I was doing so good!!

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I was doing so good!!

Post by talk2kim67 » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:10 pm

I was really sticking with the plan until last night. I was watching TV and the twizzlers were seriously calling me. I was doing battle in my head, but the sad outcome is...the twizzlers won. Now I feel horrible!! I'm not giving up--and I gave the twizzlers to my kids. I hurt like you-know-what to put a red mark on my habitcal , but it's what I need to stay honest! Wish me luck today! :oops:

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Post by Nicola » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:13 pm

Some times making a mistake and facing the consequences (like looking at that redmark) is more of a learning experience than never making a mistake. Now you know how it feels, now you don't want to repeat it. It was a learning experience, grow from it and move on!

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Post by flipturn » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:01 pm

I used to love red Twizzlers, even going so far as to have a friend send them to me while I lived in Paris. That's a lot of money in postage over the course of ten years! About five years ago (after having moved back to the USA), I realized that I would eat a bag in one sitting and it felt revolting. I would try to remember that feeling every time that I was tempted to buy red licorice. It also worked for Oreos, another trigger food. I still sometimes look longingly at those double cream fillings, but I do not allow myself to buy them. IIf I analyze it, I can't really explain why these psychological techniques worked for some foods but others are still problematic.

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Post by tgp157 » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:07 pm

I know how you feel. Yesterday I had my first slip up. I was soooo hungry yesterday afternoon & I had to go by Publix to get lettuce for supper & I should have only gotten some milk but instead I got the cheese danishes they make that I love & can't always find. I ate them both. :x :x :x Other than that the day was a success. Oh well, back to it. So, I am repeating my 13th day on habit today.
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Post by Rheba » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:08 pm

hey, it is okay to be human and have a slip up! Why do we think we have to follow it perfectly from the get go? After all, most of us have been on so many diets that allowed and almost insisted that you eat between meals that we have a lot of diet mentality to overcome and it won't always happen overnight.
We learn from our mistakes and hopefully don't repeat them. Give yourself a pat on the back for realizing it so quickly and dealing with it constructively and going forth to do battle with your snack habit! :)

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Post by reinhard » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:15 pm


Twizzlers are fearsome opponents :-)

Own up on your habit calendar and move on -- and keep those twizzlers at a safe distance, preferably out of the house.

It can take a long of screw ups to get build a new habit like this -- and I know that can be enormously frustrating. But take comfort in the knowledge that once you get the habit down it becomes amazingly easy.


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