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Back again!

Post by scaissie » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:42 am

Probably about my fifth time to be on the No S plan, I have lost count and it has been awhile since I have been here on the boards, but here I go again. I did actually manage to lose about 20 pounds on this a few years ago. I have gained a lot of weight this year, been major stress eating due to problems with my marriage and a wayward teenager. When I saw how much I weighed the other day at the doctor's office, though, it was a big reality check for me, and I told the doctor I was going back on the "No S" diet, and I told her a little bit about it, she said it sounded good. I haven't read the book, so I need to get it. It really is the only thing I have tried that I feel I could actually do the rest of my life easily. I actually started yesterday (though I ate an ice cream bar last night, but that is it, I did not keep eating sweets like I would ordinarily have done, so I still call it a successful day!) Today I have done perfect, though! A lot of people will say to me "Don't go on a diet, you are too stressed", but I really think overeating on junk food makes you even more stressed, and No S really doesn't feel like a "diet", just a sensible way to eat.

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Post by gratefuldeb67 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:16 am

Hi and welcome back!
If anything, NoS will help you be *less* stressed, by giving you the tools to eat healthily and sanely!
Good luck :)
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Re: Back again!

Post by winnie96 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:27 am

scaissie wrote:"Don't go on a diet, you are too stressed", but I really think overeating on junk food makes you even more stressed, and No S really doesn't feel like a "diet", just a sensible way to eat.
To me, No-S is sort of a chicken-egg thing ... which came first: the life problems or the whacked-out eating, and how do these two conditions feed off each other to put one in an endless loop of misery? Approaching food the No-S way not only gives me a better way to deal with food, it gives me a better way to deal with other life issues because if I am successful in following the minimal No-S rules, I find that I am stronger to follow a more common sense approach to the ups and downs of life in general. (Does that make any sense?)

But I have to heartily agree with you that "overeating junk food just makes you more stressed". I have found that getting control over the junk food deal just naturally leads me into getting better control over stress. (I think that this is physiological as well as psychological).

Anyhoo -- based on my experience, you've certainly come back to the right place. I hope the peace you find with food issues on No-S can carry over into dealing with the rest of life like it has for me.

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Post by blueskighs » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:01 am


Welcome back! and yes get the book, it is really MOTIVATING!

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Post by howfunisthat » Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:02 pm

Welcome back....I'm sorry your life has been stressful. That can make everything so much harder.

I'd recommend the book's great to pick up & read especially when you just need a bit of encouragement. My copy has been read & read and each time I open it I find another tidbit I hadn't noticed before. Some days it's just what I need to help me succeed for the day and get ready for the next.

I wish you much success!
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