't rocket science. I knew that would happen. But it still thrills me. Day 2 is almost over and I'm making pizza tonight for me and the girls while Daddy works. And I don't feel the slightest bit guilty. I will enjoy it and eat it slowly. Okay, now I'm hungry. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts. I'm here to stay. With hope, Denise :D :D :D
"Loosen up! Have some fun! Yes, sleep when you feel like it...Eat food that is bad for you--at least once in a while...Make love in a hammock! Life is the ultimate experience..."
--English Professor in "The Sure Thing"

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:08 am

Down with crapola fat free hallucious tasting dressing!!!!!
Up with rice!!! :lol:
Glad you are feeling liberated! It's nice eh?

So, what, Denise, were you doing Atkins before?
Congrats on your zero cals in before bed! I think that most people, if asked what their hardest S is, overall, in the beginning months, will say, evening snacks in front of the boob tube...
Good for you!!!!!
It gets better too, so keep it up.. You seem like a very fun person! :D
Peace and Love,
8) Deb

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