Feeling More Focused

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Feeling More Focused

Post by deealison » Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:42 am

I've really enjoyed my food so much more during the last two weeks I've been on No S! I think I'm learning how to eat the right amount at meals to get to the next one. Before, it was always too little or too much! I was able to stop at 2 pieces of pizza. Wow! Who would have thought? I also had some other food, but it was unusual for me not to have too much pizza.

My Grandma was an ordered eater. She used to tell me, "I over-ate once, and I felt so bad I never did it again." She had an apartment in our house, and I remember her simple meals. She once refused a piece of hot bread because, "It will give me indigestion." I think people used to know how to eat, and when to eat better than we do today. The snacking has really ruined us.

Just about the only thing I've been best at is not snacking much anymore. I'm still sneaking some sweet stuff on my plate, but I feel like a normal eater now. I was able to get into a normal routine for a few years with WD, but I was supposed to stop eating immediately if I felt one twinge of fullness. Well, I was usually eating soon again because I hadn't had enough.

This is soooo much better than needing to tote around snacks. I ate a nice lunch around 2pm, took my girls to a 3pm movie, and didn't feel like I was going to die of hunger before I got back home. The girls had chocolate at the movie and I tried to resist, but realized it would be better to take a small piece than feel deprived. It's 7:30ish (pm) and with some coffee I could probably wait a little longer for dinner. Amazing!

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Post by blueskighs » Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:41 am

"I over-ate once, and I felt so bad I never did it again."

that is truly amazing. the truth is overeating feels awful and I think that is one of the reasons NO S works so well. Because as you get in habit on the weekends if you overeat it feels really awful. I wish I could say having this experience was enough to make me stop....
obviously it wasn't.

have another chance now,
www.nosdiet.blogspot.com Where I blog daily about my No S journey

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