I can make you thin

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I can make you thin

Post by snazzybabe » Sun Sep 25, 2005 10:06 am

Has anyone read the Book from Paul McKenna - I Can Make You Thin.
Its pretty good and includes a weight-loss CD that you listen to that helps you become more positive about your body etc.

There are four golden rules that you have to follow:
1. When you are hungry, eat
2. Eat what you want, not what you think you should
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful
4. When you think you are full, stop eating

A lot of people have lost weight on it, effortlessly. There is a section on overcoming emotional eating. Not bad.

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paul mckennas cd n book

Post by lynne2005 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:01 pm

Hiya snazzy,

I got that set, settled down to listen to it in bed, like you normally do with this kind of thing. Anyway, i got comfortable, was listening and prepared to be hypnotised, and he said "stand up, and step through a door and into the self you want to be" or something like that, lol, i was nice and comfortable, and also my husband was always around so I gave the book and the cd to my daughter.

Thank you for reminding me about it, now that im on my own, seperated from my husband I can have another go at it. Ill get it back from my daughter today.

Thanks for the reminder, even though you didnt know!!! lol

Love to you and yours

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:32 pm

Dear Lynne!
There's nothing better than "Self" hypnosis, through *conscious* choices!
If you use the NoS Rules for a long enough time, as strictly as you can (don't worry about perfection) it will become habit...
If what this guy says is inspirational and makes you feel better, then I'd say, give it a shot too, but as much as we all want to "eat when hungry sleep when tired" etc... we all have years of bad habits to undo... A pep talk is always nice, as you and I know, but there is no avoiding having to do the work yourself...
I would suggest that you don't split your attention too much between too many different modes of diet right now... Get your habit brain programmed first before possibly confusing it with other (probably helpful but maybe distracting) dieting techniques...
Like any discipline, it's really important to get your basics down first, and then start improvising and tweaking later...
I used to have a good tape by the author of Prevention magazine that was handed down to me by my Mom... (she is obsessed with disease and doctors....) Well it was narrated by a guy who I really enjoyed listening to and to this day, I still remember liking what he said and all, and it did make me feel good... But it did nothing for my bad habits...
You are in control of those... Don't delegate the responsibility to anyone else (ie a tape of someone telling you "you are now a different person" or something other like that...)
Take the full responsibility and take the full credit for all the work...
When you do that, no matter how long it takes, *no one* can ever take that from you!
NoS will help you do this for yourself, in your own way, in your own time...
With love and respect,
8) Debbie

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deb - your right!

Post by lynne2005 » Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:53 pm

You sensible person you, lol

Ill have to re read Reinhards 20 pages, im responsible!!!!!

Love to you - and thank you for that reminder

Love Lynne xx
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Post by snazzybabe » Mon Sep 26, 2005 12:51 am

Some people just need a little reminding that they are good enough and that they can achieve their goals. Its just a 20 minute positive reinforcement CD which gets you off to a good day. With this one you are lying down the whole time.
With NoS you eat when hungry because by the time your meals come around you are usually hungry (with no snacks in between). This CD is helping you recognize hunger if you are someone who is constantly snacking, never seems to get full. Its mostly for the emotional eaters.

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Post by reinhard » Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:56 pm

Hi Snazzy,

Thanks for posting this. I haven't read the book, and I'm sure it contains a lot of excellent and encouraging advice, but I have a problem with "eat what you want, not what you should" as a system for weight loss.

I have 2 cats. The concept of "should" is utterly alien to them. But if I give them too much food they happily eat it and get fat. They want too much. So do I. Superabundance is not a natural problem. We don't have good instincts to deal with it. Why would we?

If you're an emotional eater, you may not get an honest answer to "am I really hungry?" It's harder to deceive yourself when the question is "is it mealtime?" or "is this a brownie and is it 4 AM Monday morning?"

"Dieting" may not have done much good for the problem of obesity, but I don't think it's quite fair to say that it caused it.

I'm not saying we have no "nature" to work with as regards eating, simply that it's not enough to rely on. Eating discreet meals is satisfying and "natural," but without either social pressure, natural scarcity, rules, or habit, that natural satisfaction by itself isn't going to be enough to make you do it. It's just a foundation. You can and should work with it (as No S does), but don't expect it to do the work for you.


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Post by snazzybabe » Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:54 am

reinhard wrote:Hi Snazzy,

Thanks for posting this. I haven't read the book, and I'm sure it contains a lot of excellent and encouraging advice, but I have a problem with "eat what you want, not what you should" as a system for weight loss.Reinhard
I think what he means by "eat what you want not what you should" is don't follow the latest diet just eat the food you like when you are hungry. Learn to recognise when you are truly hungry and don't let yourself get so famished that you attack anything in sight.
I don't think he wants you to eat processed food or sweets. A lot of the people who have done it have lost heaps of weight effortlessly while eating what they want to. But most people end up eating quite healthily. I've listened to the tape a few times and I feel really great afterwards.

In his book he says "learn the secrets of naturally thin people, not stick-figure models whose waif-like physiques come from eating disorders, drug addiction and airbrushing, but rather those people in life who somehow seem to be able to eat whatever they want and stay slim. By developing the eating habits of naturally thin people, you'll be able to eat anything you want, whenever you want and still lose weight".

He comments that naturally thin people don't think about food all the time. They just eat when they are hungry and don't feel guilty.

Anyway, I'm just going through a reading stage at the moment where I've been borrowing heaps of books from the library on health and diets and that was one of them. So thought I'd do a bit of a book report.

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