Looking forwards to NoS days

No Snacks, no sweets, no seconds. Except on Days that start with S. Too simple for you? Simple is why it works. Look here for questions, introductions, support, success stories.

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Looking forwards to NoS days

Post by anndelise » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:52 am

First, I admit that I'm brand new to the No S Diet. I found out about it while looking for books on amazon the Saturday before last. Sunday I sorta tested out what it might be like, and this past week we had our first No S week. Monday thru Friday we stuck with the rules (except monday morning when my daughter and i had cereal cuz i hadn't prepared breakfast options yet).

We have one additional rules which I had actually implemented the Friday before finding out about the No S Diet. The rule of "No food with TV, Computer, Reading, Games, etc."

Anyways, this three day weekend has been our first S weekend. And I must say, it wasn't all that enjoyable. Thursday my daughter and I sat down and figured out what we really really wanted for the S weekend. We each chose a ben and jerry's icecream, a drink/soda, and for her a large back of peanut m&m's and me a bag of two-bite brownies. My OH (other half) also got some ice cream, a drink, and some new chocolate skittles. He and I split the brownies and skittles with each other, half and half. We were all sooo looking forward to this weekend. (oh, and bought some cereals for breakfasts)

Saturday went ok, daughter ate over half her S foods. We found out that the chocolate skittles are just absolutely nasty. (He bought a bag of chocolate truffles to replace the skittles.) By Sunday evening we were all kinda feeling 'eh' about the S foods. Not all that excited about it. And by Monday noon, we were completely sick of S foods. Daughter finished all of hers. OH and I stashed the rest of the truffles in the closet for next weekend.

The funny thing is, the S foods we'd gotten....it hadn't been an uncommon thing to eat stuff like that within just a couple of days. But for some reason, it just wasn't as enjoyable this time. And probably was more habitual than enjoyable prior to last week.

We'll probably do about the same thing next weekend, but as of this afternoon, I'm definitely looking forward to this week's No S days.

I do want to add another comment. This whole week, there was absolutely no guilt. No trying to figure out whether or not to eat some S food, because the rule already said "no". And this weekend, no guilt about eating the S foods, because they were already allowed. So no guilt during the week...and no guilt during the weekend. Very nice!

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Post by howfunisthat » Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:24 pm

Hi & welcome!

I absolutely understand what you mean about looking forward to Non S Days! I'm on Day 38 and I hated this weekend. I ended up with just one yellow day and two green over the holiday weekend because nothing seemed worth making it a yellow day! I'm becoming much more content with my Non-S days....kind of a miracle in my world!

How nice that you are not doing this alone. Hopefully you'll be a great encouragement to each other in this adventure.

Again, welcome!

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Post by oliviamanda » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:37 pm

I am so relieved it's a No S day today. I cheated and started early on Friday because at work we tried to break up the afternoon and went and got Ben and Jerry's. Besides Sat and Sun, yesterday was a holiday (mind computes to S day) and now having 4 days of S's I am feeling awful.

I feel like I'm starting over again today. I really feel regretful on most Mondays that having the sweets really wasn't worth it... the scale tells me that. I know I need to tone down to SOMETIMES on S days a little more than I do.


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S Days-sometimes is key!

Post by la_loser » Tue Sep 02, 2008 2:17 pm

It's ok-- as someone has said before--Just mark it and move on. Sounds as if you do get the concept of SOMETIMES! :)

I can tell you that after you've been on habit a while that you will learn to observe more moderation on your S days. At first it seems as if you have to get all the S's in over the weekend to "stock up" for the rest of the week or to reward yourself for doing well the previous few days.

I have found that now that I've been doing this a couple of months, that I'm finding I'm able to follow Reinhard's advice to "not be an IDIOT" on S days. I realized last night that although it was officially a holiday, I didn't even need to call it an NWS day (non-weekend S day). For once, we didn't have a big celebration or guests over and it was just a normal day. Believe me, I have had my share of "idiot" days!

Once you've got the habits ingrained though, hopefully you'll find that as you say, you can really adhere to the original rules that include the word "sometimes."

"except SOMETIMES on days that start with S" is a key element to follow after you've got the basics down.

Be sure to listen to Reinhard's podcast on "S Days Gone Wild!"

Hang in there. We're all in this together!
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Post by wosnes » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:25 pm

One thing I'd add is to make the S foods worthwhile. Instead of a bag of two bite brownies, get a few brownies (one for each person, maybe?) from a really good bakery or make a batch of brownies. Instead of Skittles, get the truffles. Less of something really good is more satisfying than more of something of lesser quality.
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Post by anndelise » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:41 pm

wosnes wrote:One thing I'd add is to make the S foods worthwhile.
agreed, which is why we each sat down to figure out what we each really really wanted before we bought anything.

I happen to like the two bite brownies. I don't remember the brand name, but it's not the cheapy cheapy stuff. And I've yet to find a grocery store that makes brownies half as good. I should probably look for an actual bakery instead of the ones located inside the grocery stores.

My OH got the skittles. He knew I was looking for some small hard chocolate flavored candies (pre No S diet) and thought that these might work for me. But when we discovered how bad they tasted, we dumped the ones we had and he took the bag to work to give to fellow workers.

The truffles bag was too big for a weekend. Now we know to split it up into fourths at the least.

The ice cream and the drinks were perfect though. heh.


On another note, and to go with the original post, so far today's been awesome. It was nice to really go back to being able to let the 3 rules make the decisions about food instead of me. Even when my brother attempted to tempt me into getting a second bowl of all-you-can-eat soup, and even though I didn't feel that the first bowl was quite enough, I didn't go for seconds. And when the waiter brought the mints out, I gave mine to him. Something totally unthinkable prior to NoSDiet. But now, there was no qualms about it. It just didn't 'belong'.

It's so nice to let someone else make these kinds of decisions for me.

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Post by reinhard » Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:14 pm

I think it takes a little practice to find the right balance for S-days -- but when you're do, they're great.

Though I have to admit, when there are too many of them in a row, I max out. And even after ordinary weekends, though I'm usually pretty contented with how I ate, I'm definitely ready for N-days. The consciousness of eating with structured moderation is a pleasure in itself, maybe even comparable with the pleasure of eating sweet treats and multi course meals on S-days. It's certainly nice, over the course of a week, to be able to enjoy them both.


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