Stability: my favorite benefit of the No-S Diet

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Stability: my favorite benefit of the No-S Diet

Post by Nichole » Thu May 01, 2008 2:21 pm

I've only lost 3 or maybe 4 lbs so far and it's been 29 days. But my favorite benefit and what I really appreciate is weight stability. I've been trying different things every time I heard or read something new, which resulted in some crazy fluctuations. 145 then 150, 147 then 152, etc. It was so depressing and it was too out of control. I think it would be because one week I'd eat a ton of ice cream/sweets and the next week I'd eat none, and so on.

So I don't know if it's too soon to say, but eating in such a more controlled way seems to have resulted in stability. My weight has not jumped up and down because I have a plan that I'm sticking to. Some days are harder than others, but overall it's so fool-proof for me.

Though my weight has plateaued at just about 145, give or take a half pound or so, I'm very greateful for the stability. It's so much easier on my mental health! (seriously)

(For some perspective, I'm a 23-year-old, 5'4" female :) )
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Post by CrazyCatLady » Thu May 01, 2008 11:44 pm

I really really need to lose weight to be "healthy". But like you, Nichole, just knowing that I won't keep fluctuating is wonderful. I also believe that there is no way that I could gain significantly on this plan. And I enjoy the food that I AM eating so much more!

Yay, Nichole, great job at stabilizing!

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Post by Dawn » Fri May 02, 2008 5:42 pm

ONLY?? What the heck do you mean you've ONLY lost 3 pounds in 29 days??? That's great, so much better than ONLY. :D

I agree the stability is great and such a new thing to me too. I used to be in awe of my husband when years ago every time he got on the scale it read 183. Always exactly 183. My weight has always fluctuated 2 to 4 pounds daily. Or should I say it used to. Since being on No-S I was exactly 167 every single time I got on the scale. I have decided to weigh in on the first of each month but last week I just couldn't stand it and got on the scale and I am down 2 pounds. I weighed in yesterday and it was still exactly 165. Sure I'd like to see a lot drop off real quick - especially with summer almost here, but I know how it works when it comes off quickly, it always comes back quickly and I am soooo tired of this roller coaster. So it's either do it quick or do it right - can't have it both ways. But the stability is keeping me sane until I am able to get to the next level in the actual weight loss part of this. I look at it as a two part plan and the most important part of the plan is getting my head on straight, the rest will follow.

Good luck to you and enjoy your stability, physically and mentally!

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Post by JillyBean » Fri May 02, 2008 6:27 pm

Dawn wrote:ONLY?? What the heck do you mean you've ONLY lost 3 pounds in 29 days???...

So it's either do it quick or do it right - can't have it both ways.
I agree on both counts! Only is not a positive word to describe a 3 pound loss in 29 days. It's sort of like the name I chose for this forum "Just Jill". Shows where my self-esteem was when I joined up. I will change it someday when I figure out how.

As for "do it quick or do it right" - I want the quick, but I want it to last more than I want the quick. Fi-nally, I think I have a way to do that!

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Post by Nichole » Fri May 02, 2008 7:25 pm

Hey thanks everybody! I didn't really think 3 lbs was a big deal. I thought I looked great, then I took a picture of myself for my check-in and got all down on myself this week.

Jill, you're right, "only" is NOT a positive word. I guess I started saying that because I feel like my last four/five lbs just won't come off, but that's not a very positive outlook is it??

[[By the way, all you need to do is click on Profile on the top of the screen and type a new name under the name box (the first box) and submit. I have done it before. We'll still know who you are!]]

Dawn, congrats on the two lb loss! I hear you on getting your head straight. I was so addicted to eating sweets every night and that was hard. So is the afternoon hunger.

CatLady, you sound like you're doing so well! I definitely agree about just knowing the fluctuations aren't going to be so bad. It's such a relief.
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